<div>新西兰湖北经贸文化协会秘书处 供稿 晴阳、高开元、张江容 等摄影 </div><div>Drafted by NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association </div><div>Photograph by Yang Zhou, KaiYuan Gao, JiangRong Zhang.</div><div>2020年8月初,湖北省人民政府5月底赠送给新西兰湖北经贸文化协会的三万只防抗新冠病毒的医用口罩终于到达了基督城。祖国的温暖和关爱尽在其中!<br></div><div>In later May 2020, Hubei Provincial People's Government of China gifted 30,000 medical face masks to NZ Hubei Economic Trade Cultural Association, they finally arrived in Christchurch in August. The warmth and love of the motherland are all in it!</div> 2020年5月27日,湖北省人民政府侨务办公室给新西兰湖北经贸文化协会的信。<div>A letter from the Overseas Affairs Office of Hubei Provincial People's Government to NZ Hubei Economy Trade Association written on 27 May 2020.</div> 跨越千山万水,辗转香港等地,历经数月,湖北省政府赠送的防抗疫情爱心口罩终于到达基督城啦!<div>Across thousands of mountains and rivers, transited Hong Kong and other places, after months, the Hubei provincial government gifted medical grade face masks arrived in Christchurch finally!<br></div> <h1><div><br></div></h1><h1><b>为使通关顺利进行,执行会长秦工博士支付了两千多新元的新西兰海关进口GST费用。(参见 Invoice)。</b></h1><div><b>Dr Gong Qin, the executive president of our association, paid more than NZ$2,000 for the import of GST to New Zealand Customs for the customs clearance. (See Invoice).</b></div> 今年2月,突如其来的新冠病毒肆虐家乡武汉,协会成员和基督城友人共捐款$11420给武汉大学中南医院,并在新西兰、北京、武汉、湖南、桂林等地区组织购买大量防控新冠病毒的物资捐赠武汉战疫!<div>In February this year, a Covid-19 outbroke ravaged Wuhan, our home city. Members of our association and friends from Christchurch raised/donated a total of $11,420 to a hospital of Wuhan , and organized in New Zealand, Beijing, Wuhan, Hunan, Guilin and other regions purchased a large number of medical materials to donate to fight the Covid-19 pandemics in Wuhan! <br><br><div>时值新冠病毒在新西兰社区传播,协会将这些爱心口罩分送给会员、一些当地的机构、华人华侨、基督城市政府相关的公共健康组织和Waimakariri地区政府、以及近年来支持和帮助协会开展多项新中友好交流活动的社团、企业、学校、商家的代表和个人,让口罩传递中国政府的驰援和关爱,阻止新冠病毒的传播! <br></div></div><div>At the time of Aug and Sep 2020, when the Covid-19 virus was spreading in the NZ community, the association distributed/gifted these loving face masks gifted by the Hubei Provincial People's Government to association's members, delegates of Chinese New Zealanders, and some local organizations, health care and wellbeing service of the Christchurch city council, Waimakariri district council, and some communities, associations, companies, schools, enterprise, and individuals who supported and co-operated with our association in recent years, in a number of friendly exchange and culture exchange activities between NZ and China. Allowed face masks to convey the support and care of the Chinese government and our association, to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.</div> 在协会的推动下,Waimakariri与湖北恩施州在四年前缔结了姊妹城市友好关系。<div>Under the promotion of our association, Waimakariri and Enshi Prefecture, Hubei, established a sister city friendship four years ago.<br>协会将口罩赠送给Dan Gordon 市长(左2)和Neville Atkinson副市长(左1)。他们将派发给需要口罩的食品库工作人员及社区市民,帮助防疫抗疫。<br><div>The association gifted face masks to Mayor Dan Gordon (left 2) and Deputy Mayor Neville Atkinson (left 1). They will be distributed to food bank staff and community citizens who need masks to help prevent the Covid-19 pandemics.<br></div></div> 赠送给 Pegasus Health 负责 Canterbury/Christchurch 基层公共健康的经理 Ester Vallero 女士(左)。他们将派发给当地需要用口罩的家庭和移民。 <div>To Ms. Ester Vallero (left), CALD Health Manager of Pegasus Health Canterbury/Christchurch. The face masks will be distributed to migrants, families, and community citizens who they need, to help prevent the Covid-19 pandemics. </div> <div>赠送给曾为武汉战疫做出贡献的当地企业家代表<br>HarcourtsGold 公司董事长 John McFadden 先生(左2)和国际部代表 Michelle 付贺子女士(左1) <br></div><div>To Mr. John McFadden, Managing Director of HarcourtsGold (2nd from left) and Mrs Michelle Fu, representative of International Division (1st from left), the representatives of local entrepreneurs who have contributed/donated to the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan.<br></div> 增口罩,传爱心。谢中国,抗疫情!<div>Gift masks, pass the love. Thank China, fight the pandemics!</div> <div>赠送给曾为武汉战疫做出贡献的当地华人企业家代表<br>Mr Homes 建筑公司的董事长 Jack Ma 先生(左)。<br></div><div>To Jack Ma (left), managing director of Mr Homes & Construction, a representative of local Chinese entrepreneur who has contributed/donated to the fight against the pandemics in Wuhan.<br></div> 赠送给曾支持协会举办大型新中文化交流活动的中国驻Christchurch总领馆代表 杨璐领事(右) 。<div>To Consul Lu Yang (right), representative of the Chinese Consulate General in Christchurch, who has supported our association in organizing large-scale cultural exchange activities between NZ and China.<br></div> 赠送给曾支持协会举办大型文化交流活动的当地企业家代表<br>Hellers 公司的市场部经理 Brydon Heller 先生(左)。 <div>To Mr Brydon Heller, Marketing Manager of Hellers Company (left), a representative of local entrepreneurs who have supported our association in its large-scale cultural exchange activity.<br></div> <h3>赠送给曾支持协会举办大型新中文化交流活动的基督城新中友好协会会长和基督城姊妹城市委员会主席 Michelle MacWilliam 女士(右3)及基督城新中友好协会的副会长们。</h3><h3>To Ms Michelle MacWilliam (3rd from the right), President of Christchurch NZ China Friendship Society and chairman of the Sister Cities Committee of Christchurch, who have supported the large scale NZ China exchange activities organized by our association. </h3> 他们将口罩赠给基督城妇女儿童移民和难民们的负责人代表Shakti(右)。<div>They gifted the face masks to Shakti (right),representative of Christchurch women, children, migrants, and refugees. <br></div> 赠送给 Waimakariri 地区的老市长 David Ayers先生(中)--Waimakariri 与湖北恩施州姊妹城市的创建者之一,曾与协会合作,努力共推新中友好交流。 <div>To Mr David Ayers, (middle) the former mayor of Waimakariri district council, one of the founders of the sister cities of Waimakariri and Enshi Prefecture in Hubei province, who supported and worked with our association to promote friendly exchanges between Waimakariri and Enshi China.<br></div> 众多收到口罩的单位和多方代表, 包括基督城 Andrew Turner 副市长, Waimakariri Dan Gordon市长等人先后写信、发邮件给我们协会,表示十分珍惜和衷心感谢! <br>The representatives of all parties who received the face masks, including Christchurch deputy mayor Andrew Turner, Waimakariri district mayor Dan Gordon, have sent letters and emails to our association to express their appreciation! <div>以上是部分感谢信或电子邮件。<br></div>Above are some of the "Thanks letters/emails". <div>已被中国华侨博物馆永久收藏的本协会执行会长 秦工博士 书法之一。</div><div>One of the calligraphy of Dr Gong Qin, executive President of the Association, which has been permanently collected by the Overseas Chinese Museum in China.<br></div> 8月9日,协会部分会员和当地华人华侨聚集一堂,领到了湖北省政府捐赠的防疫口罩,领略了祖国的温暖!<div>On 9 August, some members of our association and local Chinese New Zealanders gathered together and received face masks gifted by Hubei Provincial government, enjoying the warmth from the motherland!<br></div> 副会长刘玉兰女士(右)主持会议,会长周亚非博士(左)发表讲话。 <div>Ms Yulan Liu (right), deputy president of the association chaired the meeting and Dr Yafei Zhou (left), president of the association delivered a speech.<br></div> 会长周亚非博士(中)代表协会感恩祖国,感谢湖北省政府对海外华人华侨的关爱。<div>Dr Yafei Zhou (Middle), President of the Association, expressed gratitude to the motherland and thanked the Government of Hubei Province for its care and support for overseas Chinese.<br></div> 聚会者的声音,发自内心的感恩!<div>The thanks voice of the association, from their heart!<br></div> Tian 张语轩即兴演唱,歌声委婉动听。 <div>Tian Zhang impromptu singing, euphemistic and beautiful.<br></div> 单建宁书画家(右)将小楷原作赠予协会,字迹刚劲,彰显原军人的气质。 <div>Jianning Shan,calligrapher and artist (right),gifted a small original calligraph to the association, his handwriting is strong, showing the former soldier's temperament. </div> 赠字秀小楷,书法示情怀。 <div>Gift calligraphy shows feelings and character.<br></div> 讲抗疫期间的故事。 <div>Tell stories during the Covid-19 pandemics.<br></div> 晴阳 女士给大家回顾协会抗疫期间开展的 3项 主要活动:<div>Mrs Yang Zhou reviewed the three major activities of the association during the Covid-19 pandemics period:<br><div><a href="http://www.nz-hb-etc.nz/zh/2020/01/29/%e8%87%b3%e4%b8%ad%e5%8d%8e%e5%85%a8%e5%9b%bd%e3%80%81%e6%b9%96%e5%8c%97%e7%9c%81%e3%80%81%e6%ad%a6%e6%b1%89%e5%b8%82-%e5%bd%92%e5%9b%bd%e5%8d%8e%e4%be%a8%e8%81%94%e5%90%88%e4%bc%9a-%e7%9a%84%e6%85%b0/" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i><b>点击阅读 协会写给中华全国、湖北省、武汉市 归国华侨联合会 的慰问信</b></a><b></b></div><div><a href="http://www.nz-hb-etc.nz/en/2020/01/29/%e8%87%b3%e6%b9%96%e5%8c%97%e3%80%81%e6%ad%a6%e6%b1%89%e4%be%a8%e8%81%94%e7%9a%84%e6%85%b0%e9%97%ae%e4%bf%a1/" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i>Click a link here to read A Letter of Consolation</a><b></b><br><div><br></div><div>(一) 2月底,组织募捐驰援武汉抗疫:今年2月,突如其来的新冠病毒肆虐武汉,协会成员和基督城友人捐款$11420给武汉大学中南医院,并在新西兰、北京、武汉、湖南、桂林等地区组织购买大量防控新冠病毒的物资捐赠武汉战疫!</div><div>At the end of February, a donation/fundraising was organized to help Wuhan hospital fight against the pandemic: the sudden Covid-19 ravaged Wuhan. Members of the association and friends from Christchurch donated $11,420 to a Hospital in Wuhan, and organized in New Zealand, Beijing, Wuhan, Hunan, Guilin, and other regions purchased a large number of medical materials and donated to fight the pandemic in Wuhan!<br></div><div><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/2qczoees?share_depth=1" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i><b>点击浏览 协会为武汉抗疫募捐的故事</b></a><b><br></b></div><div><a href="http://www.nz-hb-etc.nz/en/2020/03/02/support-wuhan-to-fight-against-corona-virus/" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i>Click to view the story of the association's donation to Wuhan</a><b></b><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>(二) 4月初,与武汉市人民对外友好协会合办:“春江水暖 武汉无恙 — 武汉战“疫”文艺作品展”。 该大型网上书画诗词展集中外书画名家和诗人的优秀作品为一体,在十多个中外网站和微信平台在线展出长达一个多月;<br></div><div>In early April, co-organized with Wuhan People's Friendship with Foreign Countries Association: Literature and Art Exhibition. The large-scale online calligraphy, painting, and poetry exhibition integrate the excellent works of Chinese and foreign famous calligraphers and poets into one. It has been exhibited online for more than ten Chinese and foreign websites and WeChat platform for more than one month.<br></div><div><a href="http://www.nz-hb-etc.nz/zh/2020/04/05/%e6%98%a5%e6%b1%9f%e6%b0%b4%e6%9a%96-%e6%ad%a6%e6%b1%89%e6%97%a0%e6%81%99-%e6%ad%a6%e6%b1%89%e6%88%98%e7%96%ab%e6%96%87%e8%89%ba%e4%bd%9c%e5%93%81%e5%b1%95/" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i>点击浏览 协会与武汉市人民对外友好协会合办的大型抗疫网上书画展</a></div><div><br></div><div> </div><div><br></div><div>(三) 4月初,宅家隔离,打好抗疫战的下半场:身居不同住地的协会成员和朋友们在线展示了内容丰富的精彩视频、音频、书画艺术作品及摄影作品。大家严格宅家隔离,以实际行动阻断病毒的传播!非常时期,不负光阴,宅出健康,宅出情趣,宅出经验,宅出精彩!</div><div>At the beginning of April, the second half of the war against Covid-19 was completed with a lock down home quarantine: members and friends of the association living in different places showed their wonderful video, audio, calligraphy, painting and artworks and photography works online. We strictly home quarantine, to the actual action to block the virus spread! Special period, keep health, find interested, cumulate experience, make life wonderful!<br></div><div><a href="http://www.nz-hb-etc.nz/zh/2020/04/07/%e5%ae%85%e5%ae%b6%e9%9a%94%e7%a6%bb%ef%bc%8c%e5%9c%a8%e7%ba%bf%e6%89%93%e5%a5%bd%e6%8a%97%e7%96%ab%e6%88%98%e7%9a%84%e4%b8%8b%e5%8d%8a%e5%9c%ba%ef%bc%81/" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i>点击浏览 协会 宅家隔离,网上互动,打好抗疫战的下半场!</a><br></div></div></div> 新西兰经贸文化协会将湖北省政府捐赠的爱心口罩按如下计划分配赠送: <div>NZ Economic Trade Cultural Association has gifted/distributed the face masks donated by Hubei Provincial government according to the following plan:<br></div> 希望通过赠口罩来传递祖国的温暖和驰援!<div>Hope that through the gift of masks to pass the warmth and help from our motherland!<br></div> 病毒无情,人间有爱,祖国口罩暖人心,万众助力抗疫情!<div>在人类的共同努力下,定会打赢这场疫情防控的狙击战!</div><div>The virus is merciless, there is love, the face masks from our motherland warm people, people help each other to fight the pandemic!<br>With the joint efforts of the whole global people, we will win the battle against the Covid-19 virus!<br><div><b style=""><font color="#167efb"><br></font></b></div><div><b style=""><font color="#167efb">感谢大本营餐馆对我们活动的支持!</font><font color="#ed2308"></font></b></div></div><div><b style=""><font color="#167efb">Thanks to Celine's Restaurant for the support! </font></b></div> 已被中国华侨博物馆永久收藏的本协会执行会长 秦工博士 书法之二。<div>Calligraphy by Dr Gong Qin, executive president of the association, has been collected permanently in the Overseas Chinese Museum in China. <br></div> <a href="http://www.nz-hb-etc.nz/zh/home/" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i><b>欢迎点击浏览新西兰湖北经贸文化协会的网站,了解协会近期防抗新冠疫情的活动资讯</b></a><b></b><div><a href="http://www.nz-hb-etc.nz/en/" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i>Welcome to visit our website of NZ Hubei Economic Trade Cultural Association for information on its recent activities to fight COVID-19</a><br></div>