Poughkeepsie Open Studios

Arts Meditation

<p>第六届纽约波基普西工作室开放展</p> <p>Welcome to Poughkeepsie, New York:</p><p>Pougkeepsie Open Studios&nbsp;is an opportunity to interact personally with artists who live, work, or teach in our area&nbsp;and to explore their inspirations, their creative processes, and the types of media they employ. While touring our venue of artist studios, art galleries, arts organizations, and temporary artist&nbsp;"pop-up" spaces,&nbsp;take time to experience the rich history of Poughkeepsie, the broad cultural diversity of our community, and the beauty of the Hudson River Valley.</p><p>New Times, Time For Something New: The&nbsp;2020 event, our sixth year, has transitioned to an online experience due to&nbsp;circumstances beyond our control. We will miss the excitement of having large numbers of visitors touring our City, the face-to-face interactions, and the&nbsp;occasional crowed studios.&nbsp;We plan to return to business as usual in 2021!&nbsp;</p><p>The Barrett Art Center:&nbsp;</p><p>Poughkeepsie Open Studios is hosted by the Barrett Art Center, a nonprofit arts organization housed in a historic building that features the studio of Poughkeepsie artist Thomas Barrett, Jr (1902-1947). The Center’s mission is to foster and perpetuate an appreciation of the visual arts in the Hudson Valley through exhibitions, education and preservation. This event is produced by an all-volunteer committee, partnering with our local artists, arts organizations, art galleries, and businesses.&nbsp;</p>







