李妍娟名师工作室课本剧初期成果 《英语课程标准》提倡通过多种活动让学生体验参与,让学生发挥个体的特长及集体的智慧,提高语用能力。 新课标还提出了“体验学习”的理念,也就是说学习英语是靠学生自己去体验、去感悟、去内化。以学生为主体,以学生的实践活动为主线是构建英语课堂教学模式的根本原则。 英语课本剧课程就是以学生为主体的课程,它依据单元话题设计语言实践活动,在玩中学、在用中学、在演中学,有效将课程的知识单一形式转化为具有一定情境和互动的学习内容,是有价值、有意义、高效率的创造性学习!我们工作室在教科院倡导的课本剧课程大环境下,各位名师们不断探讨,研究,终于初有成就!<div>下面就是各位名师们指导的课本剧,请大家欣赏!</div> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">四中初中部李妍娟老师班级的课本剧《金凤花和三只熊》视频</span></h1><p><br></p> 第8模块英语课本剧教案<br>四中初中部 李妍娟<br>一、教学目标:<br>1.通过课本剧课程, 熟练掌握下列动词短语pick the flowers,hurry towards the house, knock on the door, push the door, enter the room, pick up the bowl, finish all the food, point at, jump out of the bed, hurry out of the house等,并掌握这些动词的过去式,学会用一般过去时态及first, next/then, finally来描述故事发展进程,熟悉文章中的主要人物Goldilocks and the Three Bears之间的事件、篇章结构及蕴含意义,通过积累模仿等手段提升学习理解能力,完成语言输入。<br>2..针对碗里的饭菜还是热的,创设三只熊为何离开的情景;针对金凤花醒来后的情节,创设金凤花表达忏悔,请求原谅的情景,对课文内容进行改编、创造,学生根据创设情景自主完成剧本、准备道具、服装等,培养学生的应用实践能力、迁移创新能力、批判性思维和创新性思维能力。<br>3.小组通过对剧本不断打磨、排练,最终将其展演出来,培养学生的主动学习、参与、思考、分享、合作以及表演能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的审美力。<br>二、教学内容:<br>外研版七下M8 Story Time, 本模块主题是故事,功能与任务是讲故事,课本剧内容是Create a play about Goldilocks and the Three Bears, then act it out with your partners创造一个关于金凤花和三只熊的戏剧,并小组合作将之表演出来。<br>三、实施过程:<br>(一)积累巩固,模仿内化,加深对课文的理解,完成语言输入。<br>1、词汇积累:掌握以下词汇,熟知过去式及ed的发音规则,并表演出以下词汇<br>pick the flowers,look around her,hurry towards it,knock on the door,push the door,enter the house,look into a small room,pick up the bowl,finish all the food,try the chairs,walk into the bedroom,return, cry, shouted, point at, open her eyes,jump out of the bed, hurry out of the house...<br>picked the flowers,looked around her,hurried towards it,knocked on the door,pushed the door,entered the house,looked into a small room,picked up the bowl,finished all the food,tried the chairs,walked into the bedroom,returned, cried, shouted, pointed at, opened her eyes,jumped out of the bed, hurried out of the house...<br>2、句子积累:掌握以下句子语音、语调,深刻理解句子含义并将其表演出来:<br>掌握以下句子语音、语调,深刻理解句子含义并将其表演出来:<br>(1) And soon she was lost.<br>(2)She knocked again and again. <br>(3)She didn't like it. <br>(4)She wanted to sit down and tried the big chair, but it wasn't very comfortable.<br>(5)Very soon she was asleep in it.<br>(6)She jumped out of the bed, hurried out of the house without her basketball.<br>...<br>3、对话课文积累:表演对话复述课文:<br>(1)U1学完之后,让孩子分角色表演大明和Tony之间的对话。<br>(2)U2学完之后,让孩子复述金凤花进入房间后所做的一系列事情及三只熊回归后的场景。<br>(3)在学生表演复述的时候,我们教师要在语音、语调、表情、动作等方面进行指导。<br>(4)进一步理解课文,弄清篇章结构,梳理人物关系,挖掘教材内涵,揣摩人物心理。<br>4、模仿内化:<br>(1)模仿课文动画<br>(2)完成翼课网趣配音<br>(3)模仿学生表演的课本剧<br>(4)有时间可以观看英文版微电影或者英文版歌曲<br>(5)模仿其他成功剧本<br>(二)创设情景、编写剧本<br>各位同学,我们已经了解了《金凤花和三只熊》故事的来龙去脉,掌握了“一般过去时态来描述过去发生的动作或存在的一种状态”“用once upon a time, first, next/then, finally来描述故事发展顺序”“动词的过去式变化及ed的发音规律”等新知识,今天我们就以课本剧的方式,重现金凤花和三只熊的故事。<br>描述故事情节一:金凤花迷路后进入了三只熊的小房子里,房门没锁,小房子里没人,但却有三只碗,碗里都装着食物,而且是热的。让我们发挥一下想像:三只熊去哪儿了?<br>情景一:熊妈妈刚把饭准备好,接着电话铃响了,熊妈妈接起电话,熊妈妈的妹妹叫她们一家去她家吃午饭,然后三只熊匆忙离开了家,门也没锁,饭也放在了桌子上。<br>情景二:熊爸爸和小熊在森林里散步,熊妈妈刚把饭准备好,没有关门,就外出找熊爸爸和小熊。<br> 同学们,除以上两种情景,你们觉得还会是什么情景呢?请小组讨论,得出你的答案。<br>描述故事情节二:金凤花进入小房子后,发现了碗里有食物,还有椅子、小床,除了我们课本上呈现的她把三个碗里的食物都尝了一遍,然后吃掉小碗里的食物,尝试去坐每把椅子,发现前两把都不舒服,最后小椅子正好,但金凤花却把小椅子坐碎了,最后金凤花试了三张床,发现最后小床最舒服,不久她就睡着了,我们可以添加哪些动作或者情节?<br> 动作一:把篮子放在桌子上。<br> 动作二:会打开电视看回电视。<br> 动作三:会试穿小熊的衣服。……<br> 同学们觉得还可以添加哪些动作或者情节呢?请小组讨论,得出合理动作或情节。<br>描述故事情节三:三只熊回来后,当他们发现发生的这一切时,除了课本上提到的小熊发现自己的碗里没食物了,椅子碎了,然后哭喊的情景之外,熊爸爸和熊妈妈的反应呢?当他们走进卧室,小熊指着金凤花的时候,熊爸爸和熊妈妈会怎么做?当金凤花醒来的时候,发现三只熊围着自己,她会是什么表情,又会做什么才能逃出小屋?请你展开想像,当时的情景是什么?<br>情景一:熊爸爸和熊妈妈到处寻找这个创入他们家的人,熊妈妈首先检查她们家的物品有没有丢,当看到金凤花的时候,三只熊非常愤怒,金凤花醒来后,向他们说抱歉,请求他们原谅她的时候,他们选择了原谅,金凤花因为太害怕了所跳下了床,篮子也没拿就跑出了小房子,并且牢记这个教训,再也没有再到森林里散步了,也再也不会私闯别人的家了。<br>情景一:熊爸爸和熊妈妈非要送金凤花去警察局,金凤花吓的大哭,并请求原谅,小熊也替金凤花求情,最后熊爸和熊妈原谅了金凤花。<br>同学们觉得还会有什么情景呢?<br>请同学们针对我们创设的情景展开想像的翅膀,大胆编写我们的剧本!<br> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ed2308">四中初中部秦爱玲老师班级的《Lost and found office》课本剧视频</font></h1> 学生的《Lost and found office》课本剧一个剧本<br>题目:Lost and found office<br>场景:In a small house in the forest<br>角色:人物: 小兔Lucy 小猪Mike 小狗Pete 工作人员Personnel <br><br>(人物: 小兔Lucy 小猪Mike 小狗Pete 工作人员Personnel <br>开场白:Lucy goes to New York with her friends. The park is beautiful.<br>场景一(in the park)<br>Lucy and her friends are playing in New York, but Lucy lost her camera.<br>Lucy:The flowers in the park are so beautiful! I want to take a picture with my camera.(转身翻包找相机)<br>Mike:Yes, it's beautiful. It's……(被打断)<br>Lucy:(一边翻找相机,一边焦急的说)Oh no!I lost my camera!What should I do?<br>Pete:Don't worry, we can go to the lost and found office.<br>Lucy and Mike:Ah, OK.<br>(去失物招领处)<br><br> 场景二(in lost and found office)<br>They went to the lost and found office in New York,And talk with<br>Personnel .<br>Personnel:What can I do for you?<br>Pete:(指了指Lucy)We lost our camera. Let's find it.<br>Personnel:OK, come with me.<br>Lucy,Mike and Pete:Ok.(跟着工作人员走)<br>Personnel:(看向Lucy)What does your camera look like?<br>Lucy:It's black and white with my name on it.<br>Personnel:Black and white…… Let me look for it. Look! I found it.<br>(看见上面有名字)It's yours. Here you are.(递给Lucy)<br>Lucy:(接过)Oh, thank you.<br>Personnel:You are welcome.<br>Mike:Can we visit here?<br>Personnel:Certainly.Let's go.<br>Pete:What a big place!<br>Mike:Yes. And there are a lot of people.<br>Personnel:We can pick up a lot of things every day.<br>Lucy:(指向旁边的架子)Look, there are many animals there.<br>Mike:And a lot of sausages.<br>Pete:There's everything here!<br>场景三<br>Personnel:End of visit, bye.<br>Children:Bye.<br>Lucy:There are so many people who have lost things.<br>Mike:Yes. Thanks to the lost and found office.<br>Pete:So, please take care of your things from now on.<br>Lucy:The trip is over let's go.<br>Pete:Ok.<br>Mike:Wait a minute.Lucy, where's your camera?<br>Lucy:My camera……(翻包找)<br>Pete:You put it in the lost and found.<br>Lucy:Yes.(跑进失物招领处)<br>Mike and Pete:Ha ha……<br><br><br>(背景音乐响起,同学们用简单的舞蹈结束)<br><br>词汇碰碰撞:<br>本模块词汇:camera, phone, mobile phone, lost and found office, in a hurry, leave, plane, taxi, why, airport, hundreds of, look for, thousand, strange, boat, duck.<br><br> <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">向阳中学张晓娜老师班级的 Lost and Found 《失物招领》课本剧视频</span></p> Lost and Found 失物招领<br> 高密市向阳中学 初一、13班<br>道具:大箱子 手提包 两本本子 录音带 草莓香型护手霜 手表 手套 彩笔 手机 钱包 公文包 音响(放铃声)<br>(Narrator: The new term begins. The Students from class 13, grade 7, return to school after the holiday. But last term they left many things in the class lost-and-found box . Now,they are looking for their things. Let's take a look!)<br>(旁白:在向阳中学里,新学期开学了。七年级十三班的各位同学来到了校园。但是在班级失物招领箱里有着他们上个学期落在学校的东西。他们正在寻找他们的东西。让我们一起来看看吧!)<br>Teacher: Welcome back to school, everyone! Wish you have a happy study life in the new term. But first of all, come and look in the lost and found box! There are a lot of things that you lost last term. Li Yun ,please bring the lost and found box.<br>老师:哦,欢迎各位同学回到学校。祝愿你们能拥有美好的一学期的学习生活。但是首先,同学们丢了不少东西。李云,你把失物招领箱搬来。<br>Li Yun :OK!<br>李云:好的。<br>(Narrator: Suddenly ,Li Yun drops the box on the ground by accident. )<br>(旁白:突然,李云不小心将箱子掉在了地上)<br>Teacher:Be careful ,Li Yun!<br>老师:嘿,小心一点,李云!<br>Li Yun:oh ,sorry!<br>李云:哦,对不起。<br>Teacher:Never mind.<br>老师:没事。<br>(Narrator: The teacher puts the box on the desk. )<br>(旁白:老师将箱子放在了桌子上)<br>Teacher :There are a lot of things in it .Whose handbag is this? <br>老师:这里面有很多东西。这是谁的手提包呢?<br>(Narrator: the teacher takes a handbag out of the box)<br>(旁白:老师从箱子里拿出了一个手提包。)<br>Xiao Hua: Oh, sorry! it' s mine. Is my notebook there too?<br>小花:哦,对不起!这个手提包是我的。我的本子也在里面吗?<br>Teacher: Are these two notebooks yours?<br>老师:这两本本子是你的吗?<br>Xiao Hua: Yes! Here is my name .thank you!<br>小花:是的。这里有我的名字,谢谢你。<br>Teacher: Whose tape is this? Its name is The Blue Danube.<br>老师:这个录音带是谁的?它的名字是《蓝色多瑙河》。<br>(Narrator:Wang Jun comes in a hurry.)<br>(旁白:王军匆匆的走过来)<br>Wang Jun: It's mine. Thank you, teacher!<br>王军:是我的。谢谢老师!<br>Teacher: Whose is this bottle of hand cream? It has a strawberry flavor.<br>老师:这瓶护手霜是谁的?它是草莓香型的。<br>Lin Fang: Oh, that's mine. I've been looking for it for a long time. Thank you.<br>林芳:哦,那个是我的。我找它找了很久了,谢谢。<br>(Narrator: At this moment, Xiao Er walks in slowly.)<br>(旁白:这时,小二同学慢步走了进来。)<br>Xiao Er: Sorry , I'm late. May I come in?<br>小二:对不起,我迟到了。我可以进来吗?<br>Teacher: Why are you late ,Xiao Er? Don't you know what time it is? It’s already 8:30!<br>老师:小二!你为什么迟到了?你难道不知道现在几点了?都8:30了!<br>(Narrator: Xiao Er hesitats for a long time before he gives the reason.)<br>(旁白:小二同学支支吾吾了半天才说出了理由。)<br>Xiao Er: B ..,because of that sign...<br>小二:因,因为那个标志……<br>Teacher: What sign?<br>老师:什么标志?<br>Xiao Er: The sign that says "School ahead, go slowly please"...<br>小二:那个写着“前方是学校,请慢行”的标志……<br>Teacher: You ……uh!<br>老师:你……啊!<br>(Narrator :The teacher covers her forehead. She is very angry and can’t speak.)<br>(老师捂着额头,她不仅生气而且很无语)<br>Teacher; Well ,I won’t punish you. But did you lose anything?<br>老师:行了,也不罚你。你有什么东西丢了吗?<br>Xiao Er: Nothing, thanks!<br>小二:没有,谢谢。<br>Teacher: Then, Xiao Ming ,have you lost anything?<br>老师:那么小明,你有什么东西丢了吗?<br>Xiao Ming: I have lost my watch.<br>小明:我丢了一块手表。<br>Teacher; Is this yours?<br>老师:这个是你的吗?<br>Xiao Ming: Yes ,thanks!<br>小明:是的,谢谢。<br>(Narrator: The teacher takes out a pair of gloves.)<br>(旁白:老师又拿出了一双手套)<br>Teacher: Wang Jun ,is this pair of gloves yours?<br>老师:王军,这双手套是你的吗?<br>Wang Jun: It is not mine . They should be Li Yun’s.<br>王军:不是。它应该是李云的吧。<br>Li Yun :Well that is mine .Thanks a lot!<br>李云:嗯,那是我的,谢谢。<br>Teacher: Whose crayons are these?<br>老师:这套彩笔是谁的?<br>Xiao Hua: Wait a minute! Oh , It’s mine! Thank you ,teacher!<br>小花:稍等,噢,它是我的,谢谢老师!<br>Teacher: OK! But whose phone is this? I think I have to call his parents in!<br>老师:好的。那么这个手机是谁的呢?我觉得他需要叫家长了!<br>(Narrator: At this time ,the director walks in with a briefcase.)<br>(旁白:这时,主任提着公文包走了进来。)<br>Director: Hey ,I am afraid there is no need to call the parents. <br>主任:嘿,我觉得手机的主人不用叫家长了。<br>All the people: Why?<br>老师学生一起说;为什么?<br>Director: Because that’s mine.<br>主任:因为那是我的。<br>(Then the director phones and walks out of the classroom )<br>(然后主任打着电话走出了教室)<br>Teacher: Lin Fang, please remove this box.<br>老师:林芳,请搬走这个箱子。<br>Lin Fang: OK!<br>林芳:好的!<br>Teacher; Everyone ,please be careful with your things from now on.<br>老师:同学们,从现在开始请小心保管你们的物品。<br>Lin Fang: Here is a purple wallet. Whose wallet is it?<br>林芳:这儿有一个紫色的钱包,他们是谁的钱包?<br>Teacher: Um ,let me see....oh ! It’s mine! Thank you!<br>老师:嗯,让我看看……哦,这是我的钱包,谢谢你!<br>Lin Fang: You’re welcome<br>林芳:不客气。<br>〔这时上课铃响了,由旁白放铃声〕<br>Teacher; It’s time for class !I will ask your English teacher to come. Good bye<br>老师:好了同学们,要上课了,我去叫你们的英语老师,再见!<br>Students: goodbye ,teacher!<br>所有人(除了旁白、老师和主任以外):老师再见!<br><br> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ed2308">康庄王慧老师的八年级下册Module 10 On the radio 课本剧视频第一段</font></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ed2308">康庄王慧老师的八年级下册Module 10 On the radio 课本剧视频第二段</font></h1> 八年级下册Module 10 On the radio 课本剧剧本<br>康庄学校 王慧<br>Narrator:Tony,Jack and Lily are middle school students.This week,they have learnt something about radio on their English class,they are all very interested in radio,so on Saturday,they came to Gaomi radio station to learn more about radio.<br>Director: Hello,everyone. Welcome to Gaomi radio station. I'm the radio director.<br>Tony : Hello,I'm Tony. Nice to meet you.<br>Jack: Hello,I'm Jack. Nice to meet you.<br>Lily: I'm Lily,glad to see you.<br>Tony:We are come here to learn something about radio,we are interested in radio.<br>Director:OK,now let me show you around and introduce our daily work to you. <br>All:Thank you.<br>Director: Come with me please!<br>Jack:It's really kind of you to show us around. <br>Tony:I feel excited when I come in this station. <br>Director:Come this way,this is the newsroom. We collect the latest national and international news and write reports here. <br>Tony:This is a very busy department.<br>Lily:What about the spot news?<br>D:Usually,reporters will do face- to- face interviews with the famous people. When reporters return,they type their stories into the computer and hand them into the news editor. <br>Jack:What about the weather report?<br>Director:The weather information is provided by Weather Bureau. We arrange the information the night before.<br>Tony:Oh,I know,weather report must be broadcasted in time. <br>Lily:From the weather report, people can decide whether they need an umbrella or a sweater the next day.<br>D:You're all right .Here is the weather report room. Let's watch a weather forecast. When the red light is on,it means we're on air. We should avoid making any noise in the background. <br>All: OK.<br>【Weather Forecast :<br>Presenter:Let's take a look at the weather in Gaomi for the next 24 hours. Gaomi would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from 5 to 18. In the morning, the temperature is very low so you should add the more clothes if going out .A strong wind would reach Gaomi at night , which could cause much rain.So don’t go out at night. 】<br><br>Tony:That's interesting. I think I want to be a member of radio station. How can I become a presenter. I think you need to speak English really well,so keep studying and I hope that you can join us one day. <br>Lily:What about the sports news?<br>Director: That's over there,and it is where we do interviews with the big sports stars. Let's watch the presenter. Remember what I said : we need to keep quiet if the red light is on.<br>【Presenter: Finally,we’ve just heard that Germany has won the football match 2-1 against England. 】<br>Jack:Hey,that's great news!<br>Tony:No, it's awful news!<br>All:Ssh!<br>Jack:I have always loved music.Is there a music radio?<br>Director:Yes,of course! See here.<br><br>【Music studio:<br>Venus: Hello everyone,this is the Millions Radio Station . We are happy to see you again.<br>Helen: The Millions radio is beginning now.I invite you to come in this part and play actively.<br>(Freetalk)<br> Venus: Helen,Why you look so excited today? What happened?<br> Helen: I went to see concert last week! I saw many stars, can you guess who are they ? <br> Venus: SUNSHINE?<br> Helen: Come on! It’s impossible! In Fact, I saw Mr Young last week! Have you ever heard of him?<br> Venus:Oh ( wait 3 seconds) I don’t know...】<br><br>Jack:Wow,that's interesting. May I have a try?<br>Director:Of course. Let's do a sound check first. The purpose is to check your sound level.<br>Director:What did you do last night?<br>Jack:I did my homework first. Then I listened to music of my favorite singers. <br>Director:OK,that's great. Now let's begin.<br>【Sing a song in the music studio.】<br>Jack:I feel nice. It's so cool to sing in a radio. <br>Tony:Oh,it's time for lunch. I think we should go now. <br>All: Thank you very much. See you next time.<br>Director: It’s my pleasure, see you next time.<br>Narrator:To do a job well ,we should work hard and practise more .Now,Ton,Jack and Lily know more about radio .In order to make their dream come true ,they should keep studying and do well in every subject.That’s all for today, thank you!<br>词汇:<br>【本模块词汇】:director 导演,主管,经理;show引领;带领; around 到处;向各处 ; avoid 避免;防止 ; background 背景;后景 ;national国家的;国内的; international 国际的;世界的 ;presenter 主持人; interview 采访;访谈;采访 ; studio 录音室;录制室;purpose 意图;目的;<br>【课标词汇】:interested 感兴趣的;introduce介绍;station 站,站台;excited 兴奋的;provide 提供;invite 邀请;pleasure 愉悦;cause造成,导致; impossible 不可能;<br>【扩展词汇】reporter 记者; broadcast 播送; department 部门;weather bureau 气象局<br> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ed2308">康庄学校八年级课本剧总结</font></h1>托尔斯泰说过,成功的教育所需要的不是强制而是调动学生的积极性采用。课本剧充分利用形象、具体、生动的排演将学生引入妙趣横生的英语世界让学生充分享受到学习英语的乐趣,将“学会”变为“会学”,由“要我学”变为“我要学”。在编剧的过程中,遇到困难时,学生现在想到的是查字典、上网搜索、向老师寻求帮助、小组合作解决,再也不是将问题扔到一边“高高挂起”。<br>在编排课本剧的过程中,学生能理解一些简单的生活哲理,懂得人生的道理,陶冶情操,提高了文化修养,丰富生活阅历,在潜移默化中受到道德情操方面的熏陶。<br>为了演好课本剧,学生有目的的去听去表演,通过表演获得成就感,在浓厚的兴趣中为表演好课本剧加强英语学习,从而增强学好英语的信心。<br>课本句中生动的情节情,丰富的情感能吸引学生进入学习情境,课本剧中生动的口语,滑稽形象的肢体语言是学生在轻松愉快的氛围中自然而然地理解短剧内容,极大地激发学生的表现欲。丹麦语言学家杰斯帕森也曾说过,教好外语的首要条件是尽可能让学生接触外语,对于英语的学习我们不能只局限于英语课,而应扩展到日常生活中组织形式多样的课外活动,如此才能使学生的英语交际能力得到持续发展。<br>为了提高学生学习英语的积极性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提升语言综合运用能力,康庄学校英语组将认真落实教科院文件精神,将英语课本剧工作落到实处,让课本局剧在英语课堂上生根发芽,遍地开花。<br><br> 愿我们的英语课本剧课程在我们的努力下真正的落地生根、枝繁叶茂!期待中……