<p>🔲开展情况:</p><p>🎯进度:1B-5</p><p>🎯分级10本:牛津树3级10本</p><p>🎯video:粉猪</p><p>🎯Listen:1a,1b儿歌,peppa近期准备复述的5集裸听,分级裸听</p><p>🎯指读:海尼曼易5本</p><p>🎯粉猪复述:Hide and seek</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><i>🔲National Day</i></b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🔆“国歌”的英文表达:</b></p><p>national anthem /ˈæn.θəm/国歌;赞歌;颂歌</p><p>例句:</p><p>①Every time the national anthem rings, my blood boils!</p><p>每当国歌响起,我便会感到热血沸腾!</p><p>②When playing the national anthem, it should be quiet.</p><p>奏国歌时应该全场肃立。</p><p>M:Do you know the national anthem?Can you sing?</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🔆"国旗"的英语:the national flag</b></p><p>五星红旗=the Five-starred Red Flag(✔)</p><p>(starred:用星装饰的 )</p><p>例句:</p><p>①The Chinese flag is Five-Starred [stɑːd] Red Flag.</p><p>中国的国旗是五星红旗。</p><p><br></p><p>M:Do you know what our national flag looks like?</p><p>Can you draw?</p><p>First, we are going to draw a rectangle。What color should we paint the flag with?Our national flag is red。</p><p>Are we done?No, we still need to draw stars。</p><p>How many stars should we draw?Do you remember how many stars are on the flag?</p><p>You were right. There are five stars on the flag。Are these stars the same size?</p><p>One Star is bigger, the other four stars are the same size. Four stars around the Big Star.</p><p>What color are these stars?</p><p>They're yellow。</p><p>Let's finish with the flag pole</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🔆"护旗手" 英语: flag-bearer(✔)</b></p><p>bearer(尤指在礼仪中)持…者 [ˈbeərə(r)] </p><p>例句:</p><p>①As a flag-bearer in Tian anmen Square, I am very proud.</p><p>作为天安门的一名护旗手我非常自豪。</p><p>②The athletes ['æθli:ts] have their flag-bearer in front.</p><p>护旗手走在最前面。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🔆“祖国”用英语怎么说?</b></p><p>Motherland: 祖国,有更浓烈的感情色彩</p><p>例句:</p><p> I am Chinese. I love my Motherland.</p><p>我是中国人,我热爱我的祖国。</p><p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🔆“国庆节”用英语怎么说?</b></p><p>国庆节英文表达是:National [ˈnæʃənl] Day</p><p>例句:</p><p>①Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day. </p><p>国庆节期间到处挂着彩灯。</p><p>②The National Day is drawing closer. </p><p>国庆节快到了。</p><p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🔆“阅兵”用英语怎么说?</b></p><p>Parade [pə'reɪd]</p><p>固定搭配 military [ˈmilitəri] parade</p><p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🔆"国庆节"的相关英文表达</b></p><p>公众假期 Public holiday </p><p>一周长假黄金周 golden week</p><p>阅兵military parade</p><p>升旗仪式flag-rising ceremony [ˈseriməni]</p><p>和平鸽 Dove of peace</p><p>放礼花explode [iksˈpləud] fireworks</p><p>热爱人民 Love people</p><p>报效国家 Serve the country</p><p>国徽 national emblem [ˈembləm]</p><p>爱国热情 patriotism</p><p>天安门广场 Tian 'anmen Square</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><i>🔲Flag raising at Tian an'men Square.</i></b></p> <p>Let's watch a video.The honor guard go marching.The honor guard仪仗队will finish the flag-raising ceremony.When the flag is raised we will look at the flag and sing the national anthem.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><i>🔲Game Time</i></b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🔆Crayons Game</b></p> <p>Baby what's are these? yes, they are crayons.There are so many colors.</p><p>Look, Leo, I have an idea, what about we draw some fruits on the floor? what do you think? </p><p>Yes, good idea. </p><p>So what fruits do you want to draw? </p><p>I like a grape, mommy. Can you please draw grapes for me? </p><p>yes, let me try. I think you can draw it with me together. </p><p>Let's choose purple and green crayons and we can draw purple and green grapes. </p><p>Do you know where grapes grow? </p><p>Grapes grow on vines. </p><p>Good, so I will draw some vines and leaves. </p><p>Any do you like pumpkin? I want to draw a big pumpkin. </p><p>Yes, I like. </p><p>Do you know where pumpkin grow? </p><p>It grows on vines too. </p><p>Come on please help me to draw some stripes on it. </p><p>It is too difficult for me. </p><p>Just try! </p><p>Quite good, you did it very well! </p><p>Then we can go to play "let's go marching". </p><p><br></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);"><i>🔆Let's get moving</i></b></p> <p>Let's sing the song and do the actions together. Do what I do, Follow me.</p><p>We're marching. round and round(use your arm to show round and round)</p><p>eating all the pears as we go(use two hands to show the eating actions)</p><p>Can you follow me? Let's do it quicker this time. Ready, set, go!</p> <p>😂穿的衣服不适合上传视频了</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🔆Let's go marching</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><i>🔲清华汉语</i></b></p> <p>第一册第九单元</p><p>主要玩的主题为:拓展思路,遇到问题(上灯台下不来),解决问题(如何下去)</p><p>Leo的解决办法:梯子、飞机、地上垫一些软的东西</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><i>🔲数学</i></b></p> <p>锻炼逻辑思维能力</p><p>1.妈妈先按照ABAB规矩进行摆放,Leo解锁小面的规矩</p><p>(设计形状-多少的规矩)</p><p>2.Leo按照规矩摆放,妈妈解锁</p><p>比较惊喜,Leo用了两种方法去摆放,一种是数量递增,一种是数量为4-2-4-2的方案。</p>