<p>Little Windmill Kindergarten’s summer fun water activities! </p> <p> 每个孩子对水都充满好奇,都愿意亲近水。水对幼儿来说具有一种天然的吸引力和亲和力,他们能在有趣的玩水活动中体验到自由和快乐,也期盼着能和小同伴在水的世界里尽情的游戏。为了让孩子有一个别样的玩水体验,三林小风车幼儿园开展了“有趣的水”系列活动。</p><p> Every child is always curious about water and willing to get close to it. Water has a natural attraction and sympathy for little children. They can experience freedom and happiness while playing with water, and they even enjoy more when their friends can join to play together. In order, to let children have unforgettable water playing experience, Sanlin Xiaofengche little Kindergarten launched a series of "Fun Water" activities.</p> 游戏篇Games <p> 今天,幼儿园的孩子们迎来了翘首以盼的 "水枪大战"。孩子们在老师的带领下把幼儿园变成了欢乐的海洋。</p><p> Today, children took part in the exciting "Water Gun War" play. With teachers’ help, children turned the kindergarten into a sea of joy.<br></p> 水枪大战 <p style="text-align: center;">Water gun battle</p><p style="text-align: right;"><br></p><p><br></p> <p> </p><p> 瞧!孩子们都已经整装待发,一场激烈又有趣的打水仗活动即将开始喽!</p><p> Look! The children are all ready to go, and an intense and interesting water fight is about to begin!</p> <p> 一支支水枪“火力全开”,孩子们你追我赶,玩的不亦乐乎。飞溅的水花、爽朗的笑声,气氛如同夏日的温度持续高升。</p><p> A squirt gun is charged and kids are chasing and having fun. Splashing water, laud laughters, the atmosphere of kept summer is rising.</p> <p> </p> 多彩的泡泡 <p style="text-align: center;">Colorful bubbles</p><p><br></p> <p> 宝贝们在泡泡的世界里欢乐奔跑,追逐着五彩缤纷的泡泡,稚嫩的小脸洋溢着灿烂的笑容。</p><p> Babies are running happily in the world of bubbles, chasing colorful bubbles and their childish faces are full of bright smiles.</p> 探索篇Explore 水的浮力 <p> Water measuring device</p> 水流演示器 <p> Water flow show</p> 自制泡泡水 <p> Homemade bubble water</p> 物体的溶化和过滤 <p> Melting and filtering of things</p> <p> 水是神秘而宝贵的物质,不仅拥有着很多奥秘,还能带给我们许多欢乐,所以我们应该爱惜并节约用水,宝贝们,节约用水应从点滴做起,从你我做起。</p><p> Water is a mysterious and precious consistence. It not only has many mysteries, but also brings us a lot of joy, so we should cherish and save water. </p><p> We should remember that saving water depends on us, children. </p> 文案编辑:闫老师<br><br>照片提供:各班老师<br><br>审查校稿:蒋老师、王老师<br><br>地址:上海市浦东新区凌兆路127弄2号小风车幼儿园<br><br>咨询电话:58494258--812