

Hello,everyone.good evening.<br>大家晚上好,<br><br><div>I am Antonia,yoyo and lily’s mother.YOYO is the student of class 355 APPLE.<br>我是安东尼娅,悠悠和律律的妈妈,悠悠是苹果355班的学员。<br><br></div><div>I joined this team less than a year,I think I have a lot of things to learn from you.<br>我加入到这个团队还不到一年,我认为我还有很多事要向你们学习。 <br><br></div><div>I can’t actually explain what a shock it is to be standing in front all of you right now.<br>我现在无法告诉你我能站在这里多么惊喜。<br><br></div><div>Compared with the laureates from the past and now,and many worthy candidates I truly humbled I should say, to receives this award with deep appreciation and gratitude.<br>相比以往获奖者和现在的候选人们,他们都有资格获得这一奖项,因此,今天我能获此殊荣,倍感惶恐,也深表感谢。<br><br></div><div> A very clever man told me that a good speech should be under 60 seconds,so don’t worry.<br>恩,一个特别聪明的人告诉我,一个好的演讲不会超过60秒,所以别担心<br><br></div><div>I’m gonna keep it short.<br>我会尽量简短的。<br><br></div><div>Thank you for giving us such a opportunity to show myself.<br></div><div>感谢你(宝玩-头脑风暴项目组)提供这个机会来展示我自己。<br><br></div><div> Just a big thank you to everyone I worked with since the beginning.<br></div><div>非常感谢和我一直以来一起奋战的所有人。<br><br></div><div>You all mean so much to me.<br>你们对我来说太重要了<br><br></div><div>For supporting me and for believing my potential ,<br>支持我和相信我的潜能<br><br></div><div>So thank you very much.<br>真的非常感谢你们。<br><br></div><div>I feel,I mean,I will do this forever,so.<br>我感觉,我的意思是,我会永远继续这份事业。<br><br></div><div>And finally ,thank all of you for this wonderful evening.thanks.<br>最后,感谢在坐的所有人,共同创造了一个如此美好的夜晚。<br></div>