<p>音频:2b循环听,Peppa pig</p><p>理解性阅读: 牛津树5.26-5.30, 7.10-7.11</p><p>指读:牛津树5.26-5.30, 7.10-7.11</p><p>绘本: what makes day and night? Sunshine makes the seasons</p><p>video: twinkle twinkle little star, whale tale</p><p>Game: what makes day and night </p><p>Do an experiment with flashlight to learn about day and night </p><p>Do exercise about day and night </p><p>craft: make stars with paper</p><p>中文学习:二册课本,早读晚诵</p><p>数学:练习计算</p> <p>M: Eurus, now let’s learn about what makes day and night.</p><p>E: ok!</p><p>M: look, this is our earth, we all live on the earth.</p><p>E: yes, that’s right!</p><p>M: our earth is spinning all the time at the same speed. This is the sun, it’s very bright. The light from the sun falls on one-half of the spinning earth. The half in the light has day. The other half is dark. It’s in the earth’s shadow. That half has night. As the earth spins we move through the light into the darkness, and back again. We have day and night. Understand?</p><p>E: yes, understand.</p><p>M: look at the little monster, as the earth turns we have sunrise, daylight, sunset and night.</p><p>At the beginning of the spinning, the little monster has sunrise, it’s getting brighter, he wakes up. Later, because the earth is turning, it’s noontime, the sun is in the middle of the sky, it’s hot, the monster feels so hot! As the earth turns, the monster has sunset, it’s getting dark. By the time it reach the point that right behind the earth, it’s the middle of the night, it’s time to sleep. At the end of the 24 hours it has sunrise again. So, it takes 24 hours for the earth to spin round one time.</p><p><br></p> <p>Now let’s do an experiment to learn about what makes the day and night.</p><p>stand there and let your left side is toward the flashlight. Hold your arms out all the way. Yours left hand points toward the flashlight. This is sunrise.</p><p>stay in the same spot. Keep your arms out from your sides, and turn to your left. Now the flashlight is in front of you. It is the middle of the day. It is noontime.</p><p>keep turning until your right hand points toward the flashlight. You are turning away from the light. It is sunset.</p><p>keep turning until your back is toward the flashlight. It is night. But your back is in daylight.</p><p>half of you is always light, and half is dark. It’s the same with the earth.</p> <p>Do exercise about day and night </p> <p>Why can we get a star with one cutting in this folding way</p><p>为什么我们能用这种折叠的方式剪一下就得到一颗星星</p> <p>Cut a rectangle so that its aspect ratio is 4 to 3. Fold it in half, then the ratio is 2 to 3.</p><p>剪一个边长比为4:3的长方形,对折以后我们得到一个边长比为2:3的长方形</p> <p>Fold the left corner to the midpoint of the right side. Then we can get a right triangle with a three-sided ratio of 3 to 4 to 5. The sharp angle we get is 36 degrees. Then follow the steps to fold the paper. </p><p>如图将左下方的角折向右侧短边的中点,我们就可以得到一个三边边长比为3:4:5的直角三角形,这个三角形的较小的锐角即为36度,继续按照上面的步骤来折</p> <p>When you unfold the paper, you will get five 72 degrees.</p><p>折完后打开整张纸,你会得到5个72度的角</p> <p>Finally draw a line as shown.</p><p>如图所示画一条斜线</p> <p>Cut the paper along the line, you will get a star. If you want to get a fat star, just cut the paper at a larger angle. If you want to get a thin star, cut the paper at a smaller angle.</p><p>沿着这条线剪一下,你会得到一颗星星。 如果你想要一个胖胖的星星,就以较大的角度来画这条斜线,如果你想要一个瘦瘦的星星,就以较小的角度来画这条斜线。</p>