<p><b>主题</b>:<span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">有机农场 Organic Farm</span></p><p>🐳大手牵小手逐趣小分队🌟FT</p> <p>暨养蜂场FT之后,大手牵小手逐趣小分队第一次FT</p><p>联合备课:</p><p>活动前2周内容分配,自选任务(最初6组家庭,特殊原因最后四组成行)</p><p><br></p> M:Daniel,Today we will go to an Organic Farm , where we can see lots of farm animals and feed them, we also can see many plants , and have a picnic there, are you excited? Let’s pack things that you need during this visit, The farm locates at BaiLuYuan, the east of our city, so we will drive there. <br>Are you ready, let’s go. Get on your seat and let’ me buckle you up.<br> <u>What is Organic Farming?</u><br>Organic farming is an alternative agricultural system which originated early in the 20th Century in reaction to rapidly changing farming practices. Organic agriculture continues to be developed by various Organic Agriculture organizations today. It relies on fertilizers of organic origin such as compost, manure, green manure, and bone meal and places emphasis on techniques such as crop rotation, companion planting. Biological pest control, mixed cropping and the fostering of insect predators are encouraged. Generally, although there are exceptions, organic standards are designed to allow the use of naturally occurring substances while prohibiting or strictly limiting synthetic substances. For instance, naturally occurring pesticides such as pyrethrum and rotenone are permitted, while synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are generally prohibited. Synthetic substances that are allowed include, for example, copper sulfate, elemental sulfur and Ivermectin. Genetically modified organisms, nonmaterial’s, human sewage sludge, plant growth regulators, hormones, and antibiotic use in livestock husbandry are prohibited.<br> 手绘地图,很有特点 <b>1、Playground </b><div> 孩子们玩游戏,教材儿歌复习</div><div>《seesaw》《London bridge is falling down》</div><div><br></div> <b>2.Hammock Area </b><div><b><br></b></div> <p>刚开始摇有点害怕,妈妈没开始唱,就自己滑下来了</p> <p><b>3、Farm animals Area </b>(备课 1906 Judy &1911 Eric)</p><p>(1) 农场游戏</p><p>(2) Name, Home, food,sound, relations with humans</p><p> Horses(pony),pig.rabbit,ducks ,geese</p><p>根据农场见到的动物给孩子们讲解</p> <p><b>Horse &Donkey</b></p><p>教材儿歌《Giddy up》</p><p>The horse can walk and run quickly.It usually use tail to keep balance when heis running.People can ride on the horse.</p><p>The horse can jump off the hurdels. Just like this</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>What are the differences between a horse and a donkey?</p> <p>Pigs &piglets</p><p>小朋友们最爱的peppa一家,哈哈哈,小猪好可爱,大家都忘掉臭一直喂小猪</p> <p><b>Rabbits</b></p><p>清汉《小兔走路》</p><p>Daniel最爱的动物,看到了一只小黑兔</p><p><br></p><p>Rabbit 兔子</p><p>Bunny 小兔子</p><p>leveret 小兔</p><p>hare 野兔</p><p>Lapin 兔子(尤指雄阉兔)</p><p><b>A male rabbit is called a </b><b style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">buck</b><b>, and a female is called a </b><b style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">doe</b><b>. A baby rabbit is called a</b><b style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"> kit</b><b>, which is short for kitten.</b></p><p>叫声</p><p>mumble [ˈmʌmbl] 喃喃,咕哝</p> <p>两个小家伙坐在鹿上</p><p>M:Daniel. you are the king of the deer, you can say "Bow down to the king"</p><p>刚看完牛津树3 这本书,顺便用上</p><p>Daniel:I'm the queen. </p><p>Eric:I'm the queen. </p><p>两小只竟然都要当女王吗? 哈哈哈</p><p><br></p> 路上发现earthworm <p>午饭:</p><p> 中午来一顿火锅串串,蔬菜都是园内有机采摘,味道不错!</p> <p><b>3、Plant </b>(备课1907 Eric& 1906 Daniel)</p><p>Game :</p><p><u> Guess who I am?</u></p><p>准备一些蔬菜、水果图片,依次出示,让孩子说名字,答对者获得该蔬果,最后获得最多蔬果,为获胜者(为大家表演儿歌或者准备sticker)</p><p>P:Hello, everyone, Now let’s play a game: Guess who I am. I will show you some pictures of vegetables and fruit, and you must tell me the name .If you answer correct, You can get the picture. At last, Who gets the most pictures will be the winner, ok?</p><p>What kind of vegetables do you like?</p><p>What color is this~~(蔬果颜色)</p><p>How does it taste?</p><p>蔬果名字,形状,颜色,味道(6种味觉)sweet/sour/salty/bitter/pungent(辛辣)/astringent(涩)</p> <u>where do I grow?</u><br>P:Now, kids ,Let’s play another game. There’re also some pictures ,You will choose one of them, and tell me Where do they grow. Let’s do it one by one, ok? Ready? Who want to be the first one?<br>Bush /Vine/tree/ground(水果蔬菜图片)<br> <p><u>Food we get from plants</u></p><p>We get food from different parts of plants. We eat roots, leaves, stems, flowers and fruits of plants. so Can you tell us which parts we eat ?(结合农场里的蔬果)</p><p>Stems-roots-seeds-flowers-leaves-fruits</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>备课相关内容:</p><p><b>Part 1. From a seed to a plant</b></p><p>(1) Seed</p><p>(2) Sprout</p><p>(3) Seedling</p><p>(4) Bud and flowers</p><p>(5) Seeds</p><p><b>Part 2. Parts of the plant</b></p><p>The main parts of most plants are roots, stem, leaf and flower.</p><p>--Roots of a plant are present under the ground. These roots give support to the plant. These carry water, minerals and nutrients from the soil for the plants. Roots grow underground.</p><p>--Stem of a plant is present above the ground. It also gives support to the plant. It also bears branches, leaves, fruits and flowers. It carries food and water to all parts of the plant. Stem is known as the back-bone of the plant. </p><p>--Leaf prepares food for the plant.</p><p>--Flower is the most beautiful part of a plant. It changes into fruit. Most of the plants bear flowers. Flowers are of different shapes, sizes and colors. Some flowers smell good. Some of the good smelling flowers are rose, jasmine, lotus, sunflower, apple flower.</p><p>-Fruits: Flowers change into fruits. Fruits are juicy and tasty. Some fruits are apple, orange, mango, watermelon and peach.</p><p>-Seeds: Most fruits contain seeds inside them. Seeds are of different shapes and sizes. Plants grow from seeds.</p> <b>Part 3. What a plant needs?</b>(结合机关书讲解) <b>Part 4. Types of plants:</b><div><br></div> <p>Part 5. Food we get from plants:</p><p>Plants give us vegetables, fruits, cereals and pulses. Plants also give us coffee, tea, sugar, oil and spices. We get food from different parts of plants. We eat roots, leaves, stems, flowers and fruits of plants.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p><b>Roots:</b></p><p>Beetroot, radish, carrot and turnip are some of the roots that we eat as vegetables.</p><p><b>Leaves:</b></p><p>Spinach, lettuce and cabbage are some of the leaves that we eat as vegetables.</p><p><b>Stems:</b></p><p>Potato and ginger are some of the stems that we eat as vegetables.</p><p><b>Flowers:</b></p><p>Broccoli and cauliflower are some of the flowers that we eat as vegetables.</p><p><b>Fruits:</b></p><p>We get fruits from plants. Fruits are of many kinds. Some fruits are juicy and fleshy.</p><p>Some of the fruits that we eat are orange, mango, apple, grapes, etc.</p><p><b>Cereals:</b></p><p>We get cereals from plants. Cereals are the grains that can be eaten. Rice, wheat, maize, barley and jowar are some of the cereals that we eat.</p><p>We make chapatti from the flour of wheat, maize and gram. </p><p><b>Pulses:</b></p><p>We get pulses from plants. Pluses are the seeds that can be eaten. Beans, kidney beans, grams, peas and urd are some of the pulses that we eat.</p><p>Pulses are very important for the growth of children. Children should eat plenty of pulse in their meals.</p><p><b>Coffee, Tea and Sugar:</b></p><p>Plants give us coffee and tea to drink. Coffee is made from the seeds of coffee plants. Tea is made from the leaves of tea plant.</p><p>We also get sugar from plants. Sugar is made from sugarcane.</p><p><b>Oil:</b></p><p>We get oil from some plants. The seeds of some plants are used for making oil. Some of the plants that give us oils are castor, sunflower, mustard and coconut.</p><p>Oil is used for many purposes. It is used for cooking food. Some oil is also used as hair oils.</p><p><b>Dry Fruits:</b></p><p>Some plants give us dry fruits.</p><p>Some of the dry fruits are cashew nut, groundnut, walnut, almond etc.</p><p><b>Spices:</b></p><p>Plants also give us spices.</p><p>Cinnamon, cardamom, clove, pepper, turmeric, ginger, cumin seeds and pepper are some of the plants that give us spices.</p><p>Plants are very useful in many ways. We get most of our food from plants.</p><p></p> <p><b>PART 6 Nightshade Plant 茄科植物</b></p><p>What is a Nightshade Plant?</p><p>Nightshade vegetables are a broad group of plants from the solanum and capsicum families. Nightshade plants contain poisons, one called solanine. While ingesting nightshade plants can be fatal, fruits and vegetables in this same classification of plant — many of which you’ll find at your local grocery store — are actually safe to eat.</p><p>This is because the amount of this toxic compound is lowered to nontoxic levels once the fruits and vegetables ripen. Still, the leaves and berries of the deadly nightshade plant are toxic and shouldn’t be consumed.</p><ul><li>Tomatoes</li><li>Potatoes</li><li>Bell peppers</li><li>Hot peppers</li><li>Eggplant</li><li>Tomatillos</li><li>Goji berries</li><li>Blueberries</li></ul><p><br></p> <p>园区自然教育课堂:(中文科普)</p><p><br></p> <p>听完讲课,开始菜地小侦探,利用园区提供的小放大镜,观察植物。</p> <p>路边随处可见的pumpkin</p> <p>细心的Eric妈妈给孩子们带了画笔,休息时间让孩子画画,妈妈坐的位置好像美术老师,哈哈</p> <p>间歇玩儿歌游戏《Good morning train》</p><p><br></p> <p>孩子们玩到下午已经没力气了,都坐着玩游戏了,发现老母亲们比孩子还兴奋。(有一小只Eric 全程专心画“设计稿”)</p> 活动结束来个大合照 <p>玩完再带走一箱赠送蔬菜,完美!</p> <p>总结:</p><p>FT我们是认真的!</p><p><span style="background-color: rgb(233, 255, 255); color: rgb(25, 25, 25);">大手牵小手逐趣小分队第一次FT</span></p><p>小队长的活儿也是不容易干的,各种事情协调,尤其费用这一方面,对我这个文科生来说,简直痛苦。但是最后结果还是不错的,孩子们玩得超级开心,回去的路上全部睡倒,唯一就是紫外线太强,孩子大人全都晒红晒黑,很多备课内容没有发挥出来,以后找机会继续农场FT,期待下次活动!</p>