

<p>万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day237 2a:Twinkle twinkle little star 汉语(二):复习</p><p>一、Listening:</p><p>国学:本周新学《百家姓》</p><p>英文:2a,Pepper pig,海尼曼,牛津树</p><p>中文:汉语(二)</p><p>二、晨读晚诵:《百家姓》</p><p>三、字母学习:复习</p><p>四、扫雷:牛津树3本</p><p>五、数学:绘本</p><p>六、独立阅读:牛津树6本</p> <p>七、指读</p> <p>八、复述粉猪《Secrets》(总第22集)</p> <p>Questions:</p><p>1、<span style="color: rgb(46, 52, 61);">&nbsp;What is the secret box? </span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(46, 52, 61);">2、What does George guess?Is he right? </span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(46, 52, 61);">3、What do Daddy guess? Is he right? </span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(46, 52, 61);">4、What does daddy guess the second time? </span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(46, 52, 61);">5、How can Peppa know what's in George's box? </span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(46, 52, 61);">6、What's in Peppa's box? What's in Geroge's box? </span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(46, 52, 61);">7、Where is daddy going to hide his custard doughnut? </span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(46, 52, 61);">8、If you have a secret box, what would you put in it?</span></p> <p>九、Handcrafts</p><p>1. Two lunar models are buckled together to form a round moon, and then the round moon and the backlight hemisphere are combined together. </p> <p>2. Insert the round moon into the minor axis hole, and then insert the short axis into the connecting rod. </p> <p>3. Put the base through the lunar phase diagram, and then insert the long axis into the base hole. </p> <p>4. Put one side of the connecting rod through the long axis and fasten it with a pulley </p><p>5. Finally, put the belt around the pulley on both sides, and then insert the picture of the figure into the connecting rod. </p><p>we can observe the phases of the moon in various time periods</p> <p><b>十、The Phases of the Moon</b></p><p><span style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(69, 69, 69);">Half of the Moon’s surface is always illuminated by sunlight. However, just how much of that light we can see from our point of view on Earth varies every day and this is what we refer to as a Moon phase.</span></p> <h2>New Moon</h2><p>New Moon is the first primary phase and it occurs the moment when the Sun and Moon are aligned, with the Sun and Earth on opposite sides of the Moon.</p><p>A New Moon cannot normally be seen from Earth since only the dark side of the Moon faces our planet at this point. </p> <p>Waxing Crescent Moon</p><p>The moment a thin sliver of the Moon becomes visible after New Moon is the beginning of the first intermediate phase, the Waxing Crescent Moon.</p> <h2>First Quarter Moon</h2><p>&nbsp;First Quarter Moon is the second primary Moon phase and it is defined as the moment the Moon has reached the first quarter of its orbit around Earth, hence the name. It is also called Half Moon as we can see exactly 50% of the Moon's surface illuminated. Whether you see the left or right half illuminated, depends on several factors, including your location.</p> <h2>Waxing Gibbous Moon</h2><p>The second intermediate phase, the&nbsp;Waxing Gibbous Moon, lasts until the next primary phase. Waxing means that it is getting bigger. Gibbous refers to the shape, which is larger than the semicircle shape of the Moon at First Quarter, but smaller than a full circle.</p><p><br></p> <h2>Full Moon</h2><p>The Full moon appears in the night sky when the Sun and the Moon are aligned on opposite sides of Earth.</p><p>When the Full Moon comes close to the points of its orbit that are closest or farthest away from Earth, we call it a&nbsp;Supermoon or&nbsp;Micromoon, respectively.</p> <h2>Waning Gibbous Moon</h2><p>The next intermediate Moon phase is the&nbsp;Waning Gibbous Moon. The portion of the visible half of the Moon illuminated decreases during this period.</p> <p>Third Quarter Moon</p><p><span style="color: rgb(69, 69, 69);">The&nbsp;Third Quarter Moon&nbsp;occurs the moment the opposite half of the Moon is illuminated compared to the First Quarter Moon.</span></p> <p>Waning Crescent Moon</p><p>The Waning Crescent Moon. The Sun illuminates less than half of the visible part of the Moon during this Moon phase and you can sometimes see earthshine on the rest of the Moon towards the end.</p>









