<h1><b>山峦的妈妈</b> moutain's mam</h1><p> 中文/珞迪</p><p> 英译/覃利铁</p><p><br></p><p>山峦也有母亲吗 dose moutain have a mam </p><p>她究意是谁 who is she</p><p> 我不停地追问 I keep asking question</p><p>隐约于天空中的回声 the faint echo in the air </p><p>让云彩频频摇手 make cloud waved frequently</p><p>似乎在肯定地说 it seem answer sure </p><p>山峦的母亲 the moutain’s mother</p><p>就是山峦本身 she is moutain itself </p><p>难道你真的不知道吗 don’t you really know</p><p>她调遣着溪流松涛 she flired with the pine </p><p> waves of the stream</p><p>还有半山腰里的雾霭 and fungus halfway up the moutain</p><p>齐唱大自然生命之歌 sing the song of natrure and life in unison</p><p>抑扬顿挫 cadence</p><p> 此起彼伏 one after the another</p><p><br></p><p>安抚着一年四季 pacify the four seasons of the year</p><p>祝福着收成安康 bless the heath of the harvest </p><p>溪流里有她清晰的倒影 she is clearly reflected in the stream tour</p><p>头顶着日月星云 he head is protruding from the moon, sun and nebula</p><p>让人们做着高山仰止的梦 let people dream of respecting</p><p>其实她习惯于低调 in fact she accustomed to keeping a low profile</p><p>站着也是坐着和睡着 when she is standig just is </p><p> sleeping also</p><p>静止也是在不停地行走 when she is quite and she is walking and walking </p><p>护佑着山石田地 she is blessing stone, hall and field</p><p>在风吹雨淋中享受日常 she is injoying every day in winding and braining</p><p>喜怒哀乐七情六欲 her passions and emotiones </p><p>在昼夜轮回中 in the cycle of the days and nights </p><p>挥洒诗情画意 she sprinkle with poetic and picturesque feeling</p><p>这就是山峦的母亲 this is moutain’s mother</p><p>这就是山峦本身 and this is moutain herself</p><p>她以凝重的胸怀和品格 she used her dignified mind and charater</p><p>郑重地告诉世人 solemnly tell the world</p><p>你可以占有它 you may possess her </p><p>不外乎植被土地和溪流 nothing more than vegetation and streams</p><p>还有阳光云朵和风雨 and sunshine, cloud, wind and rain</p><p>甚至是它最为尊贵的名义 even her most precious name</p><p>然而它是那么的壮阔大量 however, she is so magnificent and magnificent</p><p>你能拿到的确实过于微渺 you may get it really too small</p><p>你要是想踏平和抹掉它 if you want to flatten it and erase it</p><p>那可完全没有必要 that’s tolally unnecessary</p><p>肯定也不会做得到 you can’t do it also</p><p>因为它是山峦 because it’s a moutain</p><p>她有你无法战胜的母亲 she have a mother is invincible</p><p>我如果说她还有儿女 if I tell you she have chidren also</p><p>难道你还要肆意妄为吗 do you still have to act recklessly</p><p>你可以霸占山峦 you may expropriation moutain</p><p>却无法拥有它 but you can’t possess it</p><p>它静止和流动的灵魂 her quite and flowing soul</p><p>只属于它自己和乾坤宇宙 just belong to herself and the universe</p><p>不能单独依附于某一个人 but not attached to person alone</p><p>这就是生命和自然的真相 this is the truth of life and nature</p><p>你应该明白了吧 you and me, I think we have understanded</p><p><br></p><p> 2020.7.30</p>