<p class="ql-block">七月一日下午,南佛州科技教育文化协会会长颜耀阳、副会长余学军和雲李、知名爱心人士林燕、克里斯·托马斯(Chris Thomas)和佛州国际大学李月朋教授,代表佛州社团、华人华侨向迈阿密老人公寓居民捐赠了五千口罩。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">具体捐赠情况是:李心知和林燕夫妻捐赠2千个,李月朋捐赠500个,湖南同乡会捐赠500个,华联捐赠2千个。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">迈阿密亚裔顾问委员会协调安排了这次捐赠活动。顾问委员会主任Joshua Ho、理事张黎博士和余学军教授在百忙中抽空出席了这次活动。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">迈阿密戴达县公共住房和社区发展部主任迈克尔·刘代表政府接受了这批珍贵的个人防护用品,并非常感谢华联CASEC和华裔社团的慷慨捐赠和对老人社区的关爱和支持。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">颜耀阳会长表示,我们非常感恩有这个难得的机会 ,代表我们华联和华裔社区表达对本地社区老人的关心。我们华人有尊敬老人的优良传统。老人又是受新冠病毒感染最严重的群体。特别是最近一个多星期,佛州每天新增感染者接近和超过一万人,形势越来越严峻,我们希望这批口罩能帮助我们的老人平安健康的度过这个困难的时候。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">出席这次捐赠仪式的还有:迈阿密达德县市长办公室高级代言人 Ana “Teri” Busse-Arvesu(“安娜·“特里”·布斯·阿维苏)和 迈阿密戴德县老年人事务咨询委员会董事会成员兼迈阿密-戴德县老人事务咨询委员会程序总监Katherine Bolt。</p> <p><b><i>News Release</i> </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>CASEC Donates Five Thousand Masks to the Miami-Dade County Public Housing and Community Development Department</b></p><p><br></p><p>July 1st Miami, FL – CASEC (Chinese Association of Science, Education and Culture of South Florida Inc), the largest Chinese professional organization in South Florida, donates 5,000 3-ply disposable masks to the Seniors in the Public Housing of the Miami-Dade County at 2:00 pm Wednesday July 1, 20120. The CASEC group will meet with the representatives from the County government including Deputy Mayor of the County on the 29th floor of the Stephen Clark Building located at 111 Northwest 1st Street, Miami, FL.</p><p><br></p><p>CASEC responded to a request to donation masks to seniors residing in Miami-Dade County Public Housing. This is a continuation of CASEC’s efforts to support the community population that are most vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19. Previously, CASEC, through its sourcing channels and the generosity of its members, has successfully acquired and donated tens of thousands of personal protective equipment including coveralls, 3M N95s, KN95s, three-ply disposables, sanitizers, and other items. Close to fifty hospitals and businesses have received donation of supplies from CASEC during the pandemic.</p><p><br></p><p>“While facing the increasing numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases daily, we would like to continue expressing our support to the communities around us by donating much needed supplies. CASEC is comprised of hundreds of caring individuals with the Chinese descent. We wish to collaboration with other organizations in the local communities along the east coast of Southern Florida to do what we can to reduce risk and response to threats to public health, safety and the welfare of vulnerable communities.”</p><p><br></p><p>“We all have parents and grandparents in our families. Respecting the old and loving the young is the traditional virtue in the Chinese culture. Respect our elders, and thus respect others’ elders. We hope some seniors in the public housing community can benefit from these masks.”</p><p><br></p><p>CASEC participants include Dr. Yao Yan, Chris Thomas, Xinzhi Li, Yan Lin, XiaoFang Fan, Yuepeng Li, and Rui Falcon. Miami-Dade County representatives participated the event include Deputy Mayor and Mr. Michael Liu, the appointed Director of the Miami-Dada County Public Housing and Community Development Department. Joshua Ho, Dr. Jim Yu and Gurau Li from Asian American Advisory Board Office of Community Advocacy Board of County Commissioners.</p><p><br></p> <p>Kathy, Joshua, Teri, 颜耀阳、余学军、Michael Liu, and Chris Thomas (左起)</p> <p>Teri、Chris Thomas 、Kathy、Joshua 、余学军、张黎、颜耀阳、雲李和林燕 (左起)</p> <p>佛州疫情比三月、四月份成倍增长,连续几天九千多人感染,昨天超过一天感染一万一千多人。</p> <p>这次捐赠的5千个口罩基本都是爱心人士和社团赞助和捐赠的。李心知和林燕夫妻捐赠2千,FIU 李月朋捐赠500,湖南同乡会捐赠500,华联捐赠2千。</p> <p>Teri、Chris Thomas 、余学军、Kathy、张黎、李月朋、颜耀阳、雲李和林燕 (左起)</p> <p>Joshua、余学军和张黎帮忙把口罩从停车场搬到捐赠地点</p> <p>佛州华联为参加参加捐赠活动的代表赠送华联T恤</p> <p>新闻发布连接:</p><p>https://www.miamidade.gov/advocacy/advisories/2020-06-30-asian-board-donates-face-masks-to-public-housing.asp</p><p><br></p>