<p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">🔆Children's theme manor🔆</b></p><p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><span class="ql-cursor"></span></b></p><p><br></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">🐌出发前沟通及堵车场景设计</b></p> <p>honey, today we will go to a manor with Leo together. Are you excited?</p><p>Hooray, I want to go now.</p><p>Of course, let's pack our backpack, since it is bright sunny day and it is really hot outside, so we need some water, sunscreen, hat and wipes. Can you help me?</p><p>Yes.</p><p>Done, are you ready? </p><p>Let's go.</p><p>Mom will drive the car today, you should sit on your seat quietly. </p><p>Of course.</p><p>The manor is kind of far, we need almost 1 hour to be there, I need a navigation. </p><p>Can I hold it for you?</p><p>Yes, take it and tell me the routes.</p><p>Mom, this road is red now.</p><p>That's a traffic jam, you know, jam, strawberry jam, tomato jam, that's the jam</p><p>Haha, the traffic jam is made by car.</p><p>That's it.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">👉🏽场景用语练习</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">1⃣见面礼仪(如何问候)</b></p><p>陌生人之间: 如果是超市收银员、加油站员工、餐厅服务生等,那这个问题其实就是个浮于表面的礼貌性用语</p><p>(比如在咖啡厅)</p><p>A:How are you?</p><p>B:Good, thanks. Can I have a small coffee please?</p><p>这个时候,对方是礼节性的问候,如果你不用进行更深的对话的话,可以直接切入正题就好。</p><p><br></p><p>不熟悉人之间:如果对方和你不是很熟,how are you 只是一句客套话,你当然不能拉着对方巴拉巴拉的说个半天,简短又礼貌的客套一下就好</p><p>A:How are you?</p><p>B:I'm doing well, thanks. Did you find everything alright today?</p><p>这样就能聪明的把话题推给对方了。</p><p><br></p><p>熟人之间:</p><p>A:How's it going?/How are you doing?/How's everything?/What's up</p><p>B:Good./Not bad./Fine./Pretty good./I am doing well. </p><p><br></p><p>你还可以尽情的根据自己的状态来回答:</p><p>状态不错,充实忙碌</p><p>Couldn't be better.</p><p>非常好,太好了</p><p>Keeping busy.</p><p>就是忙呗</p><p><br></p><p>一般一般,就那样</p><p>Can't complain.</p><p>没什么可抱怨的,挺好的</p><p>Been keeping out of trouble.</p><p>好好生活,不犯错呗</p><p>Been getting by.</p><p>没什么特别的,就是在过日子</p><p><br></p><p>最近有些不如意</p><p>Not so good. </p><p>不怎么好</p><p>I've had better days.I've been better.</p><p>不是很好(之前有过更好的阶段)</p><p><br></p><p>如何回答What's up?</p><p>当别人用What's up问候你的时候,一般是在问你“在忙什么”,可以回答:</p><p>Not much / Nothing much 没什么</p><p>Not a lot没太多新鲜事</p><p>Nothing new没啥(新鲜事)</p><p>The usual老样子</p><p>还有一种情况是,当对方也回答了What's up,这时候它相当于Hello</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">2⃣乘车场景</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">CHAPTER30-03 坐车 </b></p><p>Let's get in the car. 我们上车。 </p><p>Who wants to get in first? 谁要先上? </p><p>Check before opening the door. 开门前先确认一下。 </p><p>See if there are any cars coming. 看看是否有其他车过来。 </p><p>Fasten your seatbelt. 系上安全带。 </p><p>Did you buckle up? 你扣好了吗? </p><p>I don‘t want to buckle up. 我不想扣。 </p><p>You need to buckle up when you're in the car. 当你坐车的时候,一定要扣。 </p><p>I don't want to ride in the car seat. 我不想坐儿童座椅。 </p><p>It makes me look like a baby . 这让我看起来像个小孩。 </p><p>It's safer to sit in it, though. 不过,坐在里面更安全。 </p><p>The door's not opening. Please open it for me. 这门打不开。请帮我开门。 </p><p>Can I ride in the front seat? 我可以坐前座吗? </p><p>The front seat's dangerous, so kids shouldn't sit</p><p>there. 前座很危险,所以小孩子不可以坐。 </p><p>Get the dirt off your shoes an get in the car. 把你鞋子上的泥土弄掉后,再上车。 </p><p>Sit back on your bottom. 屁股往后坐。 </p><p>Sit still in the car. Okay? 在车内要乖乖坐好。好吗? </p><p>Check if you left anything before we move. 出发前确认一下有没有什么没拿的。 </p><p>Say "Go!" 说“出发!” </p><p>Go! / Move! 出发! </p><p><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">CHAPTER30-04 在车内 </b> </p><p>Be quiet. You're distracting Dad. 安静。你让爸爸的注意力分散了。 </p><p>Don‘t put your hand out the . 不可以把手伸出车窗外。 </p><p>It's too hot. Roll down the . 太热了。把窗户降下来吧。 </p><p>Can I play my portable video game? 我可以玩我的随身游戏机吧? </p><p>For only 30 minutes. 只能玩 30 分钟。 </p><p>Your eyesight will get bad if you play the game in</p><p>the car. 如果你在车内打游戏的话,你的视力会变差。 </p><p>Reading books in a car is bad for your eyes. 在车内读书对你的眼睛不好。 </p><p>Sing a song for Daddy to keep him awake. 唱首歌给 爸爸保持清醒吧。 </p><p>Dad, you're speeding. 爸,你超速了。 </p><p>I want to go to the restroom. 我想去厕所。 </p><p>Let's stop at the rest area. 我们在休息站停一下。 </p><p>Want me to play a CD? 要放 CD 吗? </p><p>If you're tired, sleep a little. 如果你累了,就睡一下吧。 </p><p>I‘ll wake you up when we get there. 到了的话,我会叫醒你的。 </p><p>Are we there yet? 我们已经到了吗? </p><p>How far should we go? 我们要开多远? </p><p>How much more do we have to go? 我们还要开多久? </p><p>I feel like I'm getting carsick. 我觉得我晕车了。 </p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">🐾I Love the Animal Farm!🐾</b></p><p><br></p> <p>Today we're at a beautiful manor,full of lovely gardens.</p><p>I'm so excited,because we're going to feed and pet animals today.</p><p>Are you ready? Let's go.</p> <b style=""><font color="#ff8a00">These are deer</font></b><br><font color="#9b9b9b">people---people 人们 deer---deer鹿 sheep---sheep 羊 fish---fish 鱼<br>They're so elegant![ˈelɪɡənt]adj.优美的; 文雅的; 漂亮雅致的; 陈设讲究的; 精美的; 简练的; 简洁的; 简明的;</font><br>It's a mommy deer and her babies!<br>Look!<br>The deer have white spots on their fur.<br>They are so beautiful.<br>What do deer like to eat?<br>They like to eat grass. <b><font color="#ff8a00">This is a peacock</font></b><br>Look! It’s a peacock!<br>You are beautiful!<br>Hey!Do you know?<br>Is the peacock a boy or a girl?<br>Yep! It’s a boy!<br>Boy peacocks have beautiful tails! <font color="#ff8a00"><b>This is a pig</b></font><br>He says,”Oink,oink,oink.”<br>He’s very fat and very smart.<br>And He likes to pig out or eat a lot of different things.<br><font color="#39b54a">Tips:Pig out狼吞虎咽</font> <font color="#ff8a00"><b>These are geese</b></font><br>In English, they say”honk,honk.”<br>But in Chinese, they say”e,e.”<br><font color="#39b54a">鹅鹅鹅,曲项向天歌<br>白毛浮绿水,红掌拨清波</font><div><font color="#39b54a"><br></font><div><font color="#39b54a">头戴红帽子,身穿白袍子</font></div><div><font color="#39b54a">走路摆架子,说话伸脖子</font></div></div> <font color="#ff8a00"><b>These are ducks</b></font><br>Ducks can swim,and they can fly.<br>They say,”quack,quack,quack.” <b><font color="#ff8a00">These are chickens</font></b><br>They say,”cluck,cluck,cluck.”<br>Chickens lay eggs that we like to eat for breakfast.<br>If someone is getting old,<br>You can say that they are “no spring chicken.”<br><font color="#39b54a">Tips:No spring chicken不再年轻</font> <font color="#ff8a00"><b>These are turkeys</b></font><br>Turkeys say”gobble,gobble,gobble.”<br>On Thanksgiving in America,<br>Every family will share one turkey for dinner. <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">This is ostrich</b></p> <b><font color="#ff8a00">These are dogs</font></b><br>Dogs are man's very best friend.<br>If someone is really lucky, <br>You can call them a “lucky dog.”<br><font color="#39b54a">Tips:Lucky dog幸运儿</font> <font color="#ff8a00"><b>These are goats</b></font><br>Goats say”bah.”<br>In America, we like to say G.O.A.T.,<br>Which means”greatest of all time!”<br><font color="#39b54a">Tips:Greatest of All Time!史上最佳</font> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">These are sheep</b></p> <font color="#ff8a00"><b>This is a donkey</b></font><br>Donkeys say,”hee-haw,hee-haw.”<br>In Chinese there is a saying,”qian lv ji qiong.”<br>In English, it means” a one trick pony.”<br><font color="#39b54a">Tips:one trick pony黔驴技穷</font> <font color="#ff8a00"><b>These are rabbits</b></font><br>Rabbits like to hop.<br>Rabbits don't say anything, they're very quiet.<br>Look, the white rabbits have red eyes.<br>Aren't they cute? Wow, I have such a great time on the farm today!<br>Did you like the animals?<div>Yes.<br>Which animal was your favorite?</div><div>Piglet.</div> <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">🌽Welcome to the Farm!🌽</b></p> <p>Today we're going to pick some vegetables at the farm.</p><p>Are you ready?</p><p>Let's go to the field.</p><p>Come on!</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">I've picked some fresh corn</b></p><p>How do you know when corn is ready to eat?</p><p>Well, if you stab the corn with your fingernail and water comes out,that means you can boil it and enjoy it for dinner.</p><p>Hmm...This corn is not ready yet.</p><p>This corn isn’t ready yet either.</p><p>How do you like to eat your corn?</p><p>In America, many people will roll their corn in butter and add salt.</p><p>It tastes really delicious.</p> <p>Can you guess what this is?</p><p>Look!</p><p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">There's a walnut核桃 inside</b></p><p>Do you like to eat walnut?</p><p>They’re a little bitter.</p><p>But they're very good for your body.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Look! This is an apple tree</b></p><p>These apples will be full ripe in the middle of October.</p><p>Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">pear tree</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Look! These are hot peppers</b></p><p>If you like your food spicy, you can add some of this.</p><p>Woo!</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">This is cilantro.香菜</b></p><p>It smells delicious.</p><p>We can eat cilantro when we eat hot pot.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">This is a Chinese green onion.大葱</b></p><p>It looks a lot different from the onions in America.</p><p>This can be delicious if you cook it with a bing or a round cake and some vinegar and sauce.</p><p>Here's dinner.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">These are Chinese chives.韭菜</b></p><p>We don't eat these very much in America.</p><p>They're really delicious with some eggs inside of a jiaozi.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Wow,look how long this cucumber is!</b></p><p>Cucumbers are covered in spines to protect them.</p><p>You can even slice up a cucumber and use it as a mask on your face!</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">These are cherry tomatoes.</b></p><p>They're called cherry tomatoes because they only grow to the size and shape of a cherry.</p><p>They taste a bit sour but they're really delicious.</p><p>Look, they come in all kinds of different colors.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Look at this eggplant!</b></p><p>Eggplants are always purple, but sometimes they are long, and sometimes they are round, like this one.</p><p>We can take this eggplant home and make some yuxiangqiezi!</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">These are radishes</b></p><p>Radishes grow under the ground.</p><p>These radishes can be eaten raw, when they're dipped in a delicious sauce.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">jujube</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">磨豆腐</b></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(255, 76, 0); font-size: 18px;">推磨</b></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(255, 76, 0);">推豆子,磨豆腐,</span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(255, 76, 0);">幺闺儿不吃菜豆腐。</span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(255, 76, 0);">打碗米来煮,煮又煮不熟。</span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(255, 76, 0);">抱着罐罐哭,呜呜呜呜呜。</span></p><p><br></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">昆虫旅馆</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">moo moo cow</b></p> Wow, we had so much fun at the farm today.<br>And I collected plenty of vegetables to cook for dinner.<br>What vegetables have you eaten today?<br>Remember,they're very healthy for you. <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">🐝Go to a apiary /ˈeɪpieri/养蜂场🐝</b></p><p><br></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">参观养蜂场</b></p><p><br></p> We are finally arrived, here it is, the apiary, so many honeybees and beehives.<br>我们终于到了,这里就是蜂房,那么多的蜜蜂和蜂箱。<div>Be careful, do not get too close to watch, bees are generally harmless, but they can sting you if disturbed.<br>注意,不要太近看,蜜蜂通常是无害的,但是如果受到干扰,蜜蜂会刺伤您。<br></div><div>Like other bees, their stingers have venom /ˈvenəm/(毒液)<br>像其他蜜蜂一样,它们的毒刺也带有毒液。<br></div> <b style=""><font color="#39b54a">1.认识蜜蜂</font></b> Bees are insects, they have three parts of body, head, thorax, abdomen. Six legs, a pair of wings and two antennae.<br>蜜蜂是昆虫, 它们有身体的三个部分,头部,胸部,腹部。六个腿,一对翅膀和两个触角。<br>What else does a bee have? can you guess? A stinger. Many people are scared of them because the stinger.In fact, they are very nice, they do not sting people unless they are disturbed.<br>蜜蜂还有什么?猜一下?毒刺。许多人因为毒刺而害怕它们。事实上,它们非常好,除非被打扰,否则它们不会刺痛人。 <font color="#167efb">Bee's eyes<br>Bees have specially designed eyes that allow them to see their surroundings in a very different way than we do – they have both simple and compound eyes, that enable bees to see ultraviolet light, which we human can’t not see. Flowers will use colors to attract bees to the areas that are filled with nectar.<br>蜜蜂具有经过特殊设计的眼睛,可以使它们以与我们完全不同的方式看到周围的环境-它们既有简单眼睛又有复合眼睛,使蜜蜂能够看到人类无法看到的紫外线。花将使用颜色将蜜蜂吸引到充满花蜜的区域。</font> <b><font color="#39b54a">2.蜜蜂的房子</font></b> <font color="#ed2308">Natural beehives V.S. man-made beehives天然蜂箱V.S. 人造蜂箱</font> Honey bees are highly social insects. Many bees live in a beehive.<br>蜜蜂是高度社会化的昆虫。许多蜜蜂生活在蜂巢中。<br>Natural beehives (or "nests") are made by honey bee colonies, while domesticated honey bees are kept in man-made beehives. <br>天然蜂箱(或“巢”)是由蜂群自己建造的,而驯养的蜜蜂则保存在人造蜂箱中。<br>Honey bees use caves, rock cavities and hollow trees as natural nesting sites. <br>蜜蜂把洞穴、岩洞和空心树作为天然的筑巢地。<br>A beehive is a large box with a row of s inside. <br>蜂箱是一个大盒子,里面是一排排s形。<br>The bees build honeycombs on the s.<br>蜜蜂在s上建蜂巢。<br>Honeycombs have hexagonal cells, where bees lay eggs, raise their young and store pollen and honey.<br>蜂窝具有六边形的巢室,蜜蜂在那里产卵、抚养幼虫并储存花粉和蜂蜜。<br>Each hexagonal cell tessellates /'tɛsɪlɪt/ with the rest.<br>每个六边形巢室都与其他部分完全嵌合。 <font color="#39b54a"><b>3.蜜蜂的成员</b></font> There are queens, drones and workers.<br>The queens and workers are female, the drones are male.<br>All the bees in the hive come from eggs laid by the queen.<br>有蜂王,雄蜂和工蜂。<br>蜂王和工蜂是雌性,雄风是雄性。<br>蜂巢中的所有蜜蜂均来自蜂王产下的卵。 Queen: <br>the queen(who lays eggs). The queen’s one and only job is to lay eggs.<br>In fact, she spends most of her life inside the hive, lying around. In the springtime, she lays 1500 to 2000 eggs a day.<br>蜂王(产卵)。蜂王唯一的工作就是产卵。<br>实际上,她一生中的大部分时间都在蜂巢中度过。在春天,她每天产下1500到2000个卵。<br><br>Workers:<br>The females who gather food, make honey, build the six-sided honeycomb, tend eggs, and guard the hive.<br>雌性的工蜂负责收集食物,酿造蜂蜜,制造六面蜂窝,养卵和保护蜂巢。<br>The workers probably have the best, but hardest, job.<br>工蜂有着最棒的也是最艰巨的工作。<br>They work together to build cells for the baby bees. They take care of the babies and keep the hive clean and tidy.<br>他们共同为幼虫建立蜂巢,照顾幼虫,保持蜂巢的干净整洁。<br>Worker bees also gather pollen and turn it into honey.<br>工蜂还采集花粉并将其变成蜂蜜。<br>The honey feeds the baby bees and also feeds the bees over the winter.<br>蜂蜜不仅用来喂养幼虫,也为所有的密封过冬提供食物。<br>Both the workers and the queen are female.<br>工蜂和蜂王都是雌性。<br><br>Drones:<br>The males whose main duty is to find and mate with a queen. Only the drones are male. The drones’ one and only job is to mate with the queen, which is the only bee that can lay eggs. Once the drone.s job is done, the drone has nothing to do.<br>雄性的雄蜂的主要职责是寻找蜂王并与之交配。只有雄蜂是雄性。雄蜂唯一的工作就是与蜂王交配,蜂王是唯一可以产卵的蜜蜂。一旦完成了雄蜂的工作,雄蜂就无事可做。 <font color="#39b54a"><b>4.蜜蜂的生长周期</b></font> 1)Egg: The queen lays each egg in a different cell of the honeycomb.<br>蜂王把每个卵放在蜂窝的不同蜂巢中。<br><br>2)Larva: As soon as the egg is laid, the larva is growing inside it.After three days, the egg hatches and a larva crawls out.As the larva grows, it sheds its skin. It does this five times. Eight days after hatching, the bee larva is fully grown.<br>幼虫:一旦产下卵,幼虫就在其中生长。三天后,卵孵化,幼虫爬出。随着幼虫的生长,它脱落了皮肤。反复五次。孵化八天后,蜜蜂的幼虫完全长大。<br><br>3)Pupa: The larva cannot feed anymore and it starts to change into a pupa. <br>幼虫无法再喂食,开始变成蛹。<br><br>4) Adult bee: After nine days, the pupa changes color. It has turned into an adult. When it's about three to four weeks old, the bee will leave the hive.<br>成年蜜蜂:9天后,蛹变颜色。它已经变成了成年蜂。当它大约三到四个星期大时,蜜蜂就会离开蜂巢。 <b><font color="#39b54a">5.蜜蜂如何酿蜜</font></b> 1) Fly out and find flowers 飞出去采蜜<br>A honeybee visits a flower, drawn in by the bright colours, the patterns on the petals, and the aromatic /ˌærəˈmætɪk/芳香的 promise of sweet nectar. <br>蜜蜂飞到一朵花前,花朵被鲜艳的色彩,花瓣上的图案和甜蜜的甘露蜜吸引。<br><br>2)find their way back to the hive 飞回蜂巢<br>When they leave the hive, they notice where the sun is in the sky. When they come back, they use the sun to find their way. On cloudy or rainy days, bees don't fly because they can't see the sun. <br>蜜蜂如何回到蜂巢并相互交流的。<br>当它们离开蜂巢时,它们会注意到太阳在天空中的位置。当他们回来时,它们利用阳光找到自己的路。在阴天或雨天,蜜蜂不会飞,因为它们看不到阳光。<br>3)tell other bees where the flowers are by dancing<br>A bee finds a food source while out exploring.<br>It returns to the hive to communicate its location.<br>Using the sun's position as a guide, it waggles it's body in the direction of the food source.<br>The bee will dance.The round dance or wiggle dance.<br>The round dance means there are flowers nearby. If the flowers are far, they will do the wiggle dance.<br>When the bees look for flowers, they will drink some nectar and take some pollen.<br>4)make honey<br>They make honey from nectar,The liquid,they collect from flowers.the bee goes to the flower and eats the nectar, putting it into her honey stomach. She flies back to the beehive, spits the Nectar out, and other bees store it in the comb.Then bees fan their wings to evaporate water from the nectar and make it thicker.The thick mixture we know as honey. <font color="#39b54a"><b>6.关于养蜂人</b></font> 1) What kind of equipment do beekeepers need?<br>A bee suit to keep clothes clean, also wear a veil over the head to protect my eyes and head from stings.<br>养蜂人需要什么样的装备?<br>用来保持衣服清洁的防蜂服,还要在头上戴面纱,以保护我的眼睛和头部,免受蛰痛。<br><br>2) How to collect the honey?<br>They use a smoker to calm the bees, when they blow smoke on bees, they think it is a forest fire. They fill their stomachs with honey in case they have to leave their tree. That is why smoke seems to calm them, because it keeps them busy.<br>如何收集蜂蜜?<br>他们用喷烟器使蜜蜂平静下来,当他们向蜜蜂喷烟时,蜜蜂会认为这是一场森林大火。然后就用蜂蜜填饱肚子,以防必须离开自己的树。这就是烟雾使他们平静的原因,因为烟使它们忙碌。<br><br>(3) How much honey do beekeepers get from one beehive?<br>Between 60 and 350 pounds(25-179kg) of honey a year, depending on the location and how hardworking the bees are.<br>养蜂人从一个蜂箱中得到多少蜂蜜?<br>每年大约60至350磅(25-179公斤)的蜂蜜,具体取决于蜜蜂的位置和勤劳程度。<br><br>(4) How do beekeepers get the honey out of the comb?摇蜜机(离心机)<br>A wax cap seals the honeycomb,they have to cut off the capping and then put the into a machine that spins around. This makes the honey fly out of the cells. Then they give the comb back to the bees, and bees fill it up again. After the honey comes out, keepers heat it to thin it. Then filter out the wax and put the honey in jars.<br>蜡盖封住蜂窝,他们必须切断顶盖,然后将其放入旋转的摇蜜机中。这使蜂蜜飞出蜂巢。然后,他们将蜂巢还给蜜蜂,然后蜜蜂再次将其填满。蜂蜜出来后,饲养员将其加热,使其稀薄,滤去蜂蜡,然后将蜂蜜放入罐子中。 <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Game1:寻找死去的蜜蜂(近距离观察蜜蜂的身体构造)</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Game2:触摸活的蜜蜂(安全的情况下,鼓励孩子尝试接触)</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Game3:观察人工蜂巢的内外部构造</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Game4:寻找蜂王、雄峰和工蜂(在一个蜂箱里面找到蜂王、雄峰和工蜂)</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Game5:寻找不同生命周期的蜜蜂(蛋、蛹、幼虫到成虫)</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Game6:尝一下天然蜂蜜(了解蜜蜂是怎么酿造蜂蜜的)</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Game7:当一天养蜂人(收集养蜂人的装备、了解养蜂人的工作)</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">💄Game8:制作蜂蜜唇膏</b></p> <p>Prepare:</p><p>Honey</p><p>Beeswax</p><p>Vitamin</p><p>Olive</p><p>Glass cup</p><p>Warm water(below 50‘C)</p><p>Lipstick shell</p><p>One chopstick</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">蜂蜡</b></p> <p><br></p><p>Steps:</p><p>1.Tear the beeswax into small pieces</p><p>2.Mix small pieces of beeswax, olive, vitamin, put them into warm water</p><p>3.Stir them gently, wait until it's fully dissolved</p><p>4.Pour the mixture in the lipstick shell</p><p>5.Wait for a moment, until it solid and has a hole in the surface</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🎡Amusement park🎡</b></p> <p>游乐场是最后一个板块,考虑到娃已经玩疯,都是直接口语交流,没有备课了。可玩的太多,直接上图了。</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">离开主题乐园</b></p><p><br></p> <p>1.分别礼仪(说再见)</p><p>1.Goodbye/Bye</p><p>Goodbye较为少用,通常用于绝对的道别(暗指将不会再见),而bye则是一种更放松、非正式的道别方法。</p><p>2..See you/Later/soon/around</p><p>在see you later和see you中,“you”可发音为ya。</p><p>See you when I see you! 很像中文的“后会有期”吧!不过它的语气是很轻松的。</p><p>3.Catch you/ya 、later!</p><p>See you later和catch you later直接简化成later,是非常地道、简洁的口语表达。</p><p>4. It was nice to see you again</p><p>这是你向某个熟人道别时重要的表达方式之一,赶紧学起来。</p><p>5. Take Care</p><p>无论是正式还是非正式场合,跟朋友或陌生人,你都可以用这句话来表达真切的问候,道一声珍重。</p><p>6. Take it Easy</p><p>通常用于非正式场合。虽然很多人在劝别人“保持冷静”时会用上一句“Take it easy”,但这种道别方式也传递着我希望你有机会放松一下,享受当下的意思。</p><p>7. Have a good one</p><p>这是另外一种地道的道别方法,主要表达希望某人安好。你也可以说have a good day/weekend/trip/vacation,但“have a good one”表达的是广泛意义上的关切问候,没有特殊的指某个具体的方面。</p><p>8.你一定知道See you next time,其实Until next time也可以单独使用:</p><p>Ok, until next time./Ok, till next time.后面常会跟一句Take care.</p>