<p>理解性阅读:自选</p><p>独立阅读: 牛6 8本 牛9 2本</p><p>听力:粉猪第四季 西游记英文</p><p>动画:粉猪,</p><p>复述:粉猪2,牛六</p><p>自拼</p><p>天天练西游记</p><p>中文:第六册一单元,美猴王 我的大中国</p> <p>How to deal with a wound? first, wash your</p><p>wound with running clean water, dry it with</p><p>clean tissue. Then observe the wound, if the</p><p>cut is not long or deep, and there is nothing in</p><p>it, then just use antibacterial foam to cover it,</p><p>and use some ointment to promote healing</p><p>after the wound dry again. At last choose a</p><p>band-aid and put it on the wound.</p><p>M: Now your finger is clean, Do you feel pain?</p><p>E: Yes, my finger is pain.</p><p>M: Let me have a look, don t worry, the</p><p>wound is short and shallow, | will put some</p><p>antibacterial foam on your cut and wait for it</p><p>to dry. Now, you can choose a band-aid, you</p><p>have so many beautiful band-aids, which one</p><p>do you want to use?</p><p>E: | want this one.</p><p>M: Ok! It's lovely. your wound is dry, let me</p><p>put some ointment on your finger to prompt</p><p>the wound healing.</p><p>E: Please put the band-aid on my finger.</p><p>M: That's ok!</p><p>E: Thank you mommy!</p> <p>1.What are germs?</p><p>Germs are tiny things that we can、t see them</p><p>with eyes. We can only observe germs under</p><p>a microscope. There are many different kinds</p><p>of germs. But the two that usually make you</p><p>sick are bacteria and viruses.</p><p>Bacteria: Some of the bacteria look like small</p><p>balls, other look like short sticks, still other</p><p>are twisted in spiral shapes.</p><p>Viruses: Virus is far more tinier than bacteria.</p><p>Under a microscope, The viruses can look like</p><p>balls with spikes sticking out on all sides, or</p><p>tadpoles, or lines, or even metal screws with</p><p>spider legs.</p> <p>2. Where are germs?</p><p>They are can be found everywhere, in the air</p><p>you breath, in the food you eat, on everything</p><p>you touch, on your skin, or even in your body.</p><p>3. What keep germs away from us? Our skin,</p><p>as long as there are no cuts or scratches on</p><p>your skin, germ can't get in. the tiny hairs in</p><p>our nose, the wet environment in our throat.</p> <p>The white blood cells and antibodies don't always get rid of</p><p>the germs, though. Some germs stay in the body and make you sick.</p><p><br></p><p>4. How can germs get into your body?</p><p>If your friend sneezes by your side and you</p><p>breath the air in, some of the germs may get</p><p>into your body.</p><p>If there are wounds on your skin, then the</p><p>germs can enter your body through the cuts.</p><p>If you use a same straw with your cousin, her</p><p>germs may get into your stomach.</p><p>5. What can help you killing the germs?</p><p>The white cells in your blood may kill the</p><p>germs before they can do any harm.</p><p>Special protein in blood named antibodies</p><p>also can help us attacking germs.</p><p>6. But when the white cells and antibodies are</p><p>not enough to kill the germs, then we get sick</p><p>and need to have much more rest or have</p> <p>最喜欢的老师😘😘😘,老母亲也稀罕!!!</p> <p>换了网课之感想</p><p>我们的网课之路可以追溯到2019年10.30日,其实才9个月时间,可以说摸着石头过河了!一万多米,100节课,真心有点肉疼。还好孩子给力,不害羞,总是想表达,上了大概三个月,我觉得课件太简单,和老师商量增加freetalk,协商了几次结果老师很执着,只讲课件,还上课摆臭脸我也是醉了!!!</p><p>果断投诉换老师,还好这回老师很配合,但是一周两次课实在不解渴,上多了好像钱包也在抗议,,于是疫情期间反正也出不去门嘛,索性各大机构网课挨个试,很遗憾没有称心的,欧美外教平均都在110+ 且不接受我偶尔提供材料!网课之旅并不顺利!!!</p><p>上个月看圈里妈妈发了贝达,索性试一下吧,其实心里并不报希望,实话实说首先是价格吸引我了,谁叫我穷呢 😭 不到60一节课很诱人耶,这样可以增加上课频率啦😝😝</p><p><br></p><p>试听时测了等级,匹配的老师很会聊天,拓展!!增加了对贝达的好感!</p><p>综合考虑了一下,果断来到贝达,我的考虑有以下几点,</p><p>1 首先就是性价比,娃现在需要开口多说的时候,一周两节明显不够,这里不到60得价格,我一周安排四五节也就200左右也不心疼,在其他机构恐怕就翻倍都不止。<span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">主要我是双皮夹克妈妈啊,懂得人自然懂了哈哈哈 🤣🤣</span></p><p>2 这里使用wonderskills 和 美国国家地理的reading explore 课程,可讨论的东西很多,觉得很适合我娃! 其他教材没研究,据说还有动画课!</p><p><br></p><p>3 课程调节方便,家长可以指定具体从哪一页PPT,开始上课,还可以选择几个课时上完一个单元。这些不需要通过客服或者跟老师沟通来操作,直接自己很方便就可以勾选。老母亲只需要上课之前看一下难度,自己根据孩子情况调节,追求更大性价比。 还有对老师的要求也可以勾选比如不需要认读,关闭孩子鼠标,语速要求等等</p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">敲重点 这里接受我提供材料耶✌🏻️✌🏻️✌🏻️✌🏻️✌🏻️✌🏻️✌🏻️上次就讨论了一下神奇树屋,感觉不错耶!!!问出了我想不到的问题!!</b></p><p>4.报课后在15天之内并且上课没有超过5节课是全额退款的,这个给我更多时间挑选老师!!但是我肯定在这安心选老师了!!!毕竟我看性价比</p><p>可是贝达并不完美耶,</p><p>1 无论是顾问还是班主任都佛系,刚报课我就投诉了我的顾问,爱答不理超级佛系,我报课都是掐着涨价的最后30秒找朋友的顾问报的!!!太不珍惜目标客户了,果断换人!</p><p>2 老师挑选不够方便,是告诉客服你的需要,让客服先发视频,自己再试,不过说是这个月底贝达也会上线自主选老师的功能。期待一下 😍</p><p>3 老师大多数都是欧美,但是也有南非老师哦,不喜欢避开就是了!!我想这个其他机构也是一样的!!!毕竟外教的监管并不到位!!!</p><p> 很幸运目前我选到了孩子特别喜欢,我也特别满意的老师!!切记,网课对于我们工程的孩子口语是首要目的。在家该读书读书,该玩游戏玩游戏!!这就是我的网课历程,希望能帮到你们。</p><p>和一群优秀的妈妈一起选老师,也很大程度避免了踩雷!!! 🥳🥳</p><p>有兴趣的也可以扫码试听下!!有问题可以留言我,必知无不言言无不尽!!!</p><p><br></p> <p>第二喜欢的老师</p> <p>目前排第三的老师</p> <p>粉猪s4,不熟悉,早上听得,不熟练</p> <p>粉猪s4下</p> <p>牛五</p> <p>牛五下</p> <p>粉猪s4 这个也不理想,回炉回炉</p>