万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程2002期25号Eurus打卡Day165


<p>音频:2b循环听,Peppa pig</p><p>理解性阅读: 牛津树5.26-5.30, 7.10-7.11, 9-1</p><p>指读:牛津树5.26-5.30, 7.10-7.11</p><p>video: twinkle twinkle little star, the mouse and the moon</p><p>复述并提问:S206 Mysteries</p><p>read a book: ORT 9-1 Green island</p><p>draw some stars</p><p>Game:my twinkling eyes</p><p>Label Solar System </p><p>Do exercises about the past tense</p><p>中文学习:二册课本,早读晚诵</p><p>数学:练习计算</p> <p>S206 Mysteries</p> <p>提问环节:</p><p>1. what is Peppa`s family`s favorite television program?</p><p>2. Do you think only adult can be a detective?</p><p>3. what do detectives need when they work?</p><p>4. what can a magnifying glass do?</p><p>5. what is mystery?</p><p>6. what mysteries does Peppa make?</p><p>7. how does daddy make a mystery?</p><p>8. what is the other half part of daddy`s mystery?</p><p>9. what is the clue that lead to teddy? what can help Peppa find the clue?</p><p>10. what else need to do if a detective wants to find out the truth?</p><p>11. what does Peppa feel about to be a detective?</p><p>12. what is easier for Peppa? to be a detective or the man who make mystery?</p><p>13. can you conclude what does a good detective need to do?</p> <p>read a book: ORT 9-1 Green island</p><p>感觉牛9和牛7难度上没有差别,只是故事长度长了一些,足足读了14分钟</p> <p>M: Eurus, let’s draw some stars.</p><p>E: ok, I like to draw stars.</p><p>M: first, I will draw the stars for you, then you can color them with your favorite colors.</p><p>E: I want many different colors of stars.</p><p>M: that’s up to you! I think the biggest star is the most beautiful.</p><p>E: I like it too.</p><p>M: tell me how many vertices there are in a star?</p><p>E: five.</p><p>M: are your stars bright or dark?</p><p>E: bright!</p><p>M: do you think the stars are in the sky or in the ocean?</p><p>E: in the sky! look, l’m going to draw the sky with my black marker.</p> <p>Game: my twinkling eyes </p><p>M: Eurus, let’s play a game. Cover your eyes with your hands, move one hand away each time and put it back. Do this quickly too.</p><p>E: it looks like play the peek-a-boo.</p><p>M: yes, next we will peek through our fingers. Open and close your fingers quickly.</p><p>E: peeking you!</p> <p>连记带猜把八大行星都标对了</p> <p>全是凭着平时读书记下来大部分动词的过去式</p>