vedio: 0b <br>audio: 汉语第一册 0b 粉猪10集循环<br>reading: 海尼曼易6册 牛津1级别6册 其他中文绘本若干 <div>Game 1: dress up</div><div><br></div><div>M: honey, see, what are they?</div><div>R: hat, and I don't know what is this?</div><div>M: it is a cloak, you see, all these withches wear cloaks.( show him some pictures of witches)</div><div>R: yes</div><div>M: do you want to dress up to be a witch?</div><div>R: yes</div><div>M: oh, sorry, you can't be a witch, you are a boy, you will be a wizard.</div><div>R: why</div><div>M: a woman who has magic power is a witch, and a man who has magic power is a wizard.</div><div>R: ok.(似懂非懂)</div><div>M: would you like to put on this hat and cloak?</div><div>R: yes.</div><div>M: haha, you are a handsome little wizard.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div> game 2: act cartoon out<br><br>M: come here, baby, let us play a game.<br>R: what game?<br>M: I put on this hat, then I look like a witch, right?<br>R: yes<br>M: you are the baby animals, and I will catch you. we pretend this box as a jar, ok?<br>R: ok<br>M: Hush baby, Hush baby, don't go far, I will catch you, I will put you in my jar, Alakazamakazoo. I got a baby squirrel.<br>R: oh<br>M: now, you are a baby pig/monkey/turtle.<br>repeat and exchange roles <br><br> Game 3: ride on a broom<div><br></div><div>R: I want to fly.</div><div>M: ok. a wizard will fly on a magic broom. do you have a magic broom</div><div>R: yes</div><div>M: you got it, you got a magic broom.</div><div>R: I am flying.</div><div>M: yes, you can fly here, you can fly there, wow, you are high in the air. you are a wonderful wizard.</div><div>R: haha ,yes.</div> Game 4: I will cover you with my sheet<br><br>M:oh, this time the witch will change a container, she will cover you with a sheet<br>R: ok<br>M: here I come. Hush baby, Hush baby, don't go far, I will catch you, I will cover you with my sheet, Alakazamakazoo. 继续扛着到处跑<br>替换小动物<div><br></div><div><div>跟爸爸玩,爸爸装大wizard,宝宝是小wizard, 妈妈是witch,witch和小wizard一起打大wizard。</div></div><div><br></div><div>M:oh, here comes a big wizard, he is a powerful wizard. he wants to catch our animals. let us fight with him.</div><div>R: ok</div><div>R: hash, daddy,hash daddy, don't go far, I will catch I will put you in my jar.</div><div>M: let us cover him in our sheet.</div><div>R: ok</div><div>M: we got him. hit him, baby, and step on his feet.</div><div>D: oh oh, so hurt. okok , you win.</div><div>M: ha ha, we win. </div><div>R: we win.</div><div>最喜欢打爸爸,玩了很多次。</div> Game 5: catch animals in a magic cup and play with magic water<div><br></div><div>洗澡的时候玩</div><div><br></div><div>M: you see, here is a magic cup. and my little wizard is taking a bath in the magic tub.</div><div>R: yes, I am powerful.</div><div>M: here are many small animals in the tub. do you want to catch them into your magic cup?</div><div>R: yes</div><div>R: hash duck, hash duck, don't go far, I'll catch you I'll put you in my cup, Alakazamakazoo.</div><div>把小动物都装进去了。</div><div><br></div><div>M: what are you doing with your magic cup?</div><div>R: 倒水啊</div><div>M: oh, you must pour the magic water on my hands with your magic cup</div><div>R: yes</div><div>M: wow, I have magic power now, haha. hash baby, hash baby, don't go far, I' ll catch you I'll put you in my tub, haha.</div><div>R: hahaha.</div>