<p><b style="font-size: 20px;">International Students at Jiujiang University</b></p><p><b style="font-size: 20px;">White Angels Show Their Power</b></p> <h1>摄影:风雨无阻、老愚头、涛哥行摄</h1><h1>编辑:(初人)涛哥</h1> <h1> 2020年已经过半,在这一特殊年月,让中国和世界各国人民都难以忘怀,疫情的困扰,战疫的胜利,中华民族在中国共产党的领导下,打了一个漂亮的无硝烟战争。</h1><p> Half of 2020 has passed. In this special year, the people of China and other countries in the world are unforgettable. The epidemic is plagued by the epidemic and the victory of the epidemic. The Chinese nation has fought a beautiful smoke-free war under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.</p><h1> 又是一年毕业季,然而今年的毕业时光没有以往的万般情怀,但也不失同学情谊的传递,各高校以不同形式举行了毕业典礼,来自非洲的73名在校留学生参加了”2015级临床医学留学生实习动员会“他们分别来自尼日利亚,喀麦隆,加纳,赞比亚,巴基斯坦,纳米比亚,津巴布韦,苏丹以及印度。留学生们各各精神饱满,神采飞扬,即将前往九江学院附属医院和自己的国家医院,进行为期一年的毕业实习。这些来自印度洋、大西洋和赤道的留学生在庐山脚下,长江之滨,鄱湖之畔,度过了5个春秋,充分体验了浔阳古城”春“的花季,”夏“的雨滴,”秋“的金色,”冬“的玉装,同时也感受到了九江学院师生对留学生的关爱和包容。</h1><p><br></p><p> </p> <p> It is another year of graduation season, but this year's graduation time does not have the same feelings as before, but it also conveys the friendship of classmates. Various colleges and universities held graduation ceremonies in different forms, and 73 students from Africa participated in the "2015 grade" International Medical Students Internship Mobilization Meeting "They come from Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Zambia, Pakistan, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Sudan and India. The international students are full of spirit and full of energy, and will soon go to the affiliated hospital of Jiujiang College and their own national hospital for a one-year graduation internship. These international students from the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic and the equator spent five springs and autumns at the foot of Lushan Mountain, on the banks of the Yangtze River and on the banks of Pohu Lake, and fully experienced the flower season of "spring" in the ancient city of Xunyang, the raindrops of "summer", "autumn" The golden color of the "winter" jade costume also felt the love and tolerance of the teachers and students of Jiujiang College for foreign students.</p>