<p> 英语是通往世界的桥梁,是世界上使用最为广泛的语言之一,学习英语可以让幼儿从小在认知方面建立多元化世界观。</p> <p> English is one of the most popular Languages in the world.It is a bridge to the world.Children can make much progress in cognition at early age.</p> <p> 接下来是我们的英文周活动时间,快来一起看看宝贝们的精彩瞬间吧!</p> <p> It's our EnglishWeek time.</p><p> Let's enjoy it.</p> Part 1 E―board <p>Little fingers,</p><p>Little fingers,</p><p>tap, tap, tap.</p> Part 2 Story Time <p>One two three,</p><p>One two three,</p><p>It's story time for you and me.</p><p>Let's listen!</p><p><br></p> Part 3 The little reporter <p>Don't be shy, just try.</p><p>Show yourself,you will be special!</p> Part 4 Show Time <p> We are good friends,we learn English together. Wherever we are,we like English very much.</p> <p>Singing and dancing,we are happy everyday.</p> <p>A dialogue between you and me.</p> <p>Practice makes perfect.</p> <p> 学习英语对于发展幼儿的语言、认知、思维和交际等各种能力是非常重要的。通过英语学习,可以扩大儿童的视野,了解其它国家的人民和文化。</p><p> </p> <p> 让我们一起期待宝贝们的下次精彩表现吧!</p><p> We are expecting your progress next time.</p><p><br></p> <p>宝鸡吉的堡幼儿园</p><p>成长热线:0917―3873322</p><p>地址:宝鸡市金台区朝阳华城小区内</p>