

<p>关键词:</p><p>●视频</p><p>三师课:复习</p><p>清英:复习</p><p>清汉2:复习</p><p>● 音频</p><p>1. 0a u1-12情景故事 1b u1-12</p><p>2.牙牙1 u1-12 汉语2 u1-12</p><p>3.2a u1-u12 汉语3 u1-u12</p><p>4.Peppa pig :1-44.45</p> <p>Hello, everyone. Welcome to play story. My name is Rex. Today I have a really cool experiment to show you called the magical drinking glass.</p><p> for this experiment, you're going to need a plate, a lighter, some blu-tack, a candle, a stirrer/rod, some food coloring, some water. and a glass bottle. First we're going to stick the candle with the blu-tack to the middle of the plate. next we're going to mix food coloring with the water. Then this is what we use this rod and mix it up. Now we are going to pour our mixture onto the plate. Next, take our glass bottle. And remember with the lighter you must ask for help from your mummy or your daddy. Because messing with fires is very dangerous. So what we do is to light the candle and we place the glass bottle over the top. And see? The glass is drinking the water. Now this happens because the heat from the candle creates pressure, which can suck the water from the plate up into the bottle. So there you have it. A magical drinking glass. Bye bye, everybody.</p> <p><b>0AU6-D5剧本</b></p><p><br></p><p>场景一:小白马和栗色小马。</p><p>Scene1:Two little horses are talking.</p><p>M:Hello, I am a little horse.</p><p>B:I'm a little horse, too.</p><p>M:I can run very fast .</p><p>B:I can run very fast too.(绕圈跑)</p><p>M:Let's race.Ready steady go.</p><p>song:Little horsey go fast and slow, little horsey go fast and slow.Fast and fast, slow and slow, fast and slow .little horsey go fast and slow.Giddy up giddy up giddy up up up,Giddy up giddy up giddy up horsey.</p><p>场景二:两只小羊吃草。一只大灰狼躲起来观察。</p><p>Scene2:Two little sheep are eating grass.</p><p>M(little sheep):I can run very fast, I can run very fast.</p><p>D (Big bad wolf) :I can run fast too.(把宝宝装进袋子)</p><p>M:Ahh…help help</p><p>B(little horse):Don't worry .I can run very fast.&nbsp; Go fast go fast. we can go fast.</p><p>Song:…</p><p>(小马追上大灰狼,一脚踢开救出了小羊)</p><p>M:Thank you little horsey.Thank you for your help.</p><p>B:My pleasure.</p><p>M:Hello, little horsey. This is for you.</p><p>(准备食物若干,提问:What does little horse you like to eat?&nbsp;)Can you&nbsp;help us feed the horse?</p><p>D:选择饼干</p><p>B:Thank you.I don't like biscuits.</p><p>Carrots</p><p>B:Thank you, yum yum</p> <p><b>总结</b>:汉语:洪恩识字+清华幼儿汉语</p><p> 数学:常青藤爸爸+Number blocks </p><p> 英语:清华幼儿英语+三师课</p><p> 科学:瓶子气球🎈+隔空灭火</p><p> 家规制定,对规范孩子的行为和总结都是非常有效的评价和指引。目前更换了第3次家规。频率有点低,之前还是忽略了这个部分,其实还是因为怕家里的老人有别的想法。确实有及时总结的效果,所以发现现在家里人也都能畅所欲言的讲讲孩子目前的问题和下一步要改正的方向。</p><p>娃越来越大了,接受能力和学习能力都比以前要好很多。目前的状态就像一个负重行走的胖子。每天从早到晚不停的忙叨,不知道娃累不累,反正家里人是轮番上阵,各显其能。</p><p><b>进度:复习清汉2+清英0b </b></p><p><b>其他:</b></p><p>中文绘本:2本/天</p><p>英文阅读:牛津树3阶5本、海尼曼中2本、英语绘本1本,1次/天,重复7天(每7天换1次新书)</p><p>教材小数书:2本/天(每5天换1次新书,尽量与学习进度同步)</p><p>英文指读:无 计划:海尼曼n本、牛津树n本,根据篇幅长短决定本数(4岁开始指读),1次/天,重复1周</p><p>汉语教程:教材小书、早读晚诵、教材大书、洪恩识字20字。</p><p>复述粉猪:无 计划:1次/天,重复1周</p><p>英文字母学习: 字母歌会唱</p><p>数学逻辑每周2次 (简单的点数游戏)</p><p>实验:1次/一个月</p><p>海尼曼精讲课:1次/一个月</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>&nbsp;</p>









