

<p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">New landmark 798</b></p><p style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ed2308"><b>Experience exhibition of art picture books</b></font></p><p><br></p> Today we are at 798, an art park.<br>It's becoming a cultural landmark here in Beijing.<br>Hey!Let's go appreciate some art together.<br>This used to be a factory, now it's become a gathering space for artists.<br>Some artists have their own studios here or hold exhibitions.<br>There are a lot of cool pipes here.<br>They're so interesting.<br>Some of the pipes even connect to the toilet.<br>It's the toilet!<br><br> <p>There are many famous graffiti walls here, at the 798 district.</p><p><br></p> <p>There are many art galleries here.</p><p>Artists have their own exhibitions.</p><p>Each exhibition has its own theme.</p><p>Let's go look.</p> <p>This is a themed exhibition.</p><p>Look! the theme is picture books.</p><p>The pictures are really cool, Aren't they?</p> <p>偶遇绘本作者签售会,小家伙自己画了画作,绘本作家给哆咪画了可爱的肖像画,美美哒~</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">艺术空间</b></p> <p>我们一模一样吗?</p> <p>身体快递</p> <p>车底下到底有什么呢?</p> <p>楼上绘本区是小朋友的乐园,一边读书一边玩,哆爸还舒舒服服的睡了一觉😂简直太美好~</p> <p>There are many stores here that sell artwork and hand crafts.</p><p>Wow, this is a cool store.</p><p>It sells all kinds of interesting things, doesn't it?</p> Here there are a lot of different kinds of ceramic, like this one.<br>It's cool, isn't it? <p>This is locomotive square.</p><p>Look at the train.</p><p>It's really unique and ratro.</p><p>It looks like it's from the past, doesn't it?</p> <p>People love to come here to take group pictures!</p><p>There are many places here to buy ceramics.</p><p>Look, it's so cute, isn't it?</p><p>Look, isn't it interesting?</p><p>There's lots of different kinds of directions here.</p><p>Some of them are retro or Avant Garde.</p><p>Today we looked at lots of different artwork.</p><p>Do you like it here?</p><p>If you are an artist, what Kind of art do you create?</p><p>Paintings,sculptures,songs?</p> <p>在绘本馆玩的太嗨不愿意走,唯有美味的冰淇淋能叫的动他们俩个小家伙了,leo的完美敏感遇上Domi的自我意识,最后硬是买了两份一模一样的😂😂😂</p>