

<p>摄影:林菘</p><p><br></p><p>模特:心莲</p><p><br></p><p>场地:古漪园</p> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p>书是一盏明亮的灯,</p><p>照亮心中的黑暗,</p><p>明白了世间的善恶美丑;</p><p>A book is a bright light,</p><p>Light up the darkness in my heart,</p><p>Understand the good and evil, beauty and ugliness in the world;</p><p>书是一对洁白的翅膀,</p><p>带我们飞到云海深处,</p><p>一览山河的壮丽美景;</p><p>A book is a pair of white wings,</p><p>Take us to the depths of the sea of clouds,</p><p>A panoramic view of the magnificent scenery of mountains and rivers;</p><p>书是一叶坚固的小舟,</p><p>带我们驶向成功的彼岸,</p><p>任凭风吹浪打也不回头。</p><p>A book is a strong boat,</p><p>Lead us to the other side of success,</p><p>Let the wind and waves fight and never look back.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>书常常把我们带入快乐的巅峰,奇妙的境界,</p><p>Books often bring us to the peak of happiness, a wonderful realm,</p><p>有时又把我们推到恐怖的深渊,灵魂的深处,</p><p>Sometimes it pushes us into the abyss of terror, the depths of the soul,</p><p>为它着迷,为它疯狂,置身书海,无法自拔。</p><p>Fascinated by it, crazy for it, immersed in the sea of books, unable to extricate themselves.</p> <p>书是一泓清泉,洗净因喧器而浮躁的灵魂;</p><p>The book is a clear spring, washing away the impetuous soul caused by noisy utensils;</p><p>书如一盏明灯,点亮因繁华而迷茫的道路;</p><p>The book is like a bright lamp, lighting up the road that is confused by prosperity;</p><p>书如一片面包,填饱因空虚而饥饿的精神;</p><p>A book is like a piece of bread that fills the spirit hungry by emptiness;</p><p>鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。</p><p>If a bird wants to fly high, he must flap his wings, and a man will read a book if he wants to make progress.</p>