<p>向左或向右,总有一个声音在耳后告诉你,这是正路,要行在其间。</p><p>Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying "This is the way, walk in it. "</p> <p>一件事情,为何会让一个人的灵魂脱胎换骨?在我看来,为何不会呢?不是你选择这件事,是这件事选择你。</p><p>How can a thing have such an effect on man's soul? The way i see it, how can it not? You don't choose the thing. It chooses You. </p> <p>当它选中你的时候,你的人生就和它融为一体。</p><p>When it does, life and the thing become forever connected. </p> <p>伴着微风去感受吧, 随着时间去感受吧。</p><p>Feeling it all as the wind blows. Feeling it all as the time goes. </p> <p>人生是一场比赛。有时候,我们的目标不是赢,而是不输。有时候,我们的目标不是输,而是不赢。当然最重要的,要懂得对不输不赢安之若素, 生活的意义不只是分输赢。</p><p>Life is a game. Sometimes we are playing not to lose instead of playing to win. Sometimes we are playing not to win instead of playing to lose. Of course, the most important thing is to regard losing and winning with equanimity and grace. There's more to life than winning. </p> <p>记得谁是第二名吗?没有人会记得亚军. 但,那又如何?明天你就不会这么说了。</p><p>Remember who come in second? Nobody remembers the runner-up. But, so what? You won't say that tomorrow. </p> <p>别自以为是,把你的光芒都忘了吧,只要你够留心,总有一个人能教给你更多。</p><p>Get over yourself! Leave your brightness all behind. There must be someone that you're gonna get the most from if you pay attention. </p> <p>一个人最大的挑战不是别人,而是别人随随便便的评价,那种指点你该怎么干的评价。如果你不能坚定自己的立场,这种随意的评论就能让你错乱,让你逐渐失去自信。记住,你是独一无二的。</p><p>The toughest challenge you'll face isn't someone else but it's that casual comment offered by someone, anyone about how you should be doing it. If you don't have conviction about where your foundation is. That off-handed comment will take you out of your game and erode your confidence. Remember you are the one and only. </p> <p>迎难而上并不适合每个人,有的人怎么那么爱迎难而上呢,因为他们输得起。</p><p>It's not for everyone to do things the hard way. How come some people always seem to do things the hard way? That's because they can afford to lose. </p> <p>节奏、平衡、耐心,这些是保持状态时必备的基础,和飞蝇钓鱼是同样的道理,要保持头脑平静,集中于感觉,不要过分关注结果, 学会控制情绪. </p><p>Rhythm, balance, patience. That's what you need to stay in your game. The same with fly fishing. It takes a calm mindset. A F o c u s on the feel rather than the outcome. It takes emotional control. </p>