<p>V- learn 万思乐学 小西妈双语工程1807期学号93Jacky打卡</p><p>2020 08 01 Day171</p><p>音频: 3a 汉三 Pepa第一季</p><p>视频:3a 汉三 pepa第一季</p> <p>今日FT主要是为了解释这三本书中的知识点,浪来了船会怎样动,怎样划桨、掌舵,水闸、堤坝都看到了,用峡小的入淀口配合两岸高高的芦苇解释了峡谷。还看到了黑鹤在芦苇里筑巢,可惜没拍到,总的来说收获颇丰</p> <p>We passed a bazaar /fair on the way, but Jacky hadn’t seen it before,</p><p>look. mummy. lots of sunshades line up one by one. </p><p>yes. there has lots of things to buy like a market. and some people had breakfast at here. </p><p>look. there. lots of flowers are flowering up</p><p>yes. that old woman is buying some pots of flowers. </p> <p>long bridge. weir. shore. reeds. waves. </p> <p> 古诗词三首</p><p>晓出净慈寺送林子方</p><p>[宋] 杨万里 </p><p>毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。</p><p>接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。</p> <p>皇甫岳云溪杂题五首·莲花坞</p><p>[唐] 王维</p><p>日日采莲去,洲长多暮归。</p><p>弄篙莫溅水,畏湿红莲衣。</p> <p>江南</p><p>[汉] 佚名 </p><p>江南可采莲,莲叶何田田。</p><p>鱼戏莲叶间。</p><p>鱼戏莲叶东,鱼戏莲叶西,鱼戏莲叶南,鱼戏莲叶北。</p> <p>清平乐•村居 辛弃疾</p><p>茅檐低小,溪上青青草。</p><p>醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪?</p><p>大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼。</p><p>最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬。</p> <p>daddy picked a big lotus leaf up and turned it upside down on Jacky’head. he looked funny</p> <p>今天咱们一家去白洋淀游玩,那里是一个超大的莲花湖,莲花开的正盛,我们会划着小船在湖里赏荷,你高兴吗?我们这就出发Today, our family went to visit Baiyangdian. There is a huge lotus lake. The lotus blossoms are in full bloom. We will row a boat to enjoy the lotus in the lake. Are you happy? Let's start</p> <p>chant row your boat</p> <p>看,好多船,你选一个你喜欢的吧,上船之前要穿好救生衣,如果你不小心落水,穿上它可以让你浮在水面上,好的,然后坐稳扶好,爸爸会替我们划桨,你可以可以试试,爸爸会保护你,船尾也有电动螺旋桨,如果累了可以启动</p><p>Look, there are many boats. Choose one you like. You must wear a life jacket before getting on the boat. If you accidentally fall into the water, wearing it can make you float on the water. We paddle, you can try, dad will protect you, there is also an electric propeller at the stern, you can start if you are tired</p> <p>chant the little green frog</p> <p>偶遇水质监测仪,没准备,用中文讲的</p> <p>除了藕都摘到了,收获颇丰</p> <p>The lotus leaf buds. they grew under the water. so they rolled up themselves for reduce resistance first. when they aboved the river. they stretched to big and round. </p> <p>预习并了解船的种类和每部分功用</p>