<p>理解性阅读:自选</p><p>独立阅读: 牛6 8本 牛9 2本</p><p>听力:粉猪第四季 西游记英文</p><p>动画:粉猪,</p><p>复述:粉猪2,牛六</p><p>自拼</p><p>天天练西游记</p><p>中文:第六册二单元,美猴王 我的大中国内蒙古</p> <p>Eating Yogurt 喝酸奶</p><p>喝酸奶不能翻译drink yogurt,而应该是eat yogurt,因为在英语国家,人们大多用勺喝酸奶,不用吸管,也不直接从瓶子里喝。</p><p>Using a Spoon 用勺子</p><p>Mom: Want to have a snack?</p><p>I picked up some yogurt at the grocery store this morning.</p><p>Pick up虽然字面意思是“拿”,但这里指的是“买”。</p><p>Child: Yeah! I want some.</p><p>Mom: Alright, why don't you go grab one for me and one for you out of the fridge?</p><p>I'll grab some spoons.</p><p>Child: Here you go, Mommy.</p><p>Mom: Thank you.</p><p>Child: You're welcome.</p><p>Mom: This yogurt is strawberry flavored.</p><p>Pull the tab on the corner of your yogurt to open it up.</p><p>揪着酸奶角上这个小片,就打开了。</p><p>Good.</p><p>很好。</p><p>Lick the lid.</p><p>舔舔盖儿。</p><p>There's a lot of yogurt on it!</p><p>Child: Yummy!</p><p>Mom: Watch out, don't let it drip onto your shirt.</p><p>How about a smaller scoop?</p><p>Scoop指挖一勺的量,而不是指scoop-深勺、铲子这个工具本身,这里用的就是spoon-勺。</p><p>Child: But it's so good!</p><p>Mom: No need to make a mess, though.</p><p>Make sure to use the tip of your spoon to get the yogurt in the crease.</p><p>用勺尖儿把缝儿这里的酸奶刮刮。</p><p>Crease是褶皱、折痕的意思,这里指酸奶杯四面和底交界的“缝”。</p><p>Make sure to scrape the sides of the cup, too.</p><p>把盒边儿上也刮刮。</p><p>Good work!</p><p>真棒!</p><p>You really cleaned it out!</p><p>刮得真干净!</p><p>虽然英语国家的人不用吸管喝,但是我们用啊</p><p>Using a Straw 用吸管</p><p>Mom: Hold the straw by the flat end</p><p>妈妈:拿着吸管平的这头,</p><p>and use the sharp end to poke a hole in the yogurt.</p><p>用尖的这头在酸奶上戳一个洞。</p><p>Make sure to use some force.</p><p>得使点劲儿。</p><p>Child: The straw went through.</p><p>宝宝:吸管进去了。</p><p>Mom: Good job!</p><p>妈妈:真棒!</p><p>Don't bite the straw.</p><p>别咬吸管。</p><p>If you bite it and make it flat,</p><p>你要是把它咬扁了,</p><p>you won't be able to sip any yogurt up.</p><p>你就吸不上来酸奶了。</p><p>Don't bend the straw either.</p><p>也别折吸管。</p><p>That might put a hole in the straw or make it flat, also.</p><p>该把吸管弄破了,也会把它弄扁的。</p><p>Child: Okay, Mommy.</p><p>宝宝:好的,妈妈。</p> <p>牛五</p> <p>粉猪s4</p> <p>牛五</p> <p>又一位合适的老师!</p>