<p>第六届纽约波基普西工作室开放展</p> <p>Welcome to Poughkeepsie, New York:</p><p>Pougkeepsie Open Studios is an opportunity to interact personally with artists who live, work, or teach in our area and to explore their inspirations, their creative processes, and the types of media they employ. While touring our venue of artist studios, art galleries, arts organizations, and temporary artist "pop-up" spaces, take time to experience the rich history of Poughkeepsie, the broad cultural diversity of our community, and the beauty of the Hudson River Valley.</p><p>New Times, Time For Something New: The 2020 event, our sixth year, has transitioned to an online experience due to circumstances beyond our control. We will miss the excitement of having large numbers of visitors touring our City, the face-to-face interactions, and the occasional crowed studios. We plan to return to business as usual in 2021! </p><p>The Barrett Art Center: </p><p>Poughkeepsie Open Studios is hosted by the Barrett Art Center, a nonprofit arts organization housed in a historic building that features the studio of Poughkeepsie artist Thomas Barrett, Jr (1902-1947). The Center’s mission is to foster and perpetuate an appreciation of the visual arts in the Hudson Valley through exhibitions, education and preservation. This event is produced by an all-volunteer committee, partnering with our local artists, arts organizations, art galleries, and businesses. </p>