<b> 一次偶然的驻足,引发内心沉重的思考......就如同我们无法改变的生活环境。或宁静或喧闹,每一次的触及都是内心的一次灵魂拷问。作者以自嘲的方式宣泄着内心不安的情绪,同时,带给我们的更是一种深深地思考......</b> <b>摄影:周欣</b> <b>摄影:文彦祥</b> <h3><p></p></h3><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b>虚度时光<br></b><b>Waste Time</b></h1><div style="text-align: center;"><b><br></b></div><div style="text-align: center;">王新军</div><div style="text-align: center;">Writer:Wang Xinjun</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br></div>七月的某个清晨,我被麻雀的叫声<br>吵醒。睁开眼,窗外天光大亮<br>我翻过身,又懒了一会儿床<br>小区改造的机械声,和工人们<br>旁若无人的对骂,瞬间<br>挤走了鸟鸣,我的懒觉,失去可能<p></p><p><br> One morning in July,I was woken up by the sound of sparrows.<br>Open my eyes,it was bright outside the .<br>I turned over and stayed in bed for a while.<br>The mechanical sound of the transformation of community,and the workers scolded each other as if no one was there.<br>In an instant,the birdsong was squeezed away,I might lose my lie-in.</p> <b>摄影:常彦江</b> <b>摄影:赵小欣</b> 克服一个男人早晨的一些坚硬的坏毛病,<br>起床,洗漱,整理自己<br>加热一杯牛奶,整整用了一分钟<br>早餐一成不变,奶子——馍馍——<br>不想写一个字,不想翻一页书<br>我要以文学的名义虚度时光<br>I overcame some of the hard bad habits of a man in the morning.<br>It took me one minute to get up,wash my face,tidy up and heat a glass of milk.Breakfast was the same___milk,steamed-buns.<br>I didn’t want to write a word or turn a page of the book.<br>I was going to waste my time in the name of the literature.<br><br> <b>手机摄影:朱建青</b> <b>手机摄影:朱建青</b> 沿着熟悉的道路,我来到公园避暑<br>在环湖的塑胶跑道上<br>我看着自己的双脚<br>它们在散漫地移动<br>它们有时也会停下来,等待<br>我的目光去湖边,捕捉一只<br>蜻蜓被露水打湿的翅膀<br>Along the familiar road,I came to the park for the summer .<br>I looked at my feet on the plastic track around the lake,<br>they were moving loosely and sometimes they would stop,<br>wait for my eyes to go to the lake and catch the wings of a dragonfly wet by dew. <b>摄影:朱建青</b> <b>摄影:赵小欣</b> 一只蜜蜂停在格桑花上<br>双手在丰满的花蕊上忙碌<br>裹着条纹的下半身,朝着阳光<br>一只穿过跑道的蚂蚁,被人踩死在路上<br>凶手已经逃遁,四野空寂<br>另外的蚂蚁陷入悲恸,它们用触角<br>相互敲击,向全世界传达<br>这巨大的不幸<br>A bee stopped on the Gesang flowers with both hands busy on the plump stamens.The striped lower body,facing the sun, an ant crossing the runway was trampled to death on the road.<br>The killer has escaped,the wilds were empty and the other ants fell into grief,tapping each other with their tentacles to convey this great misfortune to the whole world. <b>摄影:文彦祥</b> <b>摄影:朱建青</b> 这是七月的一个早晨,炎热正在上升<br>公园里,没有人知道一只蚂蚁去世的消息<br>一只蝴蝶在花丛中,拍打着翅膀<br>像两页书,承载着全世界的重量<br>我没有参加蚂蚁的葬礼<br>像平常一样,熟视无睹地走过<br>像所有无所事事的人<br>一只蚂蚁死了,像一个人<br>死在自己的故乡<br>It was one morning in July, the heat was rising.<br>In the park,no one knew the news of an ant’s death.<br>A butterfly in the flowers,flapping its wings like a two-page book,<br>Carrying the weight of the world.<br>I didn’t attend the ant’s funeral and walked by.<br>As usual,with a blind eye to it.<br>Like all the idle people who have nothing to do.<br>An ant died,just like a man died in his hometown.<br> <b>摄影:鲁炯</b> <b>摄影:张建平</b> <b>摄影:岑峰</b> <b>作者简介:王新军</b>,男,甘肃玉门人,中国作家协会会员。出版长篇小说3部、中短篇小说散文集等8本。作品曾获第六届“上海长中篇小说优秀 作品大奖”中篇小说奖、第四、五、六、七、八届甘肃省敦煌文艺奖,首届、二届、三届、四届、五届、六届、八届甘肃黄河文学奖等奖项。连续三届入选“甘肃小说八骏”阵容,现为甘肃省文学院专业作家。 <b>主播简介:默然</b>,原名朱建青,热爱写作与朗诵,从事朗诵及朗诵教育近20年,声音浑厚,情感饱满,为玉门市阅读朗诵协会主席,就职于玉门市交通系统。 <b>紫檀飘雪</b>;原名,白亚萍,从事中学英语教学,中学高级教师,热爱生活,喜欢唱歌,喝茶,旅游;现为玉门朗协会员,是朗协唯一可以双语直播的平台主播。 <b>摄影:段文彬</b> <h1><b>编者按:玉门之声致力于打造一个声画俱佳的宣传平台,因此,在选择文字和图片时,多采用玉门本土作家的文章和照片(当然,也欢迎书写玉门的文章和图片投稿)。我们想通过不懈的努力,将玉门的变化传播出去,让更多的人了解玉门,认识玉门!</b></h1>