【1AU12 The Chimney -2】小西妈双语工程2001期26号-Lisa-D77

💯 💝 果栋

1.📻Audio/Vedio:<br>(1)清华英语1A Unit12<br>(2)清华汉语牙牙学语(二)U2《爬竹竿》<br>2.📺本周唐诗&字母:李白《金陵酒肆留别》+字母Q/R<br>3.📚Reading: 4.🎯 Game <div>★Game-1 Make a chimney<br>M : Baby , come here . Let's make a chimney . See , here is a box . Let's cut the two sides of the box with a knife, Now we got a chimney;<br>M: The top of this box is the lid. Can you show me the top of the chimney ?<br>Good.Can you open the lid?<br>M: Great, Look, here is Santa(put a Santa puppet in the box). Can you help him open the lid ?<br>★Game-2 I'm Santa<br>Tips:初步认识圣诞老人的装备;需增加!!!<br>M: Hello , I'm Santa . Look , my hat is red ; my coat is red ; my pants are red too . Hello , Baby . This is my bag . I'll give you a gift . Merry Christmas .<br>L: Merry Christmas . Thank you Santa .<br>M : Do you want to be Santa ?Put on Santa's clothes and give gifts to daddy , grandma and grandpa .<br>★Game-3 Santa is coming<br>Tips:与G2连续玩耍;<br>(Make a little house with a box. Don't forget the chimney. Mommy can use a Santa puppet to introduce Santa)<br>M: Hello baby, I'm Santa. Oh, here is a chimney and here is the top.Now, I will open the lid and Santa will pop out(make the puppet to do the actions).Baby, do you want to try?<br>(Sing the song and do the actions with the puppet)<br>  <br>★Game-4 Finger play<br>  Tip:动作演示和分解动作介绍。当说到POP时,身体要随着跳一下。<br>  💆:Show me your fist.here is the chimney,where is the top?here is the top.And let's open the lid.<br>M: Baby, I'll do the finger play, Can you follow me? Make a chimney like this . This is Santa . Now , this is the top . Open the lid . Out Santa will pop .<br>(Mommy can put one hand on the kid's fist to as the lid and play the game one more time )<br></div> <p>5.🎯【Supplementary】</p><p>★ Decorate the christmas tree</p><p>(1)About christmas tree</p><p><u style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">人们用什么树来做圣诞树?</u></p><p>P:Do you know what tree do we usually use for Christmas tree?</p><p> 你知道我们通常用什么树做圣诞树吗?</p><p>K:European fir? 是欧洲冷杉吗?</p><p>P:Yes, European fir is the most common tree that stay green in winter.</p><p>是的,欧洲冷杉是最常见的一种在冬天保持绿色的树。</p><p>P:It is widely used and popular Christmas tree at present. It has beautiful appearance, pleasant color and fragrant smell. When cutting, the leaves are not easy to fall. And the price is very cheap, so it is also a very common Christmas tree species.</p><p>它是目前广泛使用和流行的圣诞树。外观美观,色泽宜人,气味芳香。剪的时候,叶子不容易掉下来。而且价格非常便宜,所以它也是一种非常常见的圣诞树品种。</p><p>P: Green is a great color, trees and grass are green, it represents life and vitality. 绿色是一个非常棒的颜色,树,草地都是绿色,它代表生命和活力。</p><p>P:And European fir is regarded as the most traditional Christmas tree, It Symbolizes good luck and the eternity of life.欧洲冷杉被视为是最为传统的圣诞树,象征着吉祥如意和生命的永恒。</p><p><u style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">圣诞节代表性颜色是什么?</u></p><p>K:Besides green, what's the representative color of Christmas?</p><p>除了绿色,圣诞节还有什么颜色?</p><p>P: Westerners regard red, green and white as Christmas color.西方人以红、绿、白三个颜色为圣诞色。</p><p>P: Red symbolizes festivity.红色象征着喜庆。</p><p>P: Gold symbolizes fashion金色象征时尚。</p><p> White and silver symbolizes purity白色、银色象征纯洁。</p><p> Yellow symbolizes warmth黄色象征温馨。</p><p><u style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">认识圣诞树各个部分</u></p><p>P: Decorating the tree is the really fun part.</p><p> 装饰圣诞树是真正有意思的部分。</p><p>P:But first, let's learn this Christmas tree ornaments/ˈɔːnəmənt/ first.</p><p>我们先来认识一下这些圣诞树挂件。</p><p>Top pentagramd which is also called the top star, the star of Bethlehem, is the star of Christmas or the star of Jesus. It symbolizes the star that led the three wise men to Jesus.</p><p>顶部五角星又叫顶星、伯利恒之星,是圣诞之星、耶稣之星。它象征着那颗引导三位智者找到耶稣的星星。</p><p>There is also a tree top ornament called Angel Tree Topper.</p><p>还有一种树顶装饰,Angel Tree Topper 天使树顶。</p><p>The bells are rang to inform the birth of Jesus, from heaven. Others use the bell to bring people back to God without losing their way. At the same time ,the bells also means exorcising evil spirits, so you can hang bells on the Christmas tree.</p><p>钟声响起,预示着耶稣从天降生。也有人用铃铛把人带回上帝身边,不至于迷失方向。同时,铃铛还意味着驱邪,所以也可以在圣诞树上挂铃铛。</p><p>Apple is also an ornament for the Christmas tree, It is the fruit of Eden’s wisdom, it symbolize fruitful fruits and happiness.</p><p>苹果也是圣诞树挂件之一,它作为伊甸园智慧的果实,象征着丰硕的果实和幸福。</p><p>Christmas wreath are usually made of evergreen conifers, both round and half moon ,decorated with red fruit and bells. On Christmas eve, people protect their children from evil spirits.</p><p>圣诞花环一般采用常绿的针叶枝条制作,有圆形的,也有半月形的,上面点缀着一些红色果实和铃铛。在圣诞前夕,人们挂上这种花环,保护自己的儿女们在新的一年中不被妖魔鬼怪伤害。</p><p>People also use mistletoe to make wreath which is called mistletoe wreath. It’s that any woman standing under mistletoe can be kissed by other people.</p><p>人们也用槲寄生做花环,也叫槲寄生花环。据说,任何站在槲寄生下的女人都可以被别人亲吻。</p><p>Tree Pick There is a special kind of flower arrangement, called Mistletoe. It is a common Christmas ornament. People believe that hanging mistletoe at home will bring good luck.</p><p>插花当中有一种很特别的,叫槲寄生Mistletoe.槲寄生是常见的圣诞节装饰。人们相信在家里悬挂槲寄生会带来好运。 </p><p>小贴士4:“北欧神话中,和平之神Balder被邪恶之神Loki以槲寄生所制成的箭射死,Balder的母亲——爱神Freya得知后痛不欲生,和众神想尽办法挽救Balder的生命,终于将他救活。Freya非常感激,因此承诺无论谁站在槲寄生下,便赐给那个人一个亲吻……” 传说在槲寄生下亲吻的情侣,会厮守到永远。</p><p>Muppet The Christmas tree can be decorated with little dolls like santa’s puppets, reindeer, gingerbread man, snowman etc.</p><p>在圣诞树上可以装饰一些小玩偶,就是圣诞老人那种形状的布偶,麋鹿, 姜饼人, 雪人。</p><p>雪花片是圣诞树上最常见的饰品。</p><p>Candy Cane The original origin of candy canes is unknown. The most widely spreaded Legend is that the candy cane symbolizes the shepherd's walking stick in the nativity story. Others believe that the curved shape of the candy stick symbolizes the "J" of Jesus.</p><p>拐杖糖最初的起源已不得而知。最广为流传的说法是,它象征着耶稣诞生故事中牧羊人的手杖。也有人认为,糖棍儿弯曲的形状象征着耶稣(Jesus)的“J”。</p><p>Cookie represent people life and beauty and sweetness</p><p>小甜饼代表 人们的生活和和美美,甜蜜。</p><p>Candles symbolize Christ</p><p>蜡烛象征基督</p><p>Christmas stockings are used to collect gifts. Gifts can be placed under the Christmas tree, in stockings.</p><p>圣诞袜子 用来收集礼物树底下还有打的圣诞袜子,是用来装礼物的。</p><p>There are also other ornaments like: </p><p>Bauble 小球,小件装饰品的总称-Gift Box 礼物盒子-Pine Cone 松塔</p><p>Bow 蝴蝶结-Christmas Light 圣诞彩灯</p><p>https://uploader.shimo.im/f/YB6HOS9RSk43lfQZ.png</p><p>The lights on the Christmas tree should be beautiful and kept on all night long.</p><p>圣诞树的灯要很漂亮,要点一整夜,不关。礼物可以放在圣诞树下,长筒袜里。</p><p>Tinsel 拉花-Ribbon 丝带-Poinsettia 圣诞红(一品红)</p><p>Christmas red is also used to decorate rooms and Christmas trees, which is also called poinsettia.</p><p>圣诞红(也就是一品红)也被用来装饰房间和圣诞树。</p><p>We will also hang some other ornaments inside or outside the house.</p><p>咱们还会在屋里,屋外挂一些其它的装饰品。</p> <p>(2)About mistletoe--介绍视频</p><p>M:It is common decoration at Christmas time.But if you find yourself under the mistletoe you need to kiss the person you with.WHY?Let's see the vedio and find out.</p> <div>  (3)Decorate the christmas tree<br></div>Does a fish belong on a Christmas tree? How about a bow? Find the objects that don’t belong on the tree and cross them out. Survey the class to see if everyone agrees. ☆ SANTA where are you?<br>Santa needs an extra helper this year. Give him a hand by coloring the presents, cutting them out, and pasting them into his sleigh. I wonder who they’re for?! ☆ Write to SANTA? 6.🎯【唐诗】<div>我们跟着李白行走出蜀图,圣诞老人也来凑热闹了。整体复习了出蜀诗歌《峨眉山月歌》《渡荆门送别》《望庐山瀑布》《夜宿山师》《望天门山》《金陵酒肆留别》。</div> The end!









