像我国北方诸多人类聚居区一样,在我们冀东一带的许多村镇,都不难发现古老的槐树,有的虽然主干已经中空,但风骨依然刚劲,树冠虬枝交错、叶片繁茂。如慈祥的老人,守望着世代的家园。<br> 在丰润境内,我寻访过现存有古槐树的村镇有:银城铺、田家湾、石匣、潘家峪、赵庄子等。这些古槐的树龄,据当地老乡说,大多在400年至600年左右。如今,这些古树都已被乡亲们奉为至宝,自发地加以保护,就像对待自己的先辈一样悉心。在田家湾,几位村民就纷纷向我反映,他们村里这棵古树近年来叶片有些稀疏,问是什么原因、有没有危害和解决的办法。在这些疑问前,作为植物生理学的门外汉,我也无以做答。因此,我特别吁请诸位有办法或有线索的朋友,能不能尽力予以帮助。<br> 为什么乡亲们对这些古槐树饱含深情?我想除这些古树存世至今以成稀有外,还有更加深刻的缘由。<br> 我们冀东一带现有的居民,多属原发地在晋、鲁地区的移民。其中,落户植树是晋系移民的显著特征之一。<br><br>晋系移民的先人,最初都生活在丰饶的汾河谷地。公元十五世纪,地处内地的新生王朝——明王朝因武力强盛而国力日盛,一度将此前长期盘踞在燕云十六州的北方游牧部落驱至漠北,收复了这片曾被后晋“儿皇帝”石敬塘出卖的疆土。这些土地因以前曾掌控在游牧民族的手里,尚未形成广泛的农耕生态。所以被明朝收复后,即以移民政策实施农业开发,而这些移民资源的多数,就来自当时人口众多的晋、鲁一带。<br>每逢移民派遣,难免乡亲离散。这时,十里八乡的乡亲齐聚在洪洞老槐树下,祭别祖先,然后怀揣古槐的种籽和依依别恋,踏上漫漫行程。所以,众多移民的后代在追溯根源时,就有“问我祖先来何处,山西洪洞大槐树”的说法。<br>移民们经过千里跋涉,有的就落户在当时尚属边地的冀东一带。<br>晋系移民在找到和确定自己未来的居住地后,首先就是把采自故乡的古槐树籽种植下去。于是,这些漂泊的游子,就有了与先地血脉相牵的根。<br>世世代代,民众与槐树相依而生,村庄与槐树结伴而长,连绵数百年乡情不绝。<br>古槐树就是乡情、亲情的载体,想到她,故乡就在身边;望到她,情义就在心中!<br>中国人是讲究缘分的,乡情、亲情是国人的缘的核心,而这缘既能够聚拢又能够扩散,无论处所有没有古槐映衬,缘都可以把我们相同和不同的血脉牵系在一起!<br><div><br></div><div style="text-align: right;">2009.07.28<br></div> 又记:出于对古槐的关注,今天我又去田家湾看了看那棵老树。欣喜的是,所见的竟然是枝繁叶茂、花穗繁荣。据树下休憩的老人们说,这棵树在去年以前,已经有好几年没有开花了。 <p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;">● 英文版 ●</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;">Tr.Yuxin(译/余心)</p> As many human settlements in the north of our country,in many towns of the eastern part of HeBei Province,it's not difficult to find ancient locust trees . Some of them, the trunks have been hollow . But the spirits remain stronger. The twisted branches of the tree canopy are staggered and leaf blade is lush. They are like kind old people, guarding their homeland generations.<br><br><div>The towns I ever visited have ancient locust trees in Fengrun County: Yinchengpu,Tianjiawan,Shixia,Panjiayu,Zhaozhuangzi,etc. According to the villager,these trees’s age are almost 400 to 600 years old. Nowadays,these ancient trees have been treated as the most precious treasure by villagers. They protect them spontaneously,and care them like their ancestors. In Tianjiawan,some villagers told me that ancient tree's leaves had been sparse sadly. They asked me what caused it and if it was harmful; was there any solutions? Before these questions,I'm really a layman in botany. So I particuarly appreal to those who have ideas or clues to help them.<br><br></div><div>Why do the villagers have deep affection for these ancient trees? I guess they maybe have a deeper reason for them than just their rarity ever since.<br><br></div><div>The existing residents in the easten of Hebei Province,most of them are migrants from Shanxi and Shandong Province. Among them,to settle down and plant trees is one of remarkable characteristics in Shanxi migrants.<br><br></div><div>The ancestors of Shanxi migrants all lived in the fertile Fenhe Valley at first. In the 15th century AD,The New Dynasty located in the mailand——The Ming Dynasty was increasingly victorious for its powerful force. Once the nomadic tribes in the north of Yanyun16 states for a long time were driven to Mobei. The New Dynasty recovered the land that had been sold by Shi Jingtang,the “son emperor”of the later Jin Dynasty. These lands were formerly held in the nomadic people’s hands. So they had not formed the widespread farming condition. After they were recovered by the Ming Dynasty,Agricultural development implemented on migration policy. Most of these migrant resources came from Shanxi and Shandong Province,which had a large population at that time.<br><br></div><div>Every migration dispatched,relatives would inevitably be separated. As these time,nearby villagers gathered under the old locust trees of Hongdong to worship ancestors. Then they carried the seeds of ancient locust trees, separated reluctantly ,embarked on a long journey. So the descendants of many migrations traced their roots,said :“Where did my ancestors come from?Shanxi Hongdong big pagoda trees.”<br><br>The settlers traveled through thousands of miles,some settled in the eastern part of Hebei Province, which belonged to the current border area.<br><br>After Shanxi migrants found and determined the future residence; first of all,they planted seeds collected from the ancient locust trees of hometown. So these vagabonds have roots connected with their homeland.<br><br>For generations,people and locust trees depended on each other. The village grew with the pagoda tree. For hundreds of years,the homesickness was continuing.<br><br>The ancient locust tree was the carrier of homesickness and kinship. When they thought of her,hometown was all around them. When they saw her,love was in their hearts.<br><br>The Chinese People is predestined. Nostalgia and affection are the core of the fate between the people. This fate can gather and spread also. Wherever there are ancient locust trees or not,this fate can connect our same or different blood.<br><br>Post: later I went to Tianjiawan and saw the old locust trees concernedly. To my surprise was that they had become flourishing and flourishing. According to the old people resting under the trees, they never blossomed for several years before last year.</div> <h3 style="text-align: center">【资料】移民的事实考证</h3> 明洪武年间从山西洪洞大槐树大规模移民10次,永乐年间移民8次,共计18次:<br>……<br>一三九五年。“(洪武)二十八年正月,山西马步官军二万六千六百人往塞北筑城屯田。”<br>一四零二年。“(洪武)三十五年九月,徙山西民无田者实北平,赐之钞,复五年。”<br>“(洪武)三十五年九月,户部遣官核实太原、平阳二府,泽、潞、辽、汾、沁五州,丁多田少及无田之家,分其丁口以实北平各府州县。”<br>一四零三年。“(永乐)元年八月,定罪囚于北京为民种田例。其余有罪俱免,免杖编成里甲,并妻、子发北京、永平等府州县为民种田。礼部议奏:山东、山西、陕西、河南四布政司就本布政司编成里甲……上悉从之。”<br>一四零四年。“(永乐)二年九月,徙山西民万户实北平。”<br>“(永乐)二年九月,徙山西太原、平阳、泽、潞、辽、汾、沁民万户实北平。”<br>一四零五年。“(永乐)三年九月,徒山西民万户实北平。”<br>“(永乐)三年九月,徙山西太原,平阳、泽、潞、辽、汾、沁民万户实北平。”<br>一四零六年。“(永乐)四年正月,湖广、山西、山东等郡县吏李懋等二百十四人言愿为民北京。命户部给道里费遣之。”<br>一四一七年。“(永乐)十五年五月,山西平阳、大同、蔚州、广灵等府州申外山等诣阙上言‘乞分丁于北京、广平、清河等宽闲之处,占籍为民,拔田耕种,依例输税,庶不失所,’从之。仍免田租一年。”<br>……<br>移民的地理分布<br>根据《明史)、《明实录》、《日知录之余》等正史及笔记史料的记载,洪洞大槐树移民分布在30个省市,2217个县市。其中河南123个县市,北京、天津、河北142个县市,山东109个县市,山西104个县市,江苏、安徽、湖北、湖南316个县市,陕西、甘肃、宁夏182个县市,黑龙江、吉林、辽宁171个县市,浙江、福建、江西227个县市,广东、广西、贵州248个县市,四川、内蒙古、青海274个县市,云南、西藏、新疆210个县市,海南、台湾111个县市。另外,海外移民主要分布在亚洲、非洲、欧洲、美洲、大洋洲的100多个国家。<br>移民在中国的地理分布<br>河南、山东、河北、天津、北京、江苏、内蒙古、湖北、甘肃、广西、青海、海南、西藏、新疆、吉林、辽宁、黑龙江、山西、宁夏。<br>“谁是古槐迁来人,脱履小趾验甲形”。这句民谣不权流传很广,而且被人们作为辨认乡亲,识别故槐移民子孙的证据。在火车上,在宾馆里,大部队营房,在大学的宿舍,甚至在他邦异国,大凡异乡之人聚拢在一起,询问故乡,盘查祖籍时,常见他们脱鞋拉袜,亮出脚丫,验看脚小趾的指甲是否复形。如果谁的小指甲上的有几道竖纹,好象是两个指甲,那谁的祖先就是从洪洞大槐树下迁来的。于是相互之间,便立即承认为古槐子孙,互认为洪洞老乡了。于是便围坐一起,畅谈迁民时的史实和趣闻;对照祖辈的传言,眷恋故土,怀念祖先之情,油然而生。“同是古槐迁来人,数世之后喜相逢”,亲切友好的情谊,十分浓厚。