<p> 2020年7月13日,“丝绸之路(敦煌)国际美育联盟”发起仪式在中国敦煌举行。此次发起仪式,得到了世界各地艺术家、学者、策展人、设计师以及教育界专家的大力支持。来自西北师范大学、北京舞蹈学院、澳门大学、中央美术学院、南京师范大学、台湾佛光大学、中国美术学院、清华大学、北京理工大学、广州美术学院、英国明爱(伦敦)学院、中央戏剧学院、西安美术学院、首都师范大学、美国韦伯斯特大学、北京师范大学、天津美术学院、斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发表演艺术学院、兰州城市学院、中央音乐学院、中央民族大学、北京电影学院、上海大学上海美术学院、兰州文理学院、中国音乐学院、兰州财经大学、阿尔巴尼亚艺术大学、北马其顿特托沃大学、江南影视艺术学院、北马其顿国家大学、拉脱维亚文化学院、尼泊尔音乐和戏剧学院、北京戏曲艺术职业学院、中国歌剧舞剧院、上海美术电影制片厂、中国国家大剧院、中国艺术研究院等院校和研究机构的46位专家学者共同作为首批发起人。著名教育家、设计家常沙娜为发起仪式专门发来了祝贺视频,表示支持此项活动。</p><p><br></p><p>On July 13, 2020, the launch ceremony for the Dunhuang & Silk Road International Arts Education Alliance was held in Dunhuang, China. The launch ceremony received strong support from artists, scholars, curators, designers and education experts from all over the world. Forty-six experts and scholars from universities and research institutions worldwide lent their support for the initiative: Northwest Normal University, Beijing Dance Academy, University of Macau, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Nanjing Normal University, Fo Guang University, the China Academy of Art, Tsinghua University, Beijing Institute of Technology, The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, the Ming-Ai Institute (London), The Central Academy of Drama, Xi 'an Academy of Fine Arts, Capital Normal University, Webster University, Beijing Normal University, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Lanzhou City University, Central Conservatory of Music, Minzu University of China, Beijing Film Academy, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University, Lanzhou University of Arts and Science, China Conservatory of Music, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Albania Art University, North Macedonia Tetovo University, Jiangnan Vocational College of Media Arts, National University of North Macedonia, Latvian Academy of Culture, Nepal Academy of Music and Drama, Beijing Opera and Arts College, China National opera & Dance Drama Theater, Shanghai Animation Film Studio, National Centre for the Performing Arts of China, Chinese National Academy of Arts. In addition, the renowned artist and educator Chang Shanna sent a congratulatory video expressing her support for the Alliance.</p> <p> 在发起仪式现场,敦煌学院院长田卫戈代表全体发起人宣读联盟合作共识。共识指出:以莫高窟为代表的中国敦煌石窟艺术与丝绸之路其它文化遗产共同构成了特殊的、不可替代的多民族共有的人类历史文脉。文明的传承、艺术的创新需要通过美育和艺术教育,通过对一代又一代人的培养,来实现传递与更新。我们应以跨越时代、跨越地域、跨越学科的眼光,站在古代与当代、过去与未来的大视野中携手共建丝绸之路(敦煌)国际美育联盟,将“以美育心、以美化人、以美培元”的目标与丝路遗产、敦煌艺术联袂结缘,将人类文明成果浸润在美育之中,构建多样化、特色化、大众化、数字化的美育体系,探索人类命运共同体架构下开放包容、互鉴互融的美育新途径。合作共识提出,要在美育教学、实践项目、学术交流等方面通力合作,共同营造丝绸之路新的艺术印迹。</p><p><br></p><p>At the launch ceremony, Professor Tian Weige, the Dean of Dunhuang College, announced the Alliance’s consensus for cooperation on behalf of all the sponsors.The consensus pointed out that the Dunhuang grotto art represented by the Mogao Caves and other Silk Road cultural heritage sites together constitute a unique and irreplaceable multi-ethnic context for human history. These cultural legacies and their artistic innovation need to be passed on and renewed through arts education, and through the nurturing of talent across generations. Dean Tian stated that we should have a vision that spans times, regions, and disciplines, grounded in both ancient and contemporary perspectives, looking from the past to future, and join hands in building the Dunhuang & Silk Road International Arts Education Alliance. Our goal “to educate the heart, to beautify the mind, and to cultivate the soul with beauty” is linked to the heritage of the Silk Road and to Dunhuang art. The achievements of human civilization should permeate the arts so that we can build a diversified, distinctive, popular and digitalized system for arts education and thereby explore a new approach to arts education that is open, inclusive, and mutually instructive within a community work for the shared future of mankind. The consensus on cooperation proposes to work together for arts education through the implementation of projects and academic exchanges to jointly create a new artistic imprint on the Silk Road.</p> <p> 发起人代表、独立艺术策展人、敦煌研究院&法国自然历史博物馆“敦煌图案学”博士研究生黄炫梓研究员和敦煌研究院史瀚文研究员分别致辞,祝贺联盟发起仪式的成功举办,并就未来开展国际化美育交流提出了实质性建议。仪式特邀裴瑶、张晓辉担任英汉文主持人,西北师范大学敦煌学院师生及与会嘉宾共300余人参加了发起仪式。</p><p><br></p><p>The launch ceremony closed with speeches by Dr. Huang Xuanzi, an independent art curator, specialist on Dunhuang patterns, and research associate at the Dunhuang Academy and the French National Museum of Natural History, and by Dr. Neil Schmid, research professor at the Dunhuang Academy. Dr. Huang and Dr. Schmid’s speeches congratulated the Alliance on the success of the launch ceremony, and made substantive suggestions for future international exchanges in arts education.The ceremony specially invited Yao Pei and Xiaohui Zhang as the host of English and Chinese. More than 300 teachers, students and guests from Dunhuang College of Northwest Normal University participated in the launching ceremony.</p>