dinosaur大纲 游戏准备前,把想介绍的各种恐龙的名字,习性搞清楚,在游戏里里面拓展。目前有的恐龙模型包括,霸王龙,腕龙,梁龙或雷龙,翼龙,剑龙,三角龙,还有一些小恐龙,没有棘龙的模型,可以看图片<br><br><br>All the dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic[ˌmesəu'zəuik] era['irə], which are divided into three periods.<br>恐龙都生活在中生代,分为3个时间段。<br><br>The Triassic[trai'æsik], the Jurassic[dʒu'ræsik], and the Cretaceous[kri'teiʃəs].<br>三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪。<br><br>三叠纪:camposaurus [ˌkæmpə'sɔ:rəs] 坎普龙(小型食肉恐龙)and the tanystropheus[ˌteni'strɔ:fiəs]长颈龙(海生,并非恐龙,属于长颈龙)<br><br>侏罗纪:pterosaur['tɛrəˌsɔr]翼龙(按定义,不属于恐龙)<br>brachiosaurus [ˌbrækiə'sɔ:rəs] 腕龙and apatosaurus [əˌpætə'sɔ:rəs]雷龙或迷惑龙,allosaurus[ˌælə'sɔ:rəs]异特龙,dilophasaurus 双脊龙,stegosaurus /ˌsteɡə'sɔrəs/剑龙,archaeopteryx /ˌɑːrkiˈɑːpterɪks/,<div><br><div>白垩纪:tyrannosaurus [tiˌrænə'sɔ:rəs] rex 霸王龙, , triceratops /traɪˈserətɑːps/三角龙, velociraptor/vəˈlɑːsɪræptər/迅猛龙, and spinosaurus棘龙, euoplocephalus 甲龙<br></div></div> <div>vedio: 汉一第五单元 粉猪 new shoes</div>audio: 汉语第一册 0b 粉猪8集循环<br>reading: 海尼曼易4册 海尼曼中2册 牛津1级别6册 其他中文绘本若干 Game 1: Tyrannosaurus rex is coming<div><br></div><div>preparing some dinosaurs models, including tyrannasaurus rex, brachiosaurus, apatosaurus, triceratops and stegosaurus. </div><div><br></div><div>M: baby, come here. see, some dinosaurs, do you know their names?</div><div>R: nope.</div><div>M: the 2 dinosaurs look like same, but they are different. this one is brachiosaurus, with longer neck and shorter tail, while this one is apatosaurus with shorter neck and longer tail. this dinosaur is triceratops, with 3 horns on its head. this one is stegosaurus, it is very unique. it has many armed plates on its back, and four spikes on its tail. and the last one is the most famous dinosaur, tyrannasaurus rex, roar. can you see the long sharp teeth?</div><div>R: yes</div><div>M: tyrannasaurus rex can eat these dinosaurs, who are all plant eating dinosaurses.</div><div>R: don't eat.</div><div>M: brachiosaurus, apatosaurus, triceratops and stegosaurus are eating plants in the forest. oh, here comes a tyrannasaurus rex. Roar, thump thump thump. all these dinosaurses are so scared, they will run away.</div><div>R: don't eat. I will throw you away.</div><div>M: you are a brave boy, you protect these poordinosaurses. give you thump up. </div> <div><br></div><div><br></div> Game 2: act cartoon out<div><br></div><div>M: let us act the cartoon out.</div><div>R: ok</div><div>M: now, you are a little dinosaur. oh, you don't have a tail. how about we use this scarf as your tail.</div><div>R: ok, I like blue.</div><div>M: sure, mommy will find a blue scarf as your tail. and I like red tail, I will find myself a red scarf as my tail.</div><div>R: ok</div><div>M: haha, now, you have a tail. can you wave your tail.</div><div>R: no</div><div>M: shake your hip, like me.</div><div>R: haha, I can</div><div>M: let us see the song together. </div><div>dinosaur dinosaur, wave your tail. dinosaur dinosaur, give a roar. thump thump thump thump thump.</div> Game 3: baby dinosaur<br><br>prepare a big box in advance<br>M: baby, let us play a game.<br>R: ok<br>M: you see, here is a box, mommy will stick a dinosaur egg on it. we pretend this box to be a dinosaur egg.<br>R: ok<br>M: you are the baby dinosaur, and you stay in this egg.<br>R: ok<br>M: then the egg will be hatched, and the baby dinasaur will come out from the egg. got it?<br>R: yes<br>M: I will sing a song, listen, baby in the egg, oh so still, will you come out?<br>R: yes I will.<br>M: wow, my baby dinosaur comes out.