【0bU4】小西妈双语工程2003期210号Daniel 打卡 Day37


<p>Listening:0a全部,0bU1-U6</p><p> 初学古诗十首,牙牙学语上册</p><p>Reading:</p> <p>Video:0bU4 The green frog</p><p>Game:</p> <p><b style="font-size: 20px;">🌸Act it out</b></p><p>👩Honey, let's play a game. I am a mommy frog and you're a baby frog. Let's jump like a frog. </p><p>Ready? Go!</p><p>唱歌"Mu,ah!"went the little green frog one day…</p> <p><b style="font-size: 20px;">🌸Have a race</b></p><p>👩I am a frog. I'm a mommy frog.</p><p>Mm,ah.Mu,ah.Mu,ah.(边说边跳)I can jump. There are so many lily pads here. Let's have a race and jump on the lily pads. </p><p>This is a start. Let's jump to the sofa. 54321, go!</p><p>唱歌"Mu,ah!"went the little green frog one day…</p><p>You are so good at froggy jump.</p> <p><b style="font-size: 20px;">🌸Jump, jump, jump</b></p><p>👩Honey,see, I have a fishing rod. We will pretend to be little frogs and jump jump jump to head this ball. (用手拍球做示范)</p><p>Who will be the frog first? </p><p>OK.Mommy first.Get the fishing rod. </p><p>See,I'm a little frog. Sing the song and I will head this ball. Ready? Go!</p><p>唱歌"Mu,ah!"went the little green frog one day…(唱到Mm,ah就跳起)</p><p>OK,It's your turn. Squat down and be a little frog. </p><p>Good job. Is that fun,my little frog? </p><p>(他更喜欢用手拍,后来就改为听节奏拍球)</p><p>👩Honey,when I say"Mu,ah",you can pat the ball. </p>