【FT Go to the beach】小西妈双语工程2005期285youen打卡Day5


<p>Listening:</p><p>牙牙学语1/汉语启蒙一册/声律启蒙一东1、2/小猪佩奇五集音频/清华英语0a一单元和第二单元儿歌</p><p>Reading:</p><p>苏斯博士/curious george</p><p>Video:</p><p>小猪佩奇 Go boating</p> <p>今天和姥姥,姥爷一起出去去海边,累爆炸的一天,但是备课资料准备好确实是不一样的感觉。</p><p>早上就先看了准备的相关绘本,很期待出海。但是海上今天风浪有点大,稍有点晕船,录的视频就不太多,但是有有很坚强。回家的路上还在和我说,妈妈我今天有点难受,我下次坐船就不哭了。</p><p>我抱抱我的宝贝,告诉她,不舒服的时候就告诉妈妈,难受哭也是没有关系的,妈妈在。</p> <p>儿歌</p> <p>相关绘本阅读</p><p>RAZ K</p> <p>RAZ R</p> <p>Prepare</p><p>去之前准备:</p><p>1.Let's go to the beach/ We are going to the beach this vocation.</p><p>2.我们来整理背包吧。</p><p>Let's go packing out bag.</p><p>3.我们需要做什么呢?</p><p>what will we need?</p><p>4.在海边我们可以做好多事。</p><p>There‘s so much to do on the beach.</p><p>5.我们可以捡贝壳,堆沙堡。</p><p>We can collect shells,build castle and fly a kite and light fireworks.</p><p>6.我们还可以看到小螃蟹们在忙着挖坑,然后躲进去呢。</p><p>We can also see the little crabs are busing digging a hole and hiding away.</p><p>Pack Luggage</p><p>M: Tomorrow, we are going to the beach.</p><p>Now, we need to pack our luggage.</p><p>Can you help me?</p><p>Y: Sure.</p><p>M: Honey, could you pass me the .... beach-bag/towel/bucket/spade(铲)/ball/sun cream / sunblock/ sunscreen/ straw hat (草 帽)/ swimming costume/ swimsuit/ swimming hat/ swimming goggles /waterproof blanket/sand proof blanket/waterproof phone pouch/beach tent/sun umbrella / sunglasses </p><p>Key words: beach, swimming kids</p><p>Tip:娃认识的,让娃递给你,娃不认识的你自己拿We meed take...</p> <p>sunscreen</p><p>1.咱们涂一些防晒霜吧。</p><p>Let's put some sunscreen on.</p><p>2.我们一会儿需要保护</p><p>We're going to need the protection.</p><p>3.我们一整天都会在阳光下,咱们可别被晒伤。We'll be in the sun all day.and we don't want to get a sunburn.</p><p>4.我需要吗?Do I have to?</p><p>5.是的,晒伤会严重损伤你的皮肤和健康。Yes, sunburns can be very damaging to your skin and health.</p><p>6.帮妈妈把防晒霜拿过来。</p><p>Please grab the sunscreen for Mommy.</p><p>7.在我们的沙滩包里。</p><p>It's in our beach bag.</p><p>8.我们从瓶子里挤出来一点,擦一些在我们的背上、肩膀上、腿上、胳膊上、脸上和脖子上,任何阳光会晒到的地方。</p><p>We'll squeeze a little out of the bottle ,and rub it on our backs, shoulders, legs, arms, faces, and necks,anything that the sun will touch.</p><p>9.记住,我们全身都要彻底覆盖到。</p><p>Remember, we need to make sure we are thoroughly covered.</p><p>10咱们先给你弄,然后再给我弄。</p><p>Let's do you first and then we can do me.</p><p>11.我可以自己涂胳膊和腿。</p><p>I can put some on my arms and legs.</p><p>12.一定用把它揉到吸收。</p><p>Be sure to rub it in.</p><p>13.好的,现在你可以帮我了。</p><p>Okay, now you can help me.</p><p>14.伸出你的手</p><p>Hold out your hand, please,</p><p>15.我好挤一些防晒霜在上面</p><p>so I can squeeze some sunscreen into it.</p><p>16.我把它涂到你的整个背上吗?</p><p>Do I put it all over your back?</p><p>17.是的,一定要均匀,而且要全部涂到。Yes, and make sure it is spread evenly and all over.</p><p>18.这样来自太阳的UV射线就不会损坏一丁点儿我们的皮肤了This way, the UV rays from the sun will not damage any of our skin.</p><p>UV射线是什么?What are UV rays?</p><p>19.它们是紫外线,或者说太阳照在我们身上的光线。</p><p>They are the ultra-violet, or light rays that the sun shines down on us.</p><p>I can put some on your face, too.</p><p><br></p><p>【In the car】</p><p>M:baby,today we will go to the beach with your granda will drive the car.now get into the car.Let's sit in the car seat.</p><p>M:fasten the seat belt.It's for your safety.</p><p>M:mom will close the door.you can take off your mask .You can hold mommy's hand</p><p>M:Do not roll down the and put your hands out the .</p><p>B:ok.</p><p>M:you can close your eyes to take the nap</p><p>M:We are arrived.</p><p>M:Mom will help you untie your seat belt.Let's get off the car.</p><p><br></p><p>BEACH</p><p>1.脱掉鞋子去海边把 take off your shoes and go into the sea.</p><p>2.海浪真高 The waves are so high.</p><p>3.水好咸。The water's too salty.</p><p>4.你想在这里搭帐篷吗?</p><p>Do you want to set up the tent here?</p><p>5.海边好干净。The beach is very clean.</p><p>6.沙子一直跑进鞋子里。</p><p>The sand keeps getting in my shoes.</p><p>7.我们在沙滩上把鞋脱掉。</p><p>Let's take off our shoes in the sand.</p><p><br></p><p><b><i>look for shells.</i></b></p><p>1.咱们找贝壳吧。Let's look for shells.</p><p>2.你没准还能找到蛤蜊和螃蟹呢!You might find some clams or crabs, too!</p><p>3.我可以就用手挖吗?</p><p>Can I just dig with my hands?</p><p>4.当然,如果你愿意的话,也可以用小铲子。Sure, you can use the little shovel if you want, too.</p><p>5.但是用手弹掉贝壳上的沙子更容易。</p><p>But it will be easier to brush the sand off the shells with your hands.</p><p>6.咱们再拿一个桶装贝壳吧。</p><p>Let's grab a pail to carry the shells in, too.</p><p>7.哦!我觉得这个是。</p><p>Oh! I think this is one.</p><p>8.它的最上面的部分从沙子里探出头了。</p><p>The top of it is peeking out of the sand.</p><p>9.看看它的浅粉色和黝黑色。</p><p>Look at the light pink and tan colors.</p><p>10.是一个横纹的维纳斯贝壳。</p><p>It is a cross bar Venus shell.</p><p>11.咱们把它放到桶里。</p><p>Let's put it in the pail.</p><p>12.往里放的时候轻一点。</p><p>Be gentle when you set it in there.</p><p>13.可别把它弄裂弄破了。</p><p>You don't want it to chip or break.</p><p>14.您觉得咱们能找到海胆吗?</p><p>Do you think we will find a sand dollar?</p><p>15.咱们可能能找到一小块。</p><p>We might find a piece of one.</p><p>16.很难在海滩上找到完整的。</p><p>It's rare to find a whole one on the beach.</p><p>17.它看起来像一个小法螺。</p><p>It looks like a tiny triton shell.</p><p>18.Do you know that you can hear the waves of ocean in a shell?</p><p>你知道吗,你可以从贝壳里听到海浪的声音?</p><p>19.这里,把海螺开口的那边放在你的耳边。Here, place this conch shell next to your ear with the open side to your ear.</p><p>20.仔细听。Listen closely.</p><p>21.我觉得我听见了,妈妈!</p><p>I think I can hear it, Mommy!</p><p>22.看,我说的吧。 See, I told you.</p><p>23.啊哦,涨潮了。</p><p>Uh-oh, the tide is coming in.</p><p>24.我们和爸爸一起到高一些的地方去吧。Let's go get on higher ground with Daddy.</p> <p><b><i>Play ball</i></b></p><p>1、我们来玩沙滩球 Let‘s play the ball game.</p><p>2、我来扔球。I will throw the ball.</p><p>3、用力丢给我。Throw it hard to me.</p><p>4、球滚走了。The ball is rolling away.</p><p>5、我来捡球。I will get the ball./Go and get the ball</p><p>6、传给我 Throw the ball to me.</p><p><br></p><p><b><i>Play sands</i></b></p><p>Sand Play Tools 玩沙土的工具</p><p>沙勺 Spoon</p><p>筛子 Sieve</p><p>耙子 Rake</p><p>铲子 Shovel / Spade</p><p>雪球夹 Scoop</p><p>泥铲 / 抹子 Trowel</p><p>沙堡模具 Sand Castle Mold</p><p>滚子 Roller</p><p>提桶 Bucket / Pail</p><p>洒水壶 Watering Can</p><p>沙漏 / 水车塔 Sand Wheel / Water Wheel Tower</p><p>铲车 Digger</p><p>推车 Wheelbarrow</p><p>Sandpit 沙坑</p><p>Kinetic Sand 太空沙(粘土沙)</p><p><br></p><p><b><i>Building Sand Castles 堆沙堡</i></b></p><p>1、我们先把袖子卷起来吧。Let's roll up our sleeves first.</p><p>2、我们在沙滩上把鞋脱掉。Let's take off our shoes in the sand.</p><p>3、我要 用铲子把沙装在水桶内。I'll put some sand in a bucket with ashovel.</p><p>4、你要用模型吗?Do you want to use a ?</p><p>5、我们来堆沙堡。Let's build a sandcastle.</p><p>6、把沾在衣服 手上 脚上的沙都抖掉 shake off the sand on your clothes,hands and feet.</p><p>7、宝宝,你想玩沙子、堆沙堡么?Hey baby, do you want to play with the sand and build a sand castle?</p><p>8.给洒水壶里灌点水,加点水把沙子打湿了。你要是不事先把沙子打湿,沙子就太容易散了。</p><p>Let’s fill the watering can with water and add water to wet the sand. If the sand is not moist, it will crumble very easily.</p><p>9. 现在,把湿沙子装到城堡模型里,用小铲子把沙子按的结结实实的,记住把模型全部填满。</p><p>Now, put the moist sand into the sand castle mold. Use a shovel to pack the sand to make sure the mold is completely filled.</p><p>10. 准备好了以后,把模型翻过来,放在地 上。小心翼翼地把模型拿掉,让沙堡自己立住。</p><p>When ready, flip the mold upside down and place it on the ground. Carefullyremove the mold to let the sand castle stand on its own.</p><p>11. 天啊!怎么能把沙子往嘴里塞呢?沙土可不能吃。</p><p>My goodness! Why did you put the sand into your mouth? It’s not edible.</p><p>12. 别把其他小朋友的城堡毁坏了。你可以把自己的毁了重新堆。</p><p>Do not mow down / smash your little buddy’s castle. You can mow down / smash your own castle and start again.</p><p>13. 哦,沙堡塌了。真可怜。Oh no, your sand castle toppled. What a pity.</p><p>14. 别攘沙子,你自己和旁边的小朋友该迷眼了。</p><p>Please don’t throw the sand. You will get it into your eyes and your friends’ eyes.</p><p>15. 别用手揉眼睛。你手上和指甲里都是沙子。</p><p>Don’t rub your eyes with your hands. There is too much sand on your hands and under your nails.</p><p>16. 不要把铲子扬得太高,会把沙子弄一身的。</p><p>Don’t swing the spade too high. You don’t want to get sand all over yourself.</p><p>17. 把沙子装到卡车上去。把沙子从车上卸下来。</p><p>Let’s load the sand onto the truck. Let’s unload the sand off the truck.</p><p>18. 想不想让妈妈把你的腿腿埋沙子里(把沙子盖腿上),让沙子完全把腿腿藏起来?</p><p>Do you want Mummy to bury your legs under the sand (put sand over your legs) until they are completely hidden by the sand?</p><p>19. 咱们用耙子挖一个水道,让水从咱们的沙堡流回海里。</p><p>Let’s use the rake to build a canal to channel the water from our sandcastle back into the ocean.</p><p>20. 你可以轻轻地来回摇晃筛子,这样我们就能过滤掉沙子以外的东西,而沙子本身会穿过筛子。You can gently swing the sieve back and forth, so that we can filter out everything that is not sand, and the sand itself will pass through the sieve.</p><p>21. 看见沙堡上的裂缝了么?你可以用泥铲抹一些湿沙子到沙堡上,把裂缝填上。</p><p>Do you see the crack in your sandcastle? You can use the trowel to plastermoist sand onto your sandcastle to fill the crack.</p><p>22. 你知道沙漏怎么玩么?把沙子倒在最上面的漏斗里,看,沙子慢慢的流下去把轮子转起来了。</p><p>Do you know how the sand wheel works? Pour sand into the funnel at the top and watch the sand trickle down and spin the wheel.</p><p>23. 把沙子装到卡车上去。把沙子从车上卸下来。</p><p>Let’s load the sand onto the truck. Let’s unload the sand off the truck.</p><p>24. 想不想让妈妈把你的腿腿埋沙子里(把沙子盖腿上),让沙子完全把腿腿藏起来?</p><p>Do you want Mummy to bury your legs under the sand (put sand over your legs) until they are completely hidden by the sand?</p><p>25. 咱们用耙子挖一个水道,让水从咱们的沙堡流回海里。</p><p>Let’s use the rake to build a canal to channel the water from our sandcastle back into the ocean.</p><p>26. 你可以轻轻地来回摇晃筛子,这样我们就能过滤掉沙子以外的东西,而沙子本身会穿过筛子。</p><p>You can gently swing the sieve back and forth, so that we can filter out everything that is not sand, and the sand itself will pass through the sieve.</p><p>27. 看见沙堡上的裂缝了么?你可以用泥铲抹一些湿沙子到沙堡上,把裂缝填上。</p><p>Do you see the crack in your sandcastle? You can use the trowel to plastermoist sand onto your sandcastle to fill the crack.</p><p>28. 你知道沙漏怎么玩么?把沙子倒在最上面的漏斗里,看,沙子慢慢的流下去把轮子转起来了。Do you know how the sand wheel works? Pour sand into the funnel at the top and watch the sand trickle down and spin the wheel.</p><p>29. 我们的沙坑需要更多沙土。咱们用小推车从别的坑运一些沙土过来。</p><p>We need more sand in our sandpit. Let’s use the wheelbarrow to move sand from other pits.</p><p>30. 该回去了。拍拍身上的沙子,干干净净的。</p><p>it's time to go home. Can you please clean yourself up by patting away the sand?</p><p><b><i>回家</i></b></p><p>M:it's time to go home.please clean yourself up by patting away the sand.</p><p>M:Pack up your sand tools and don't leave any one behind.</p><p>B:ok.mom</p><p>M:Are you happy today?</p><p>B:yes.I:m happy.it is a nice day.</p> <p>拓展:</p> <p>知识点</p><p>①涨潮/退潮Tide</p><p>【涨潮与退潮】</p><p>【Rising and Falling of the Tide 】</p><p>潮水是什么? What's a tide?</p><p>潮水就是海平面的上升和下降。The tide is a rising and falling of the sea level.</p><p>海平面是什么?What's the sea level?</p><p>就是海水有多高或多低。That is how high or low the sea's water is.</p><p>海水上升和下降,随着太阳、月亮和地球由于重力而相互作用。The water goes up and down as the Sun, Moon, and Earth interact with gravity.</p><p>海水会在一天中的某段时间上升,然后在一天中的另一段时间下降。The water rises at one part of the day and falls at another time of the day.</p><p>这就是涨潮和退潮。That is the rising and the falling of the tide.</p><p>看我们刚才捡贝壳的地方。Look where we were collecting shells.</p><p>我看不到了。I can't see it.</p><p>海水把它全淹没了!The water has covered it all up!</p><p>是的,你在沙滩上的时候, Yes, when you are on the beach,</p><p>一定要注意潮水。it is very important to be aware of the tide.</p><p>当潮水退去的时候,我们就可以捡更多的贝壳了。When it goes back out。</p><p>we can collect more shells.</p><p>②</p><p>海鲜</p><p>mantis shrimp 富贵虾;[无脊椎] 虾蛄 </p><p>lobster /'lɑbstɚ/ 龙虾 </p><p>oyster /'ɔɪstɚ/ 牡蛎 </p><p>mussel /'mʌsl/ 贻贝</p><p>Clam /klæm/ 蛤蜊</p><p>shrimp /ʃrɪmp/ 大虾</p><p>cockle/'kɑkl/ 鸟蛤</p><p>cuttlefish 墨鱼 </p><p>squid 鱿鱼</p><p>scallop 扇贝</p>









