DC Today - 今日华府

YL168 摄影

<p>全副武装, 鼓足勇气,见证历史。今日动乱中的DC under Pandemic and BLM。本篇不代表个人位场,只是记录历史! Not a political post only documenting history. God Bless America!</p> <p>Protesters </p> <p>Polices, and the building behind the fence is the St. John's Episcopal Church where Trump hold a bible. </p> <p>A police line around the church. 都穿黑警服,每隔十米一个。Keep social distancing</p> Lafayette square are all fenced. <p>White house and Lafayette square Andrew Jackson statue </p> Polices are watching on at side <p>BLM Plaza - 那段地上写有巨大Black Lives Matter 的大街</p> <p>上板的店铺成壁画墙</p> <p>BLM Plaza</p> feel like a street fair <p>抗议者和警察对峙。</p> <p>沿街商铺上板了</p> <p>警车停在马路中央。阻止交通</p> <p>随时带命。。。</p> <p>随时准备着 a line of police cruisers</p> Starbucks boarded <p>昔日的旅游正点,现在几乎无人</p> <p>宾夕法尼亚大道</p> Outdoor Dinning Only <p>骑车的人不少。</p> <p>A bus stop</p> The Washington Monument is still beautiful !