【3AU11 part1 】万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程 1807期223号samy2020.7.14打卡


娃对这个单元喜爱的不行。 <div><b>主题: 3AU11</b></div>If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands…<br>If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.<br>If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet.<br>If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.<br>If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet..<br>If you’re happy and you know it, shout hurray,Hurray..<br>If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.<br>If you’re happy and you know it, do all three.Hurray.<div><br></div><div>歌词改编:</div><div><b>If 句型</b><br>If the tulips are happy they wave and say hi.<br>If the birds are happy they chrip and fly.<br>If the sun is happy it shines and smiles.<br>If I am happy I smile and sing a song.<br><br><br></div> <p><b>Game 1 讲解动画,并复述动画</b></p> <b>Game 2 Draw the different faces</b> <p>There are four heads. But they have no faces.<br></p><p>Oh no!</p><p>They cannot show how they feel.</p><p> Can you help them?</p><p> Grab your pencils, lets draw their</p><p>feelings on their heads</p><p><br></p><p>Look at the first head, what do the words say</p><p>under it? It says scared. Lets draw a scared face.</p><p><b>🥶How to draw a sacred face</b></p><p>1. Draw a big circle</p><p>2. Draw an oval in the bottom half of the face</p><p>3. Draw two small cicles In the top half of the face </p><p>4. Finally, draw a small drop of sweat on the forehead of your character, this </p><p><br></p><p>Now lets look at the second head. </p><p>What does it say under this head? </p><p>It says, sad. Lets draw a sad face</p><p><br></p><p><b>🙁 How to draw a sad face</b></p><p>Put in two points in bottom half of the face then connect the point with a arch.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Well done. lets look at the third head now</p><p>What face should we draw on this head? </p><p>Read the word under it. It says angry. Can you draw an angry face on this head for me?</p><p><br></p><p><b>😯 How to draw an angry face</b></p><p>First, the eyebrows with ends pointing upwards, kind of like you write a letter V,then the eyes like two dots. The mouth scrunched tight like a letter m. </p><p><br></p><p>Last one. what do we have to draw on this</p><p>head? It says happy under the head. </p><p>Lets draw a happy face</p><p><b>😯 How to draw an happy face</b><br></p><p> First, do you want<br>to draw a boy or a girl? Draw some hair on<br>top of the head.</p><p>Don't forget to draw<br>eyebrows over your eyes too. </p><p>What kind of nose will your face have? </p><p>Will it be big or small, skinny or fat?<br>Draw a mouth on the face, is it a big mouth<br>or a small mouth? </p><p>Does the face have a big smile or a little smile?<br></p> <br><br><br> Lets turn to page 52. What do you see? I see a<br>picture . What does it say under the picture<br>? Read it for me. What do you do when you<br>are happy?<br>Lets draw what you do when you are happy<br>I smile when I am happy<br>play games when I am happy<br>go outside when I am happy<br>pick flowers when I am happy<br>swim when I am happy<br>ride my bicycle when I am happy<br>I eat ice cream when I am happy<br>What do you want to draw? Grab your coloring<br>pencils and lets draw what makes you happy <div>  <b>Game3 Emotions Cards</b><br></div>Making Faces<br>像扑克牌摞成一摞,每个人翻表情卡做表情<br>Place a set of cards face down on a stack. Turn over the top card. We name the emotion and make a face to match one bye one. 2. Guess the Emotion<br>翻着排成一排,自己看卡片做表情让对方猜<br>Spread out a set of cards face up. Take turns to choose a card but don’t tell the other players which you have chosen. <br>Make a face and see if the other players can guess which card you chose. <p>3. The Way I Feel Story Game </p><p>翻着排成一排,自己讲故事形容场景让对方猜</p><p>Spread out a set of cards face up. Take turns to choose a card but don’t tell the other players which you have chosen. </p><p>Tell a short story about a time you felt like that and see if the other players can guess which card you chose.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>最近学习</p><p><br></p><p><b>英语:</b></p><p>听读:nate,mercy 并做quiz </p><p>阅读:红火箭nonfiction 很有必要补充 还是很爱红火箭的,fiction的部分可以用来日常角色 扮演,nonfiction类似爱课百科的知识点,多读几遍就很熟悉了。</p><p>粉猪复述:1集 </p><p>语法练习册 </p><p> </p><p><b>数学:</b>豌豆思维-数字占格 </p><p>口算题,速度提上来了 </p><p>天天练(迷的不行,都知道等差数列了,也是醉了,哈哈)</p><p><br></p><p><b>汉语:</b></p><p>写汉字 </p><p>阅读-笨狼,希腊神话,叫叫成语故事,清汉6/ u2</p><p>每天坚持叫叫阅读 </p><p><br></p>









