--指读 (week 13) G1(6本),牛津1(10本);<br>--短元音u学习;<br>--复述Peppa pig-S1-E1 muddy puddles-day3.<br><br>1. Listening & Vedio:<br>--2a-unit3 Friends-day3<br>本单元重点:儿歌背景,了解自己(情绪表达和控制),如何评价别人,如何交朋友,如何面对bully<br>--ABC song, 字母发音歌,peppa-pig动画S2-E1-E3集视频;<br>--清华汉语2-9早读晚诵;<br>--数学: 数的分解。<br><br>2. Reading:<br>海尼曼中-4本+牛5-6本+Raz-D8本。 <b>3. Extension---</b><b>Emotions了解自己</b><div>Emostion is an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness.</div><div><b>Disscussions:</b><br>• What is this emotion? How does our body feel when we feel angry/sad/happy? How does our face look?<br>• Can you share an example of a time that you felt angry/sad/happy?<br><b>For example:</b><br>• If you're happy and you know it, smile wide.<br>• If you're excited and you know it, jump up high.<br>• If you're tired and you know it, time to yawn.<br>• If you're angry and you know it, stamp your feet.<br></div> 聊一聊各种情绪,你来表演我来猜~ 尝试去分辨positive and negative feelings,情绪没有好坏,感受并接受。 <div><b>1.</b><b> 8 Ways to Play & Learn With Emotions Cards</b></div><div><b>(1) Making Faces</b><br>Place a set of cards face down on a stack. Turn over the top card. Have your child name the emotion and make a face to match.<br><b>(2) Guess the Emotion</b><br>Spread out a set of cards face up. Take turns to choose a card but don't tell the other players which you have chosen. Make a face and see if the other players can guess which card you chose.<br><b>(3) The Way I Feel Story Game</b><br>Spread out a set of cards face up. Take turns to choose a card but don't tell the other players which you have chosen. Tell a short story about a time you felt like that and see if the other players can guess which card you chose.<br><b>(4) Matching Emotions</b><br>Print two sets of the cards (complete with the backing pattern on the reverse side) to make your own Concentration style matching game. To play, spread out all cards face down. Take turns turning over two cards at a time. If you find a match, you keep that pair of cards.<br><b>(5) Story Emotions</b><br>Lay out 3-4 cards. Using a small figurine, tell a short story about the toy. For example – “Peppa’s balloon popped.” Ask your child to put the figurine on the card that shows how Peppa would feel if this happened.<br><b>(6) Positives and Negatives</b><br>Sort a set of cards into positive and negative emotions. Discuss why each emotion is in the nominated group.<br><b>(7) Supporting Our Friend's Emotions</b><br>Choose an negative emotion and talk about ways to speak to and support someone who we can see feels this way. Practice saying these words by role playing being a friend who supports the emotions of others.<br><b>(8) Emotions Snap</b><br>Print multiple copies of the cards (complete with the backing pattern on the reverse side) to make your own Snap game card pack – you'll need at least four sets. Shuffle the cards for a game of Snap.<br></div> 情绪对对碰,2*4级别,EricV.S.Mom, Eric获胜,上升到2*8级别,就是dad V.S. mom了,考验记忆力的时刻到了~ <b>2. Anger Management: Calm Down</b> <b>10 Ways to Calm Down</b><br>There are many ways people have found to calm down. <br><b>(1) Go to a “chill spot”</b><br>Instead of making the need to calm down a negative thing (like a “time out”), we can turn it into a positive by designating a place (or multiple places) where we go to calm down. We can call it a “chill spot” or whatever name sounds good, and it can be our bedroom or a patio chair outside or a comfy sofa in the living room. <br><b>(2) Go outside for a walk or run</b><br>Getting outside and getting some exercise are both great ways to calm down. <br><b>(3) Take some deep breaths</b><br>When we're upset, we tend to do a kind of shallow breathing that keeps us agitated and anxious. Slowing down our breathing can help our body physiologically calm down, which leads to a calmer mental state. <br><b>(4) Count to 10 (or 100)</b><br>Just pausing before responding can help prevent things from coming out of the mouth that we later regret. <br><b>(5) Listen to some soothing music</b> <br>Have a playlist handy on your phone that's your happy/calming music. <br><b>(6) Think of something you're grateful for</b><br>Any gratitude practice can help you calm down, because you can't hold the two physiological/mental states of anger and gratitude at the same time. <br><b>(7) Look at a funny meme or video</b><br>I keep a Pinterest board of funny things (maybe only to me!). Again, if you can laugh you'll offset the negative emotions and be able to calm down. Plus, a hearty belly laugh is just good in general.<br><b>(8) Hug</b><br>This is a simple thing that might be appealing to your child as a way to calm down. Holding them still and breathing with them, while giving a loving hug, can help them calm down.<br><b>(9) Loosen up</b><br>Stretch or do a yoga pose like “child’s pose” .<br><b>(10) Sit quietly and have a drink of water,</b> cup of tea, or piece of fruit<br> 生气了如何做,还没等我引导,Eric说之前读过一本书,鸟妈妈和爸爸如何帮助小鸟解决生气的,deep breath and count to 10, 道理你都懂,实践起来你咋不这样呢。 趁热打铁,情绪识别worksheet。<div><br></div><div>PS: 复述第3天,尝试让他看漫画书,居然一个人把所有台词顺了下来,不知道是读的还是背下来的,比前2天的翻车现场明显好看了很多~</div>