<p>备课如下:</p><p><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Ring</span> around the <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">roses </span></p><p><br></p><p>A pocket full of <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">posies </span></p><p><br></p><p>Ashes, Ashes, </p><p><br></p><p>We all<span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);"> fall down </span></p><p><br></p><p>1. 动物小卡片替换: 准备好闪卡卡片8-12张, 先选出简单的易掌握的,后期在慢慢加进去难的。</p><p>2. 动词卡片替换:准备好动词闪卡卡片8-12张,先选出简单的易掌握的,后期在慢慢加进去难的。</p><p><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Jump/Shake/ Dance/ wiggle/ giggle /hop/ clap/kick/wave/ride/sing/skip/tiptoe/</span></p><p><br></p><p>3. 花的替换: 先选出简单的易掌握的,后期在慢慢加进去难的。</p><p>4. 水果的替换:先选出简单的易掌握的,后期在慢慢加进去难的。</p><p>5. 蔬菜的替换:先选出简单的易掌握的,后期在慢慢加进去难的。</p><p>6. all fall down ,动词替换4-8</p><p>All Hug each other/all sit down/ all kiss each other/ all sleep/ all eating as quick as we can/ we all keep quite/ we all stand still. </p><p><br></p><p> </p> <p>flower bath 这个只有备课,没有执行。</p><p>M:it's time to take a bath.</p><p>B:Can I play some more?</p><p>M:We will play the game in the tub.</p><p>B:Really?</p><p>M:See these are posies,we can scatter the poises into the tub.</p><p>B:That's funny.</p><p>Ring around the bathtub, a pocket full of</p><p>posies, ashes, ashes(scatter the poises), Eric gets into the tub.</p><p>M:See,a blue posy is on your knee. </p><p>六、go to the Florist and buy a bunch of flowers</p><p>M:baby,Let us go to the florist to buy a bunch of flowers ,what flowers do you like best ,carnation,rose ,lily,babaysbreath,let us go and see</p><p>M: baby, look, I bought a bunch of roses from a florists. Are they gorgeous?</p><p>B: Yes</p><p>M: See, there are many sharp thorns on the stem. Do you want to touch them?</p><p>B: Yes</p><p>M: You can touch it with your fingertip. Be careful. Don't hold it.Your finger hurts, right?</p><p>B: Yeah</p><p>M: So we must be careful when we hold a rose. We can use a newspaper to cover these thorns, and then we won't get hurt.</p><p>M: Can you help me take off the petals? Lets see what we can find.</p><p>B: Sure</p><p>B:Mommy do you know what petals do?</p><p>M:What do you think?</p><p>B:They can protect flowers.</p><p>M:Well, it makes sense.</p><p>Petals are often very brightly coloured. This is because their main job is to attract insects, such as bees or butterfiles, into the flower. In some flowers, the petal shave special guidelines that lead the insects right into the centre of the flower. The insects pick up pollen from the flower, and carry it to the next flower they visit. This is how insects pollinate flowers.</p> <p>游戏如下: 发现玩了一通关键的居然都没有录下来。</p><p>下课后去花店逛,直接拿着图片去花店找</p> <p>Daisy</p>