<p>音频:2b循环听,Peppa pig</p><p>理解性阅读: 牛津树5.26-5.30, 7.10-7.11</p><p>指读:牛津树5.26-5.30, 7.10-7.11</p><p>绘本: what makes day and night? Sunshine makes the seasons</p><p>Video: twinkle twinkle little star, The good knight and the bad knight</p><p>Learn about what “fun run”is</p><p>Discuss and retell a book: ORT5-23 Dad’s run</p><p>Watch a video about the Movement of the Planets in our solar system </p><p>Put the planets in the right sequence </p><p>Learn about stars and answer the questions </p><p>中文学习:二册课本,早读晚诵</p><p>数学:练习计算</p> <p>先了解一下什么是“ fun run” </p> <p>Discuss: ORT5-23 Dad’s run</p> <p>retell: ORT5-23 Dad’s run</p> <p>Movement of the Planets in our Solar System</p><p>A solar system is a star and all the objects that orbit around it. These might include planets, asteroids, moons and comets.</p><p>The star at the centre of our solar system is called the Sun and it is a ball of hot gas. It gives out heat and light. It is the gravity of the Sun which keeps the planets orbiting around it.</p><p>There are eight planets orbiting the Sun at different speeds:</p><p>Mercury takes 88 days</p><p>Venus takes 225 days</p><p>Earth takes 365 days</p><p>Mars takes 687 days</p><p>Jupiter takes 12 years</p><p>Saturn takes 29.5 years</p><p>Uranus takes 84 years</p><p>Neptune takes 165 years</p><p>Each of the planets orbiting the Sun also spins or rotates.</p><p>The Earth takes 24 hours to rotate on its axis.</p><p>The planets have their own gravity and so have objects, such as moons, orbiting around them. The Earth has one moon which takes 28 days to complete an orbit around our planet.</p> <p>初步记住了八大行星的名称、排列顺序和每个行星的一个小特点</p>