0b/9 V-learn小西妈双语工程2001期29号Haytone 2020726 D62

Haytone BB

孩子状况:2岁11个月<br>英文:理解性阅读阶段海尼曼还有G级以上40多本,牛津树S2,因为年纪小没到认字敏感期,海尼曼读过的进入第二阶段的理解性阅读扫盲阶段,GK的扫盲已完成,开始进行每天易中各2本的进度扫雷,小毛人简单的15本扫盲复述也完成。<br>中文:因为从小没输入普通话,加上这半年全英交流,导致现在很排斥普通话,所以牙牙现在从0开始,现在到第4单元,中文绘本改用普通话读,遇到听不到时用英文翻译给她, 小宝宝表示很满意😫😫 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Listening</b></font>:<br>1. 清华 0a+ 0b 2小时<br>2. Critter & I can read 1: 一轮<br>3. 绘本:Dr. Suess ABC, 旧音频<br>4. Peppa 1.5小时<br>5. 古诗词:游子吟, 登幽洲台歌<br>6. 国学:声律启蒙一东3<br>🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Video</b></font>:<br>Peppa 无<div>Dolphin<br>🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Reading</b></font>:<br>English: 海尼曼5本, 牛津树S-2 5本<br>绘本:I can read L1 1本, Dr.Seuss's ABC<br>Chinese: 恐龙大百科</div> 🌿🌿 <b><font color="#167efb">数学思维</font></b>:<div>每天坚持1-2页Logigo,一周3-5次玩豆,并留意观察身边的规律,现在加入了珠盘来进行加减数数</div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Game</b></font><div><font color="#39b54a"><b>1. Let's get moving</b></font></div><div>目的:掌握歌的律动,并学会唱儿歌<br></div> <font color="#39b54a"><b>2. Family fun: Turtle & snail cover with blanket</b></font><br>目的:掌握歌的律动,并学会唱儿歌<br> <font color="#39b54a"><b>3. Family fun: Turtle & snail cover with basin</b></font><br>目的:掌握歌的律动,并学会唱儿歌 <font color="#39b54a"><b>4. Monster time (拓展)</b></font><div>目的:</div><div><font color="#ed2308">A. 熟悉Turtle & snail的居住环境</font></div><div><font color="#ed2308">B. 熟悉Turtle & snail的食物</font></div> M: Hello, Haytone, how are you today? <div>H: I am very good.</div><div>M: Are you happy?</div><div>H: Yeah</div><div>M: Do you know what's this?</div><div>H: It is a basin. </div><div>M: It will be our?</div><div>H: Shell.</div><div>M: Who do you want to be?</div><div>H: I want to be a snail. </div><div>M: Then I will be turtle. </div><div>M: Where do you live?</div><div>H: I live in the <font color="#ed2308">ground</font>. </div><div>M: Yes, and you like to hide?</div><div>H: In the <font color="#ed2308">bush</font>. </div><div>M: Where does a turtle live?</div><div>H: It lives in the <font color="#ed2308">sea</font>. </div><div>M: Okay, but they are friends now. </div><div>M: Now, I am a turtle.</div><div>H: I am a snail. </div><div>M: This is the turtle, hide in the shell, be-bop, be-bop, hide its head well. This is the turtle, be-bop, be-bop, be-bop, be-bop, hide its head well. <br>H: This is the snail, hiding in a shell, be-bop, be-bop, hide its head well.<br></div><div>M: I come from the sea, I am looking for some food, you are looking for some food. And suddenly, there is a monster come, once we see the monster, we need to squat down and hide the head well, then he doesn't see us, once he was gone, we can stand up, okay?</div><div>H: okay.</div><div>M: Then let's begin now. </div><div>This is the turtle, hide in the shell, be-bop, be-bop, hide its head well. This is the turtle, be-bop, be-bop, be-bop, be-bop, hide its head well. <br>This is the snail, hiding in a shell, be-bop, be-bop, hide its head well.<br></div><div>M: Hey, what does a turtle like to eat?</div><div>H: <font color="#ed2308">Fish</font>.</div><div>M: And what's his favorite food?</div><div>H: I don't know. </div><div>M: He likes to eat <font color="#ed2308">jellyfish</font>. </div><div>M: And what does a turtle like to eat? (又出现口误了,把snail说成turtle了,但BB又帮我纠正了哈)</div><div>H: .......</div><div>M: Did you remember? He hide in the bush. </div><div>H: He likes to eat <font color="#ed2308">vegetables, grades, fruits</font>.</div><div>说到这里,BB自觉鼓起掌来clap for herself, 真的读了那些SEL的书自我认知高了好多,自信心又增长了不少!!!</div><div>M: Any other food he likes?</div><div>H: oh, there is a monster.</div><div>M: Let's squat down. </div><div>M: He was gone, let's go out to find some food again, so what does a snail like to eat?</div><div>M: He likes to eat <font color="#ed2308">grass</font> too.</div><div>然后她爸这个monster又出来了,BB又开始疯叫了哈.....</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>中文 </b></font><div><font color="#39b54a"><b>1. 推磨游戏</b></font><div>目的: 引导BB输入普通话 (自己的普通话也是烂得一蹋糊涂)</div></div> 2. 一本暖暖心的绘本后面有个分平果的练习,BB又是硬用英文来表述了 3. 一本小牛顿的绘本后面有个做雪人的练习,BB又是硬用英文来表述了 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>日常陪玩</b></font><div><font color="#39b54a"><b>1. Stick-O,会拼的东西越来越多了,最重要是自己独立拼接,自主独立性越来越强!</b></font></div><div><br></div> <font color="#39b54a"><b>2. 画画,动手能力越来越强,想法越来越明确!</b></font> <p>3.给浴巾她拿进冲凉房洗澡</p><p>戏瘾大发,玩起witch[囧][囧]</p><p>I am a witch I am a witch</p><p>I am taking a jar and I am wearing a hat and cloak, I need to go to find animals in my jar!</p><p>🎤🎤🎤 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤</p><p>Hush baby, hush baby don’t go far</p><p>I will catch you I will put you in my jar</p> The end, thank you for reading.









