【0b Unit6】V-Learn小西妈双语工程1906期249号Bodhi打卡


<font color="#ff8a00">【2020.8.10-16☀4Y8M】</font> 🎧 Listening<br>1.教材:0B儿歌/清汉第一册儿歌<br>2.分级:牛津树6(6本)+红火箭Early2(4本)<br>3. Peppa Pig: S01E12+S01E05+S03E17<div><div>4. 写给儿童的中国历史(大禹治水)+常爸最美古诗词</div><div>5. The Polar Express第二部分<br><br>📖Reading<br>1.👉🏻指读<br>📓英语:W14-海尼曼(中5本)+牛津树(易8本)累计127本<br>📔汉语:清汉第一册1-8儿歌/古诗/谜语<br><br>2.理解性阅读<br>📓牛津树6(6本); 清英大书小书; 红火箭4本<br>3.清汉:大书小书汉1-8/早读晚诵:汉1-8古诗口头作文<br><br>🎬Video<br>1. Ploar Express第二部分<br>2. 动画:Peppa Pig<br>3. 美国家庭视频中级Unit3家庭游戏<br>4. 教材:0bU6 Dinosaur/清汉语1-8讲故事<br>5. 哈佛外教百科英语<br><br>🎮Game<br>1.Baby Dinosaur<br>2. Family time.<br>3. Looking for bugs<br><br>🐷Retell<br>1. Peppa Pig: S01E15(The New Car)</div></div> ☑️Game: 1️⃣: Baby Dinosaur<br>(Prepere a big box before the game) 没找到大箱子,就用娃儿的小帐篷充当道具,效果也不错。<br>M: Bodhi, you pretend to be a baby dinosaur who is hiding in this little tent. ls that ok?<br>B: Ok. I am the baby dinosaur now.<br>M: You hide in the tent and start to shake the tent.<br>I will say "Oh, look! My baby will come out. When you hear "will you come out?” and then you should crawl out? Did you get what I am saying?<br>B: Yes.<br>M: Dinoseur in the tent, oh so stil,will you come.Yes,I will.<br>B: <br>M: Let' play one more time. Now It is,moms turn to be a baby dinosaur.<br>B: jack in the box.oh so stil,will you come.Yes,I will.<br>M:I come out<br>B:从门那边出来<br>M: no,I can't do it ,I am too big 2️⃣ Hide and Seek<br>M:Bodhi, Mom bought this big jar of dinasour toys for you. Do you know what type of this dinasour?<div>B: I know. It's Tyrannosaurus.<br>M: Yes, this is a Tyrannosaurus or Trex. Look at its sharp teeth, scary? The word "Tyrannosaurus" comes from Greek. It means "Tyrant /'taɪrənt/ Lizard" (暴虐的蜥蜴)。</div><div>Trex is the biggest meat eating dinosaur. See, this is a triceratops /traɪ'sɛrətɑps/ and this is a stegosaurus /ˌsteɡə'sɔːrəs/. They like to eat green leaves very much!</div><div>B: So they are planter eater. Am I right?</div><div>M: Correct!</div><div>M:Now, let's play a game. I will hide the different type of dinosaurs at home. Can you try to find them?<br>B:Ok.<br>( Mom hid them well)<br>M&B: Dinosaur dinosaur, where are you?</div><div> Dinosaur dinosaur hidden well.</div><div> Thump, thump, <br></div><div> Thump, thump, thump.<br></div><div>B : Mom, I found one.<br>M: What type of dinosour did you find?<br>B: <br>M: Well done. Let's find some more.<br>M: Wow, you find three dinosaurs. put them on the floor.<br></div> <div>3️⃣ Baby Dinosaur<br></div><div>场景1:保护恐龙蛋,赶走霸王龙<br></div>Prepare a tyrannosaurus model , a box, and some little balls before the game<br>M: Here are some little balls in a box. The box is the dinosaur's nest and balls are the dinosaur eggs. Bodhi, Can you help to take care of the eggs?<div>B: </div><div>M: You pretend to be asleep. If t-rex gets close to these eggs, please chase him away!<br>M: Oh ,here comes the t-rex.<br>M: Chase that big bad Rex, make it go away, shoo! Haha!<br>B: I'm a superman!<br></div><div>M: Brove! you have chased t-rex way. <br><br>场景2:恐龙宝宝长大了,各有特点。(带入几种典型恐龙的特质介绍)<br>10 years later. These baby dinosaurs have grown up. <br></div><div><br></div><div>腕龙 branchiosaurus (Tallest)</div> M:Look, tell me what kind of this dinosour? <div>B: This is a branchiosaurus. </div><div>M: Correct. Branchiosaurs had a long neck. They are very tall. The tallest one was high above the big trees. It could get food from high branches. Do you know what's its favorite food?<br>B: Leaves. Freash leaves.</div> 翼龙 pterosaur (fly) M: Here comes another grown-up dinosaur and what is this?<br>B: <br>M:It looks like a bird.<br>Mum:It's a pterosaur, It can fly and run fast, the smallest ones are like birds in the trees, but some were as big as planes.<br>M: I can fly here and there , I can fly high in the sky . 霸王龙 Trannosaurus(Fiercest) Here comes a t-rex. It is a meat-eater. It is big and fierce and walk on two legs.<br>It has long teeth and sharp claws.<br>It is taller than a giraffe and as big as six elephants.<br>It has rough skin like an alligator's skin.<br>Its tail is long and pointed.<br>t-rex is the king of all the dinosaurs.<br>Are you scared of t-rex?<br>No









