<p>进度:0b Unit6 恐龙</p><p>听:清华0a、0b儿歌、白泽、常爸历史</p><p>视频:0b动画、白泽三集</p><p>阅读:如下</p> <p>游戏及应用:</p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Game 8: Watch Out!</b></p><p>(Prepare dinosaurs, a box, and some fake eggs before the game)</p><p>提前准备好几个恐龙、一个盒子、一些假的蛋</p><p>1、我是霸王龙,宝贝是剑龙,保护自己的蛋</p><p>Mum: Family time, please! I am the tyrannosaurus rex. Give me the t-rex. You pretend to be the stegosaurus.剑龙</p><p>Mum: Here are some eggs in a box. The box is the dinosaur's nest and eggs are the dinosaur eggs. pete, you should take care of the eggs.</p><p>Baby: Yes, I will.</p><p>Mum: Now I come over here and try to get the eggs.You pretend to be asleep, If I gets close to the eggs,you should chase me away!</p><p>Baby: Chase that big bad Rex, make it go away, shoo! Haha!</p><p>2、角色互换,我来保护恐龙蛋,他来当霸王龙</p><p>B: Mum, There are daddy Dinosaur and mummy dinosaur.</p><p>M: Well, OK, they are asleep, You are the T-rax</p><p>M: Huhuhu.......假装睡觉</p><p>B: Tiptoe, tiptoe</p><p>M:Wow,T-rax,chase that big bad......</p><p>M: Wave my tail, there are 4 spikes on my tail.</p><p>B: Give a roar</p><p>PS:打架中,最后爸爸妈妈成功保护了恐龙蛋们,尾巴上有刺真厉害;宝贝又找来好多恐龙宝宝们,妈妈来孵蛋,爸爸保护她们,可恶的霸王龙也成双成对来偷蛋了</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Game 9:Dinosaur treasure </b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(25, 25, 25);">此游戏灵感来源于牛津树的一本书 box of treasure,小朋友的探索精神膨胀,非要自己花一个寻宝地图,我们于是开心的玩上了</span></p><p>B:Mum, can you find the treasure map?</p><p>M: Let me see. Here it is.</p><p>B: Yes. Open it.</p><p>M: It says go along the path, and dig “here”</p><p>B: Yes. Dig here.</p><p>M: Wow, what is it? Is that treasure?</p><p>B: Yes, it’s dinosaurs fossils.</p><p>B: Let’s make a dinosaur puzzle.</p><p>B: Here is the head, here is the legs.</p><p>M: Where is the body part?</p><p>B: Here it is. And it has many sharp teeth.</p><p>M: Yes. You did it.</p><p><br></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Craft: How to make a dinosaur</b></p><p>Materials:</p><p>Paper plate</p><p>Paint</p><p>Glue</p><p>Scissors</p><p>Wiggle eyes 眼睛👀</p><p>Instructions:</p><p>1.Cut out the body parts of the dinosaur from the paper plate.</p><p>2. Glue the tail to the end of the body.</p><p>3. Glue four legs on underneath.</p><p>4. Glue the neck to the top of the body.</p><p>5. Glue the head onto the top of the neck.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">拓展2、Volcano Eruption 火山爆发</b></p><p>【妈妈备课】</p><p>What causes the volcano eruption火山爆发? Originally, the interior of the earth is fulfilled with hot magma岩浆 and the swollen 膨胀的 bubbles. Under great pressure, magma will break through the crust 地壳 from the very weak point and erupt, that cause the volcanic eruptions. </p><p>地球内部充满着炽热的岩浆和膨胀的气泡,在极大的压力下,岩浆便会从薄弱的地方冲破地壳,喷涌而出,造成火山爆发。</p><p>main vent 主通风口</p><p>magma chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbər] 岩浆房</p><p>lava flow 熔岩流</p><p>caldera [kælˈderə] a very large hole in the top of a volcano , usually caused by an eruption 陨石坑、火山口</p><p>crater :a large hole in the top of volcano 火山口</p><p>eruption cloud 火山云</p><p>volcanic ash,gas and rock 火山灰等</p><p>crust [krʌst] 地壳</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Game 10: Volcano Eruption 火山爆发</b></p><p>【material】</p><p>a bottle</p><p>Cray 超轻粘土</p><p>stirring rod搅拌棒</p><p>goggles防护镜</p><p>柠檬酸粉、小苏打</p><p>dish soap洗洁精</p><p>plastic cup塑料杯</p><p>Red Paint 红色颜料或色素</p><p>【Step】</p><p>1.Use the cray to decorate the bottle, make it looks like a volcano.</p><p>2. Put same amount of two kind of powder into the plastic cup</p><p>3.Stir to mix the two powder with a stirring rod搅拌棒 gently.</p><p>4.Pour them into the crater [ˈkreɪtə(r)] 火山口 of volcano.</p><p>5.Pour some water into the cup and add the red paint and some dish soap, mix them.</p><p>6.Put on the safety goggles [ˈɡɒɡlz] 防护眼镜 and make sure the model is dry.</p><p>7.Pour the water into the crater of the model slowly.</p><p>8. Bubbles start to overflow 溢出 out of the volcano crater from the main vent 主通风口 just like a volcano eruqtion.</p><p>9.clean the model and repeat .</p><p>PS:一晚上玩的不亦乐乎,火山爆发,自己模拟了小恐龙因火山爆发而死亡的场景,备课部分内容也可以展现出来了</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">拓展3、恐龙灭绝</b></p><p>Speaking of disappearing no one actually knows why the dinosaurs disappeared but scientists are trying to find out.</p><p>Some people think that a huge meteorite[ˈmiːtiəraɪt]陨石 hit the earth, suddenly causing the dinosaurs to die out. </p><p>一些人认为是陨石撞了地球导致恐龙灭绝</p><p>Another idea is huge volcanoes erupted [ɪˈrʌptɪd]爆发, sending up clouds of dust which hid the sun, so the dinosaurs died from the cold.</p><p>另一些人认为是火山爆发,升起的尘埃遮住了太阳,恐龙们冻死了</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">拓展4、Fossils[ˈfɒslz]化石</b></p><p>There are no dinosaurs today. Not even one. But sometimes people find dinosaur bones.</p><p>现在没有恐龙了,一只都没有,但是一些人可以找到恐龙骨头</p><p>The bones are like parts of a puzzle. When they are put together, you can see what a dinosaur looked like.</p><p>这些骨头像是拼图一样,当把它们拼在一起,你就能看到一只恐龙的样子</p><p>When the dinosaur died, the hard parts of its body like teeth and bones, were often buried [ˈberid] 埋葬 in the mud, over time, these turned in stone and became fossils. </p><p>恐龙死去后,比较硬的像牙齿骨头,通常被埋在泥土里,随着时间推移,这些骨头变成石头,成为化石</p><p>Fossils are the remains[rɪˈmeɪnz]残骸 of plants and animals that lived long ago.</p><p>化石由远古时代的动植物遗骸形成</p><p>Fossils found in the earth or rocks show us what dinosaurs may have looked like.</p><p>在岩石中发现的化石或许可以告诉我们恐龙可能长什么样</p><p>what they may have left and what the earth was like when they were alive.</p><p>以及它们活着的时候地球是什么样</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Game11: Dinosaur Dig Excavation [ˌekskəˈveɪʃn] 挖掘</b></p><p>【material】</p><p>dinosaur fossils</p><p>hammer</p><p>chisel [ˈtʃɪzl] 凿子</p><p>brush</p><p>spray bottle 喷水瓶</p><p>【Step】</p><p>M:Baby,I have a new work for you. Look , here is a big rock , the bones of dinosaur are hided in it. Put the rock on the newspaper.</p><p>M: First , let's use the spray bottle to spread some water in the surface of the rock . It’s easy for you to dig it .</p><p>M: Then , We should to dig out them with a hammer and a chisel 凿子 . Be careful your fingers. slowly and be patient !</p><p>M:Use the chisel to get some of the chunks [tʃʌŋks] 大块的 off of the dinosaur fossils. </p><p>M: Look , the fossils are appeared, the white bones, they belong to a dinasaur.</p><p>B: wow, white bone. They are fossils</p><p>M: Ok, Take out the dinosaur fossils one by one.</p><p>M: Put the fossils in the box and brush the ash [æʃ] on the surface . (或者说 dust the ash off 把灰弹掉 ) </p><p>M: Great , they are all excavated [ˌekskəˈveɪtid]挖掘out . </p><p>M: Wash the dinosaur fossils with water together.</p><p>M:Then,put the dinosaur fossils together . </p><p>M: Give me the tail and back first, give me the head, give me the hind legs , give me the fore legs , last give me the jaws下巴. </p><p>M: Then the dinosaur fossil is completed.</p><p>M: Look! Do you know what is it ?</p><p>B: T-Rax</p><p>M: Yes,We excavated [ˌekskəˈveɪtid] a T-rax . </p><p>M: Look , the head and the jaws can be moved.</p><p>M: We restored a dinosaur , great job ! Is it interesting ? Enjoy the fun of excavation fossils.</p><p>PS:挖掘化石的活动蛮有趣的,我们讲解了很多有关化石的内容,他能吸收十之一二我就满足了</p> <p>5、恐龙地域分布</p><p>Look, this is the globe.</p><p>It can show us where dinosaurs lived in.</p><p>Take a look.</p><p>Many dinosaurs appear on the globe.</p><p>T-Rex is in the North America.</p><p>霸王龙生活在北美</p><p>Spinosaurus is in the North Africa.</p><p>棘龙在北非</p><p>Stegosaurus lives in the Asia、North America.</p><p>剑龙生活在亚洲、北美洲</p><p>Tricerotops lives in the North America, too.</p><p>三角龙也生活在北美洲</p><p>Have you found that T-Rex and triceratops live in the same period and same area.</p><p>你有注意到吗,霸王龙和三角龙都生活在相同的时期、相同的地域 </p><p>So T-Rex can hunt for triceratops.</p><p>所以霸王龙猎食三角龙</p><p>PS:这一块通过地球仪AR,可以非常直观的看到不同恐龙生活的地域,生动有趣,其中很多恐龙不是很经常遇到,因此英文拓展就主要围绕着已经输出掌握的这四五种恐龙展开的。</p> <p>最后附上字母排序恐龙名</p> <p>去哪都要找恐龙🦖</p> <p>小结:</p><p>Unit 6恐龙终于结束了,我从开始存在畏难情绪,到后来熟记了部分绕口的恐龙名字,我发现当我熟记了的时候,孩子差不多也记住了。这一单元我们玩的很嗨,各种探索、手工,源自于我们是个小恐龙迷,不管去哪里一定是要问“有恐龙吗🦖?” 这一单元我们新掌握了部分恐龙名字,了解了肉食恐龙、植食性恐龙的特征,对恐龙灭绝和火山爆发有了初步了解,化石的形成和挖掘也有了更好的体验……但我知道,恐龙这一主题还远没有结束,未来还有挑战等着我们</p>