【1B-U7-Where is thumbkin-3】Day109-Vlearn双语工程1906期29号Domi2020.08.18


<p>本单元涉及身体,拓展的方向有很多,比如器官、血液、皮肤和骨骼等等,因为哆咪曾经参加过华府组织的万圣节活动,之后就喜欢上万圣节相关的内容,比如女巫、幽灵和骷髅等等,所以我们选择了骨骼拓展。备课涉及3本绘本和4首儿歌,总计11个游戏。另外,期间我的大侄子(5岁,未参加双语工程,但有报其他英语网络课程)来我家做客,其中一次上课就变成两个娃了。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">Game1 – Roll a Skeleton</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">What you will need: A pencil, paper, a dice, 2 people or more. </span></p><p><br></p><p>The aim of this game is to be the first person to fully finish drawing your skeleton. Each number on the dice is equal to a part of the skeleton and when you roll the number you draw that part of the skeleton e.g. if you roll a 6 you draw the body. If you roll a six on another turn you miss a go because you already have a body. </p><p><br></p><p>Take turns rolling the dice. One roll each turn. </p><p><br></p><p>6 = body - ribcage, spine, hip bone</p><p>5 = skull </p><p>4 = left arm, wrist, and finger bones</p><p>3 = right arm, wrist, and finger bones</p><p>2 = left leg, ankle, and foot bones</p><p>1 = right leg, ankle, and foot bones</p><p><br></p><p> If you want to make the game a bit more difficult, and frustrating, you can add the rule that you must roll a 6 (a body) to start drawing your skeleton.</p> <p><b>Game2 –Skeleton Bones Printable For Kids</b></p><p>This simple skeleton was based on a favorite Halloween costume {more on that in a minute} and can be used as an activity sheet to learn 9 basic bone names that are commonly on decorative skeletons: clavicle, cranium, femur, humerus, pelvis, ribs, tibia, ulna, and vertebrae. </p><p><br></p><p>Start by learning the bones that are on the skeleton and then start learning the ones that were left out. Once you are familiar with the basic skeleton, it is fun to see all the variations you can identify through the Halloween season.</p> <p><b>Game3 –SKELETON CRAFT</b></p><p>Materials:</p><ul><li>Black (or other color) construction paper</li><li>White construction paper skulls</li><li>1 whole q tip per child, 22 half q tips per child</li><li>Glue</li><li>Black markers</li></ul><p>Approach:</p><ul><li>Have the children grab a piece of black (or other color) construction paper, skull and the Q Tips.</li><li>Using sample as guide, glue Q Tips to paper accordingly.</li><li>Glue skull onto paper</li><li>Draw eyes, nose and mouth onto skull</li></ul> <p><b>Game4 –Make a Skeleton</b></p><p>将这个Skeleton Pattern用卡纸打印出来,或者将它粘贴在硬卡纸上,圆圈处用二脚钉固定即可。</p> 一个可以活动的Skeleton,给他取个名字吧! <p><b>Game5 –skeleton puzzle</b></p><p>自制拼图,考验孩子的视觉逻辑和问题解决能力。只需要将一个完整的骨骼图用卡纸打印出来,划分为10等份(也可以根据孩子的能力来划分,低龄孩子划分成5、6份也是可以的),记得在划分好的拼图右侧写上编号,这样方便孩子自检哦。</p> 还有一种拼图的做法,是将整体骨骼图以平面的方式进行拆解,非常震撼直观!有现成的模版打印出来即可,也可以让孩子上色创作自己独一无二的骨骼拼图。 皮肤下的骨骼拼接游戏,引导孩子将骨骼拼接到身体里 <p><b>Game6 – I HAVE BONES </b></p><p>Supplies:</p><ul><li>Large paper</li><li>Pencil</li><li>Paint (optional)</li><li>Paint brush</li><li>Skeleton Bones Printable (available to download for free at the end of this post)</li></ul><p><br></p><p>Directions:</p><ul><li>Have child lie down on the paper and use the pencil to trace around them. My daughter couldn’t stop giggling as I traced around her because it tickled.</li></ul><p><br></p><ul><li>Paint the paper, filling in the outline. My daughter chose red paint to look like blood. A bit gross and totally awesome because she totally got into the spirit of this activity! You could skip painting, but I do recommend using a thick pen to outline the body. Once our paint was dry we hung it on the wall to do the rest of the activity.</li></ul><p><br></p><ul><li> Talk about bones and place them on the paper. As we discussed each bone we pointed to it in our body and poked ourselves so we could feel it. My daughter also liked putting the skeleton piece on her body before sticking it to the paper. We talked about what the bone helps us do (ribs protect our heart and lungs, leg bones help us stand and walk, fingers help us pick up things…).</li></ul><p><br></p> <p><b>Game7 –WHY DO I HAVE BONES?</b></p><p>Supplies:</p><ul><li>Playdough</li><li>Straws</li><li>Scissors</li></ul><p><br></p><p>Directions:</p><ul><li>Have child build to bodies using straws in one to represent bones, and no straws in a second one to represent a body without bones. If your child is having difficulty building a body you could have them build a leg with and without a straw to complete the activity.</li></ul><p><br></p><ul><li>We found it easiest to make each part, stick a straw into it, and then cut the straw leaving extra length to attach it together.</li></ul><p><br></p><ul><li>After our playdough creations were made we tried to stand each of them up. Our boneless playdough body fell over and felt weak, but our playdough body with straw bones stood tall and felt strong even when we squished them with our hands.</li></ul><p><br></p> <p><b>Game8 –SKELETON BONES RIPPED PAPER CRAFT</b></p><p>Skeleton Bones Ripped Paper Craft for Kids: No scissors are needed for this craft and it's perfect for a Human Anatomy lesson, X is for X ray craft, or spooky Halloween decoration</p><p><br></p><p>Supplies:</p><ul><li>Craft paper (black and white)</li><li>White Chalk-affiliate link</li><li>Glue</li></ul><p><br></p><p>Directions:</p><ul><li>Trace arm, hand, and or foot out on black paper with chalk onto black paper.</li><li>Rip white paper in shapes of bones and glue to black paper inside the chalk lines</li></ul> <p><b>Game9 –skeleton scavenger hunt</b></p> <p><b>Game10 –skeleton spinning game</b></p> <p><b>Game11 –connect the dots</b></p> Reading <p>《dry bones》、《Animal Skeleton》、《 bones》</p> <p>Let's connect those dry bones. 让我们把那些枯骨连接起来,</p><p>Let's connect those dry bones. 让我们把那些枯骨连接起来,</p><p>Let's connect those dry bones. 让我们把那些枯骨连接起来,</p><p>Now hear the world of the Lord! 现在听主的话!</p><p>Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones, 枯骨,枯骨,枯骨,</p><p>Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones, 枯骨,枯骨,枯骨,</p><p>Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones, 枯骨,枯骨,枯骨,</p><p>Now hear the word of the Lord! 现在听主的话!</p><p>The toe bone's connected to the foot bone, 脚趾骨连接到足骨,</p><p>The foot bone's connected to the ankle bone, 足骨连接到脚踝骨(距骨),</p><p>The ankle bone's connected to the leg bone, 脚踝骨(距骨)相接到小腿骨,</p><p>The leg bone's connected to the knee bone, 小腿骨连接到膝盖骨,</p><p>The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone, 膝盖骨连接到大腿骨(股骨),</p><p>The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone, 大腿骨(股骨)连接到臀骨(髋骨),</p><p>The hip bone's connected to the back bone, 臀骨(髋骨)连接到后背骨(脊椎),</p><p>The back bone's connected to the shoulder bone, 后背骨(脊椎)连接到肩胛骨(肱骨),</p><p>The shoulder bone's connected to the neck bone, 肩胛骨(肱骨)连接到颈骨,</p><p>The neck bone's connected to the head bone, 颈骨连接到头骨,</p><p>Now hear the word of the Lord! 现在听主的话!</p><p>Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk around, 枯骨,枯骨要去散步,</p><p>Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk around, 枯骨,枯骨要去散步,</p><p>Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk around, 枯骨,枯骨要去散步,</p><p>Now hear the word of the Lord! 现在听主的话!</p><p><br></p><p>Disconnect dem bones, dem dry bones,</p><p>Disconnect dem bones, dem dry bones,</p><p>Disconnect dem bones, dem dry bones,</p><p>Now hear the word of the Lord! </p><p>The head bone's connected to the neck bone,</p><p>The neck bone's connected to the the shoulder bone,</p><p>The shoulder bone's connected to the back bone,</p><p>The back bone's connected to the hip bone,</p><p>The hip bone's connected to the thigh bone,</p><p>The thigh bone's connected to the knee bone,</p><p>The knee bone's connected to the leg bone,</p><p>The leg bone's connected to the ankle bone, </p><p>The ankle bone's connected to the foot bone, </p><p>The foot bone's connected to the toe bone,</p><p>Now hear the word of the Lord! </p><p>Now hear the word of the Lord! </p> Singing <p>《the skeleton dance》、《Dry bones Dem Bones》、《Dry bones Dem》、《Bones》</p> Key Words <p style="text-align: center;"><b>重要词汇</b></p><p>connect&nbsp;[kə'nekt]&nbsp;连接;</p><p>be connected to ……和……连接</p><p>Lord&nbsp;[lɔːd]&nbsp;神,上帝;</p><p>hear the world of 听……的话;</p><p>Dem&nbsp;德语词汇,表示:那些;</p><p>gonna&nbsp;['gɒnə]&nbsp;=going to 将要;</p><p>walk︵around 四处走动;注意连读,</p><p>disconnect&nbsp;[dɪskə'nekt]&nbsp;拆开;</p><p><br></p><p style="text-align: center;"><b>骨骼基础称呼</b></p><p>toe&nbsp;bone 趾骨;toe [təʊ] 脚趾</p><p>foot&nbsp;bone 脚骨;foot &nbsp;[fʊt] 脚</p><p>ankle&nbsp;bone&nbsp;踝(huai)骨;ankle ['æŋkl] 脚踝</p><p>bone&nbsp;[bəʊn]&nbsp;骨头</p><p>leg&nbsp;bone 小腿骨;leg &nbsp;[leɡ] 腿</p><p>knee&nbsp;bone 膝盖骨;knee [niː] 膝盖</p><p>thigh&nbsp;bone 股骨,大腿骨;thigh &nbsp;[θaɪ] 大腿</p><p>hip&nbsp;bone 髋骨;hip &nbsp;[hɪp] 臀部</p><p>back&nbsp;bone 脊柱;back [bæk] 背脊</p><p>shoulder&nbsp;bone 肩胛骨;shoulder ['ʃəʊldə]&nbsp;肩膀</p><p>neck&nbsp;bone 颈椎骨;neck [nek] 脖子</p><p>head&nbsp;bone 颅骨;head [hed] 头</p><p>finger&nbsp;&nbsp;['fɪŋɡə(r)] 手指</p><p>arm&nbsp;[ɑːm]&nbsp;手臂</p><p>elbow&nbsp;['elbəʊ]&nbsp;手肘</p><p>wrist&nbsp;[rɪst]&nbsp;手腕</p><p>hand&nbsp;[hænd] 手</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align: center;"><b>骨骼专有名词</b></p><p>skull&nbsp;[skʌl] 头盖骨;骷髅头;</p><p>spine&nbsp;[spaɪn] 脊柱;</p><p>rib&nbsp;[rɪb] 肋骨,排骨;</p><p>pelvis&nbsp;['pelvɪs] 盆骨;</p><p>humerus&nbsp;['hjuːm(ə)rəs] 肱骨;</p><p>carpal&nbsp;['kɑːp(ə)l] 腕骨;</p><p>scapula&nbsp;['skæpjʊlə] 肩胛骨;</p><p>radius&nbsp;['reɪdɪəs]&nbsp;桡(ráo)骨(Radius);</p><p>phalange&nbsp;['fælæn(d)ʒ]&nbsp;趾骨;</p><p>ulna&nbsp;['ʌlnə]&nbsp;尺骨;</p><p>pelvis&nbsp;['pelvɪs] 盆骨;</p><p>femur&nbsp;['fiːmə]&nbsp;股骨,大腿骨;</p><p>tibia&nbsp;[ˈtɪbiə]&nbsp;&nbsp;胫骨;</p><p>fibula&nbsp;['fɪbjʊlə]&nbsp;腓([féi])骨;</p><p>tarsal&nbsp;['tɑːs(ə)l]&nbsp;跗(fū)骨;</p><p>metatarsal&nbsp;[,metə'tɑːs(ə)l]&nbsp;跖(zhí)骨;</p><p>patella&nbsp;[pə'telə]&nbsp;膝盖骨;</p> Human skeleton <p><b>◆Skeleton has thee main functions:</b></p><ul><li>It supports the body.</li><li>It protects organs, for example the ribcage protect the lungs and heart and the skull protects the brain.</li><li>It helps the body move, along with muscles.</li></ul><p><br></p><p>Can you bend your fingers and feel the finger joins with your other hand?</p><p>Muscles help our bones move. If you bend your arm and clench your fist, can you see the shape of the muscle in your upper arm?</p><p><br></p><p><b>◆How to make sure you have healthy bones</b></p><ul><li>Eat the right foods</li></ul><p>Bones need two key nutrients to stay healthy: Calcium and Vitamin D.</p><p>We take in calcium through our diet, good sources of calcium include:</p><p>Milk, cheese and other dairy products:</p><p><i>Spinach,Sardines,Nuts,Leafy green vegetables,Fortified cereals.</i></p><p>Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium, Vitamin D is mostly made under the skin in reaction to sunlight, but is also found in foods such as eggs and oily fish.</p><ul><li>Exercise</li></ul><p>Exercise helps make bones stronger by increasing bone density, as well as improving muscle strength, and coordination.</p><p>Did you know bone density keeps increasing into the mid 20s?</p><ul><li>Doctor Role Play</li></ul><p>As a fun way to learn about bones we set up a doctor role play area.</p><p>We talked about how X-rays are needed to see whether bones are fractured or not and how a plaster cast is used to hold broken bones correctly in place until they are healed.</p><p>An X-Ray is a type of radiation which passes straight through the human body. Dense areas such as bone show up lighter than softer areas.</p> Animal skeleton 一点花絮









