<p>1️⃣Listening:</p><p>1.清华幼儿英语0A➕0B儿歌</p><p>2.清华幼儿牙牙学语第一册儿歌➕第二册儿歌</p><p>3.Eric carle、海尼曼、拓展音频、婷婷唱古文、sss儿歌</p><p>2️⃣Video:</p><p>0b1动画及课件、拓展方位动画</p><p>一首sss儿歌</p><p>牙牙学语二第八单元</p><p>3⃣️ Game:</p> <p>⚽️<b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">1.苍蝇拍打虫子</b></p><p>👩:Oh,gosh,What is that?</p><p> 👧🏻:A big bad bug.</p><p>👩:This is a fly swatter. Hold the fly swatter. Hit the big bad bug,Make it go away.儿歌Oh, it's coming towards me ,Oh help👧🏻:shoo.</p><p>👩:Great, you make it go away. It's not here, it went away.玩够了换broom.</p><p><br></p><p>⚽️<b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">2.锤子打虫子</b></p><p>👩: See, two big bad bugs. Here's a hammer . Hold the hammer,I will hide in the blanket/ quilt. The bugs will come out from the blanket./quilt. When they come out, you hit them and make them go away. Ok,get ready.儿歌宝宝拍虫子.you make them go away. They're not here,They got away.</p><p>👩:Is that a funny game?This time you try, I will cover you with this blanket/Quilt. I'll take this hammer and hit your big bug。盒子里藏藏虫子Let's play another way, see this is a box and we cut it two holes. Then we stick the bugs on two chopsticks,When the bugs come out of the holes. you hit them and make them go away. 儿歌结尾同上</p> <p>外出找虫子观察虫子</p> <p>4⃣️阅读</p>