

<p>  2020年8月11日下午,陕西科技大学咸阳强华学校名师工作室主持人殷瑜,带领工作室成员郝莹、王琳景赴乾县,一同参加了乾县2020年中小学英语教师培训活动。</p><p> On the afternoon of August 11th, 2020, Yin Yu, the leader of the studio, from Xianyang Qianghua School attached to Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, went to Qianxian with &nbsp;Hao Ying and Wang Linjing. They attended the training courses which were prepared for all the teachers in primary and middle schools in Qianxian.</p> <p>  活动是由两节微型课示范课展开的,两位老师课前都进行了说课及答辩示范。</p><p> The activity was started with two mini-model lessons. Each of the teacher interpreted their lesson and answered some questions about school-based research before showing the class.</p><p><br></p> <p>  首先讲课的是工作室成员、陕西省教学能手、来自咸阳彩虹学校的郝莹老师。本节课她讲授的课题是冀教版七年级下Lesson 24: How Was Your Weekend?</p><p> Hao Ying, a Teaching Expert in Shaanxi, comes from Xianyang Caihong Middle School. She gave the first lesson. The lesson was taken from Ji Education Press, Book 2, Lesson 24: How Was Your Weekend?</p> <p>  郝莹老师流利的说课及答辩,使老师们受益匪浅。她精美的板书设计、丰富的课堂活动、具有思想性的导学案和思维导图,体现了一名老教师扎实的教学功底和巧妙的课堂设计。</p><p> Fluent interpretation and answers about school-based research of Ms. Hao influenced the teachers a lot.Her beautiful blackborad design, colorful classroom activities, thoughtful learning paper and mind-map could fully show the teaching ability of an experienced teacher and her wonderful teaching plan.</p> <p>  工作室成员、来自陕西科技大学咸阳强华学校的王琳景老师充满活力,集体舞导入课题生动接地气。她通过课堂任务的布置,使课堂层层递进。其大方的教态与标准的口语给老师们留下了深刻的印象。</p><p> Teacher Wang Linjing comes from Xianyang Qianghua School attached to Shaanxi University of Science and Technology. She is full of energetic. Her special lead-in, a group dance, was vivid. The arrangement of classroom tasks made the teaching goals could be achieved gradually. Her generous teaching attitude and standard oral English impressed the teachers a lot.</p> <p>  这里是老师们的精彩互动。</p><p> Here is the excellent free talk.</p> <p>  培训会的第二个部分,是来自名师工作室主持人殷瑜老师的报告。殷老师就微型课的说课,答辩、课堂设计、板书设计,课堂活动等多个方面,给老师们进行了一场如沐春风般的培训。台下的每个老师都在全神贯注的聆听。这对于在职业生涯上对自己有更高要求的每一个老师来说,无疑是一场及时雨。</p><p> The second part of the activity was a report from Yin Yu, the leader of the studio. The report mainly included the following aspects, the interpretation, the answers to the school-based research, the teaching design, the blackboard design and the classroon activities. They were so useful and timely that all the teachers listened very carefully. The report can be very important for the teachers who want to get a better improvement in their teaching life.</p><p><br></p> <p>  这里是老师们的心得感悟。</p><p> Here are the reflections of some teachers'.</p> <p>  每个人都露出幸福的微笑!</p><p> The smile is so sweet!</p> <p>  教师的幸福来源于对教育的爱与奉献。希望我们尊重学生,尊重教育的主阵地——课堂,做一个研究型的老师,用心打造生命化的英语课堂,尽情享受幸福快乐的教育生活,做一个能够感受到职业幸福感的幸福教师。只要有梦,就一定有远方。加油!</p><p> A teacher's happiness is simply from the love toward teaching. We hope that we can respect students and respect the main position of education -- classroom, be a research-oriented teacher, create a life-oriented English classroom with our heart, enjoy a happy educational life to the fullest, and be a happy teacher who can feel the happiness of career. As long as there is a dream, there must be a distance. Come on!</p>









