

<p style="text-align: justify;">listening:英文儿歌,小猪佩奇音频清华汉语三册</p><p style="text-align: justify;">儿歌视频:清幼汉语英语 小猪佩奇</p><p style="text-align: justify;">read:牛津树8本,指读10本 精读1本 中文两唐诗1首 读牛7,每天读8本</p><p><br></p> <p>指读110天,指读的越来越好</p> <p>精读牛津树和复述5-17</p> <p>1. Before departure 出发前</p><p>P: Baby, what’s your favorite fruit?</p><p>K: Apples/ oranges etc.</p><p>P: Do you know what is mommy’s favorite fruit?</p><p>K: No</p><p>P: I like grapes best. If we want to eat our favorite fruits, what do we do?</p><p>K: Buy.</p><p>P: Yes, exactly. Usually, we buy the fruits that we want to eat in thefruit shop or in the market. But we have other ways to get the fresh fruits. Doyou know what they are?</p><p>K: No.</p><p>P: Mommy will tell you! We can pick the fruits directly from the plants.Now it’s the grape harvest season. Shall we go to pick the grapes today?</p><p>K: OK. Let’s go. Hooray!</p><p>P: You’re so excited to hear the news. Please prepare what you’d like to take, such as your water canteen (水杯). Are you ready? Let’s go.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">Here’re the steps to plant a grapevine</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">种葡萄树的步骤</b></p><p>1. Choose a type of grape that is suitable for your local climate. </p><p>选择一个适合当地气候的品种。</p><p>2. Prepare your own grapevine cuttings. </p><p>准备葡萄枝(买或从熟人那剪裁)</p><p>3. Select a suitable location and prepare the soil. </p><p>选择合适的种种位置,准备好土。</p><p>4. Prepare a trellis for your grapevines. </p><p>为葡萄藤准备篱笆。</p><p>5. Plant your grapevines and give your plants a good watering. </p><p>扦插,浇水。</p><p>6. Prune your grapevines.</p><p>剪枝。</p><p>7. Mulch around thevines. </p><p>施肥。</p><p>8. Apply pest control asneeded. </p><p>需要时,进行害虫治理。</p><p>9. Harvest your grapes when appropriate. </p><p>收获葡萄。</p> <p>2. Grape Plant 认识葡萄树</p><p>P: Now we have arrived at the grapery/vineyard (葡萄园). Please get out of the car. Before picking, we need to get the tools first. Take a basket. Mommy will get scissors. Let’s goinside.</p><p>K: Wow, So many grapes! I can’t wait to eat.</p><p>P: Ha-ha, when we pick them, you can eat some. But don’t eat too much.</p><p>K: OK.</p><p>P: Look, Mommy has two pictures of the grape plant. Come and see. Can youfind each part of the plant? Show me the leaves / fruits / tendrils (卷须) / head / trunk. (让宝宝指出所有能看到的部分)Can you see the roots?</p><p>K: No.</p><p>P: Where are the roots?</p><p>K: They’re underground.</p><p>P: Yes. Very good. You can’t find the buds either. As the buds can only beseen in spring.</p> <p>Leaf 叶子 </p><p>Tendrils 卷须 </p><p>Buds 花蕾 </p><p>Cordon主蔓/臂干</p><p>Cane/shoot长枝 </p><p>Head 头部 </p><p>Trunk躯干/主干 </p><p>Roots根部 </p><p>Spur/Arms短枝</p> <p>Grape Leaves认识葡萄叶</p><p>P: Baby, look at the grape leaves. It’s the solid leaf with several points.Right?</p><p>K: Yes.</p><p>P: The points are called lobes (叶瓣). Here are the nerves (叶脉),also called veins. Here are the lateral nerves (侧脉). This is the leaf stalk or petiole (叶柄). Look, baby, these leaves are in good condition. Look at that leaf, itwas bitten by some insects. Can you see the holes in it? Well, this leaf has been dry. It will fall off very soon.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">4.Picking grapes&nbsp;采摘葡萄</b></p><p style="text-align: justify;">P: Do you know how to pick the grapes? We need to pick the ripe ones.Unripe grapes taste bad. This one is ripe. Have a taste. Is it yummy?</p><p style="text-align: justify;">K: Yes. Very sweet.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">P: How about this one?</p><p style="text-align: justify;">K: Oh, yuck. 好酸啊!</p><p style="text-align: justify;">P: Yes, it’s sour and tart (酸涩的), because it’s not ripe. Do you know which one is ripe?</p><p style="text-align: justify;">K: I don’t know. Let me have a taste.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">P: Oh, baby, this grape is over ripe. It can’t be eaten.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">K: Mummy, how about this green one?</p><p style="text-align: justify;">P: Have a try. I guess it’s sweet. Right?</p><p style="text-align: justify;">K: Yes. It’s sweet.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">P: Ha-ha, this type of grape is green. It’s ripe. I’ll tell you some methods to recognize the grapes are ripe or not.</p><p><br></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">4.Picking grapes&nbsp;采摘葡萄</b></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">P: Now that you know how to find the ripe grapes, we can start picking them. Baby, can you see a white layer on the grapes?</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">K: Yes.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">P: It’s the fruit powder (霜、果粉)of the grapes. It can be eaten. The seeds and the skins of the grapes are edible too. They’re good for our health. Do you want to have a try?</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">K: No. I don’t like to eat the skins and seeds.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">P: OK. They’re indeed tasteless. Can you try to pick one cluster of grapes?</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">K: I’ll try. Oh, Mommy, I can’t.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">P: It’s hard to break off the cluster with your hands directly. It’s bestto use a sharp cutting tool, such as scissors. Now Let me show you how to pick the grapes. We pick this cluster, OK?</span></p> <p><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">科普小知识</span></p><p>The Growth Cycle of Grapes</p><p>葡萄的生长周期</p><p>The annual growth cycle of grapevines is the processthat takes place in the vineyard each year. It begins with bud break in thespring and culminates (在某一点结束) in leaf fall in autumn followed by winter dormancy (休眠). </p><p>Every year, the grapevine will follow the samegrowth cycle as follows.</p> <p>Bud break(萌芽) </p><p>This stage begins around late March in Northern Hemisphere. Tiny buds onthe vine start to swell, and eventually shoots begin to grow from the buds.Buds are the small part of the vine that rest between the vine's stem and thepetiole (leaf stem)</p> <p>Flowering (开花)</p><p>Depending on temperatures, 40-80 days after bud break, the process offlowering begins with small flower clusters. It appears on the tips of theyoung shoots looking like s.</p> <p>Fruit set (结果)</p><p>This stage follows flowering almost immediately, when the fertilized (授粉) flower begins to develop a seed and grape berry (葡萄果实) to protect the seed. (Following fertilization,the fruit begins to form.) It normally takes place in May. Not every flower onthe vine gets fertilized, with the unfertilized flowers eventually falling offthe vine.</p> <p>Veraison (转熟) and fruit maturation (开始成熟)</p><p>Following fruit set, the grape berries are green and hard to the touch.Approximately five to seven weeks after fruit set, veraison begins.</p> <p>Harvest (收采)</p><p>Now it’s the season of harvesting. Harvest means the grapes are ripe and can be picked.</p> <p>Post-harvest (收采后)</p><p><br></p><p>After harvest, grapevine leaves continue to photosynthesize (进行光合作用) until frost (霜冻). This is a very important period for the vines to accumulate carbohydrates(糖类,碳水化合物) for futuregrowth. Following the first frost, the leaves begin to fall as the vine startsto enter its winter dormancy period. The following spring, the cycle beginsagain.</p><p><br></p> <p>玩葡萄游戏</p><p>P: Baby, here are some green grapes. Do you want to play with them?</p><p>B: Yes. How toplay?</p><p>P: Get me some tooth picks. I will show you.</p><p>B: OK.</p><p>P: Look, push the toothpick into the grape. Now put another grape on the other end of the tooth pick. You can have a try. Yes, very good. See, what did we make?</p><p>B: It’s a square.</p><p>P: Yes. You cantry to make other shapes. Isn’t this interesting?</p><p>B: Yes. I like toplay with the grapes.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">采摘葡萄</b></p><p>P: Now that you know how to find the ripe grapes, we can start picking them. Baby, can you see a white layer on the grapes?</p><p>K: Yes.</p><p>P: It’s the fruit powder (霜、果粉)of the grapes. It can be eaten. The seeds and the skins of the grapes are edible too. They’re good for our health. Do you want to have a try?</p><p>K: No. I don’t like to eat the skins and seeds.</p><p>P: OK. They’re indeed tasteless. Can you try to pick one cluster of grapes?</p><p>K: I’ll try. Oh, Mommy, I can’t.</p><p>P: It’s hard to break off the cluster with your hands directly. It’s bestto use a sharp cutting tool, such as scissors. Now Let me show you how to pick the grapes. We pick this cluster, OK?</p> <p>Hold this cluster of grapes in one hand.</p><p>Snip (剪) the whole cluster off the vine (葡萄藤) with the scissors.</p><p>Gently place the bunch in a pail or basket.</p><p>That’s it!</p><p> Easy as a pie. </p><p>Right?</p><p> Do you want to have a try?</p><p>K: Yes, yes.</p><p>P: Great job. We have picked enough, baby. You can take a break.</p><p>P: As you can see, we have picked different kinds of grapes. Some arepurple, some are yellowish. The most common varieties of the grapes are asfollows:</p> <p>葡萄的种类</p> <p>Kyoho Grape</p><p>巨峰葡萄</p> <p>Summer Black</p><p>夏黑葡萄</p> <p>Muscat</p><p>玫瑰香</p> <p>Milk Grape</p><p>白牛奶葡萄</p> <p>Manicure Finger</p><p>美人指</p> <p>Early Rose Grape</p><p>早玫瑰</p> <p>Zuijinxiang Grape</p><p>醉金香</p> <p>Centennial Seedless</p><p>无核白鸡心葡萄</p> <p>Early Summer Seedless Grape</p><p>早夏无核葡萄</p> <p>Red Grape</p><p>红提</p> <p>Gold Finger</p><p>金手指</p> <p>晚餐后,完了玩具大作战,非常爸爸认输不可</p> <p>今天感悟</p><p>1.终于有空去农场,宝贝玩的比较开心,葡萄真好吃!猜猜看我们摘了多少斤?26斤葡萄,是不是很厉害!</p><p>2.回家后,用葡萄做了搭建模型,最后宝贝做了一个刺猬,用刺去找爸爸玩,太搞笑了;</p><p>3.还有玩具大战,非要爸爸认输不可</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>