vedio: 汉一第五单元 粉猪 new shoes<br>audio: 汉语第一册 0b 粉猪8集循环<br>reading: 海尼曼易4册 海尼曼中2册 牛津1级别6册 其他中文绘本若干 <p>A dinosaur is a type of reptile that lived millions of years ago all over the world.</p><p>Dinosaurs lived on land. They did not fly or</p><p>swim. This means that a pterodactyl [ˌtɛrəˈdæktəl] and a</p><p>mosasaur ['moʊsəˌsɔ] are not dinosaurs, but they are ancient flying and swimming reptiles.</p><p>恐龙是一种生活在世界各地数百万年前的爬行动物。恐</p><p>龙生活在陆地上。它们不飞也不游泳。也就是说,翼龙</p><p>和沧龙不是恐龙,而是古老的飞行和游泳爬行动物。</p><p><br></p> 今天主要介绍了这几个恐龙,游戏和读绘本的时候,讲讲形状和特点。 <div>Game1: pretend to be stegosaurus</div><div><br></div><div>M: baby, come here, let us play a new game.</div><div>R: what new game?</div><div>M: today you pretend to be a stegosaurus. do you know what stegosaurus looks like?</div><div>R: no</div><div>M: it has many armored plates on its back, and 4 spikes on its tail, which are all used to protect himself from attactors. stegosaurus eat plants, and other meat eating dinosaurs, like T-rex, would like to catch it to eat. (show him the picture and model)</div><div>R: ok</div><div>M: now, let me put some clips on your back, which look like the plates, and a stegosaurus must have a tail, but we can't have spikes on your tail, and just pretend you have spikes on your tail, ok、</div><div>R:ok</div><div>M: I am a T-rex, I am so hungry, I thump thump thump, and Igive a roar, roar. I want to find something to eat. wow, see, here comes a stegosaurus, it seems so yum. I will catch you, roar.</div><div>R: mama. (小孩子受不了我装凶恶,还是爸爸装霸王龙比较好)</div><div>M: okok, it is just a game. now I am not hungry, let us play together.</div><div>R: ok</div> Game 1: baby stegosaurus<br><br>R: I am a baby dinosaur.<div>M: ok, you are a baby stegosaurus.<br><div><div>R: I want to stay in an egg.</div><div>M: sure. let us get out the box.</div><div>R: ok. mommy, you sing the song.</div><div>M: ok. baby stegosaurus in the egg, oh so still, will you come out?</div><div><div>R: yes I will.<br>M: wow, my baby stegosaurus came out.<br></div><div><br><br></div></div></div></div> Game 3: stegosaurus and triceratops<div><br></div><div>M: this time, I will be the stegosaurus, and you will be a triceratops.</div><div>R: ok</div><div>M: I will put on these clips on my back. and you should have 3 horns on your head.</div><div>R: why</div><div>M: because the triceratops has 3 horns on his head, see( show him the model)</div><div>R: yes</div><div>M: let me try to make horns for you, my little triceratops.</div><div>R: ok</div><div>捣鼓半天,放弃了,不会做</div><div>M: oh, sorry, mommy can't do it. I gave it up. you just pretend to be the triceratops, remember, you have 3 horns on your head, and you only eat plants too.</div><div>R: ok</div><div>M: I am a stegosaurus, I am so hungry. oh, I see some trees there, I will go to eat these delicious leaves.</div><div>R: I am hungy too, I will eat the trees.</div><div>M: no, you can't, I saw them first.</div><div>R: no, you can't eat. I am quick.</div><div>M: oh, I am so sad. no food for me.</div><div>R: here you are, you can eat this one.</div><div>M: thanks, you are my good friend.</div> Game 4: play with models<div><br></div><div>M: you see, triceratops and stegosaurus are good friends, they are here to have their lunch.</div><div>R: yes.</div><div>M: but one day, a disaster happened, maybe earthquake, maybe volcanic eruption, maybe a small planet bumpen into the earth, anyway, it made the enviroment chang a lot, and all plants died out, then plant eating dinosaus had no food, so plant eating dinosaus died out, which lead to no food for meat eating dinosaus, so all dinosaus extinct on the earth. that is why we can't find any dinosaus in the world, only some fossils which buried deep undergroud. ( show him the picture of fossils)</div><div><br></div><div>后面就一直纠结怎么都死了呢,看书看动画的时候都会问问题,他们要死了吗 </div> Game 5: pretend to be ankylosaurus<div><br></div><div>晚上读宫西达也的永远永远爱你,里面有慈母龙和甲龙和霸王龙,顺带把图片和介绍一起念了一下。说到甲龙很慢很慢,就在床上演了一下,很欢乐。临时玩的,无图</div>