<p>💌中文</p><ul><li>完成大语文《努力》篇课后练习</li></ul> <p>💌英文</p> <ul><li>听</li></ul> <ul><li>指读</li></ul> <ul><li>复述</li></ul> <p>🐷s1-10 gardening&问题讨论</p> <p>🐷s1-36 the sleepy princess&问题讨论</p> <p>🐷s1 pancakes</p> <p>🐷s1 the tree house</p> <p>🐷s1 flying a kite</p> <p>🐷s1 daddy‘s movie camera</p> <p>🐷s1 shopping</p> <ul><li>Experiment</li></ul> <ul><li>FT:Picking Grapes 葡萄采摘</li></ul><p>以下对话中的P=Parent(家长),K=Kid(孩子)</p><p><br></p><p>1. Before departure 出发前</p><p>P: Baby, what’s your favorite fruit?</p><p>K: Apples/ oranges etc.</p><p>P: Do you know what is mommy’s favorite fruit?</p><p>K: No.</p><p>P: I like grapes best. If we want to eat our favorite fruits, what do wedo?</p><p>K: Buy.</p><p>P: Yes, exactly. Usually, we buy the fruits that we want to eat in thefruit shop or in the market. But we have other ways to get the fresh fruits. Doyou know what they are?</p><p>K: No.</p><p>P: Mommy will tell you! We can pick the fruits directly from the plants.Now it’s the grape harvest season. Shall we go to pick the grapes today?</p><p>K: OK. Let’s go. Hooray!</p><p>P: You’re so excited to hear the news. Please prepare what you’d like to take, such as your water canteen (水杯). Are you ready? Let’s go.</p><p>葡萄长在树上?香蕉长在藤上?板栗长在土里?大米长在超市里?面条长在碗里?够了,揭开真相的时候到了。</p> <p>2. Grape Plant 认识葡萄树</p><p>P: Now we have arrived at the grapery/vineyard (葡萄园). Please get out of the car. Before picking, we need to get the tools first. Take a basket. Mommy will get scissors. Let’s go inside.</p><p>K: Wow, So many grapes! I can’t wait to eat.</p><p>P: Ha-ha, when we pick them, you can eat some. But don’t eat too much.</p><p>K: OK.</p><p>P: Look, Mommy has two pictures of the grape plant. Come and see. Can you find each part of the plant? Show me the leaves / fruits / tendrils (卷须) / head / trunk. (让宝宝指出所有能看到的部分)Can you see the roots?</p><p>K: No.</p><p>P: Where are the roots?</p><p>K: They’re underground.</p><p>P: Yes. Very good. You can’t find the buds either. As the buds can only be seen in spring.</p> <p>Leaf 叶子 </p><p>Tendrils 卷须 </p><p>Buds 花蕾 </p><p>Cordon主蔓/臂干</p><p>Cane/shoot长枝 </p><p>Head 头部 </p><p>Trunk躯干/主干 </p><p>Roots根部 </p><p>Spur/Arms短枝</p><p><br></p><p>重点单词解析</p><p>Grapery: an area or building in which grapes are grown, 主要指葡萄温室</p><p><br></p><p>Vineyard: a piece of land where grapes are grown in order to produce wine, (为酿酒而种植的)葡萄园,主要指户外的葡萄园。</p> <p>采摘到一半时下雨了,躲在农庄里吃煮玉米,玩sly fox的游戏</p> <p>3. Grape Leaves认识葡萄叶</p><p>P: Baby, look at the grape leaves. It’s the solid leaf with several points.Right?</p><p>K: Yes.</p><p>P: The points are called lobes (叶瓣). Here are the nerves (叶脉),also called veins. Here are the lateral nerves (侧脉). This is the leaf stalk or petiole (叶柄). Look, baby, these leaves are in good condition. Look at that leaf, itwas bitten by some insects. Can you see the holes in it? Well, this leaf has been dry. It will fall off very soon.</p> <p>4.Picking grapes 采摘葡萄</p><p>P: Do you know how to pick the grapes? We need to pick the ripe ones.Unripe grapes taste bad. This one is ripe. Have a taste. Is it yummy?</p><p>K: Yes. Very sweet.</p><p>P: How about this one?</p><p>K: Oh, yuck. 好酸啊!</p><p>P: Yes, it’s sour and tart (酸涩的), because it’s not ripe. Do you know which one is ripe?</p><p>K: I don’t know. Let me have a taste.</p><p>P: Oh, baby, this grape is over ripe. It can’t be eaten.</p><p>K: Mummy, how about this green one?</p><p>P: Have a try. I guess it’s sweet. Right?</p><p>K: Yes. It’s sweet.</p><p>P: Ha-ha, this type of grape is green. It’s ripe. I’ll tell you some methods to recognize the grapes are ripe or not.</p><p><br></p><p>TASTE</p><p>Tasting is actually the best way to judge the ripeness. If the grapes are ripe, it should be sweet and not too tart. We should not pick the grapes that are shriveled (枯萎、干枯). Look, this one is shriveled. It can’t be eaten now.</p><p><br></p><p>LOOK</p><p>Look at this cluster of grapes carefully. The ripe grapes are full, and the color is deep all around. Green grapes will lighten and almost turn yellowish.</p><p><br></p><p>FEEL</p><p>Touch these three grapes. Can you feel the difference? The 1st one is good and plump. It’s ripe. The 2nd one is a little bit hard, it’s not ripe. While the 3rd one is a little bit soft, that means it’s over ripe (熟过了).</p><p><br></p><p>SEED COLOR</p><p>Peel the skin off of the grapes, you can see the seed/pip. Just like in apples, seeds of ripe grapes turns from white to tan (棕黄色) to brown.</p><p><br></p><p>WILDLIFE</p><p>Eating the grapes is also a sign that the grapes are ready. Racoons, squirrels and birds will eat grapes when they’re ripe – if they’re feasting– you can too!</p> <p>5.Picking grapes 采摘葡萄</p><p>P: Now that you know how to find the ripe grapes, we can start picking them. Baby, can you see a white layer on the grapes?</p><p>K: Yes.</p><p>P: It’s the fruit powder (霜、果粉)of the grapes. It can be eaten. The seeds and the skins of the grapes are edible too. They’re good for our health. Do you want to have a try?</p><p>K: No. I don’t like to eat the skins and seeds.</p><p>P: OK. They’re indeed tasteless. Can you try to pick one cluster of grapes?</p><p>K: I’ll try. Oh, Mommy, I can’t.</p><p>P: It’s hard to break off the cluster with your hands directly. It’s best to use a sharp cutting tool, such as scissors. Now Let me show you how to pick the grapes. We pick this cluster, OK?</p><p><br></p><ul><li>Hold this cluster of grapes in one hand.</li><li>Snip (剪) the whole cluster off the vine (葡萄藤) with the scissors.</li><li>Gently place the bunch in a pail or basket.</li></ul><p><br></p><p>That’s it!</p><p>Easy as a pie. </p><p>Right?</p><p>Do you want to have a try?</p><p>K: Yes, yes.</p><p>P: Great job. We have picked enough, baby. You can take a break.</p><p>P: As you can see, we have picked different kinds of grapes. Some are purple, some are yellowish.</p> <p>The most common varieties of the grapes are asfollows:</p><p>Kyoho Grape</p><p>巨峰葡萄</p><p><br></p> <p>Summer Black</p><p>夏黑葡萄</p><p><br></p> <p>Muscat</p><p>玫瑰香</p><p><br></p> <p>Milk Grape</p><p>白牛奶葡萄</p><p><br></p> <p>Manicure Finger</p><p>美人指</p><p><br></p> <p>Early Rose Grape</p><p>早玫瑰</p><p><br></p> <p>Zuijinxiang Grape</p><p>醉金香</p><p><br></p> <p>Centennial Seedless</p><p>无核白鸡心葡萄</p><p><br></p> <p>Early Summer Seedless Grape</p><p>早夏无核葡萄</p><p><br></p> <p>Red Grape</p><p>红提</p><p><br></p> <p>Gold Finger</p><p>金手指</p><p><br></p> <p>紫葡萄为什么酸,青葡萄为什么还甜?有的葡萄又大又圆,有的葡萄瘦长瘦长,有的葡萄还有花香味。吃了这么多年葡萄,居然连名字都不知道,这回算是明白了。</p><p>采摘完葡萄,宝贝们儿肯定吃过瘾了。摘的葡萄吃不完,不用着急,可以把它们来做成葡萄果酱,晒成葡萄干,还可以直接做葡萄酒。</p> <p>汉石桥湿地</p><p><br></p><p>原名叫“海子”(一片大海的意思) ,属潮白河水系,其所处位置是箭杆河支流蔡家河下游一片天然的低洼地。由于外围南、北、东三侧地势较高,雨水和地下水等会从三面流向西边洼地,在此处形成一处集水区域。也正因如此,历史上这里还是洪涝灾害严重的地区。</p><p><br></p><p>1958年,当地政府为防洪修建汉石桥水库,当时水库的总库容为500万立方米。[3]</p><p><br></p><p>1972年,这里发生了百年不遇的大旱,附近的水井都变成了枯井,人们饮水都困难,而“海子”仍然有水[2] 。但由于北京地区连续干旱等原因,上游河道断流造成了水库水位逐年下降,渐渐变成了半干涸的苇塘,库区也逐渐形成以芦苇、香蒲等水生和沼生植被为主的湿地[3] 。当时一个叫荣顺才的村民提出,这里不应该叫“海子”,应该叫“湿地”。</p><p><br></p><p>2002年4月首都师范大学洪剑明等7名专家、教授,向市、区提出《关于尽快将顺义区汉石桥湿地纳入市、区级自然保护区系统进行抢救性保护的建议》,受到北京市主要领导的重视。之后相继开展了湿地动、植物本底调查。</p><p><br></p><p>2001年12月经北京市政府批准、上报国家林业局备案的《北京市野生动植物保护和自然保护区建设工程总体规划》,把“杨镇苇塘湿地自然保护区”纳入市级自然保护区规划。</p><p>2002年4月北京市政府第129次市长办公会审议通过的《北京市湿地保护工程规划》,明确将北京仅有一处最大的万亩芦苇塘汉石桥湿地,列入北京市重要湿地,规划2002年~2003年发展建设市级湿地自然保护区,规划面积1500公顷。</p><p><br></p><p>从2003年起,顺义区投资2000多万元,启动了一系列湿地恢复、保护措施,改造、加固湿地环湖路,疏挖防火隔离带;为吸引更多珍稀鸟类,建起了鸟岛和观鸟台;在建设荷花塘和多彩睡莲区的同时,复壮芦苇600余亩,完成湿地周边绿化等工程建设350亩。</p><p><br></p><p>汉石桥湿地近几年积极进行湿地恢复,2008年,植被恢复及环境整治工程完成后,水面增加了1000亩;2009年,中水处理厂运行后,日处理能力达到6500吨,水质得到了明显改善。只是由于汉石桥湿地是一个沼泽型湿地,水的流动性较差,浮游生物大量生长,因此此次投放两种鲢鱼对于控制浮游生物,进一步改善汉石桥湿地的水质有着积极的意义。</p><p><br></p><p>汉石桥湿地2010年被评为全国科普教育基地(社会公共场所类),为搭建好科普平台,提高科普能力,汉石桥湿地申请了科普专项资金,建设内容包括科普宣传栏、动物标识牌、植物标识牌等。2011年,这些科普基础设施都建设完毕。</p>