<p>清英:2B-U11 rain rain go away</p><p>辅助阅读:中文百科全书,科二Down comes the rain,神奇校车中文版《水的故事》&英文版wet all over(a book about the water cycle)</p><p>复述:restarting..中午自己边玩边复述了第一集,pass!晚上让用玩偶表演,自己选了第二集,平时没怎么关注粉猪听力,自己竟然听到了第四季😓前面的基本没怎么听,所以第二集基本忘了五分之一,扎实做复述吧……</p><p>理解阅读:牛六-七6本</p><p>独立阅读:海中4本+牛三6本</p><p>数学:20以内加减法各10道,思维课“对称拼搭”</p><p>写字:英文字母MNO发音+书写</p><p>钢琴:1小时</p><p>围棋:俩月放羊后,今天跟爸爸用大棋盘,娃赢</p> <p>·<b>rain</b></p><p>rain is the liquid water in the form of droplets that have considered from atmospheric water vapor and then becomes heavy enough to fall. Rain is a major component of the water cycle and is responsible for depositing most of the fresh water on the earth.</p><p>•<b>rainbow</b></p><p>A rainbow is caused by reflection, reflection and dispersion散射 of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum光谱 of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicolored circular arc圆弧.</p><p>rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.</p> <p><b>Part1: cartoon and songs</b></p><p>key words: wind blows, outside(inside), go away, another, wants to play</p> <p><b>Part2: Retell the story</b></p><p>刚午休醒来,不在状态的娃</p> <p><b>Part3: Game</b></p><p><b><span class="ql-cursor"></span> wind, thunder and rain</b></p> <p><b>Part4: Experiment</b></p><p><b>How to make rain at home?</b></p> <p><b>Part5: Supplementary</b></p><p>•<b>The water cycle</b></p><p>The water cycle, also known as the hydrological, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the earth. </p><p><b>1.Evaporation.</b> the sun heats the water on the surface of the ocean and seas(liquid water) and the water evaporates.</p><p><b>2.condensation.</b> the water vapor(has water) rise up, it cools and forms the clouds(small drops of liquid water).</p><p><b>3.precipitation.</b> the wind moves the clouds. whenthe clouds are cold it rains(liquid water). when the clouds are very very cold it snows or hails(solid water).</p><p><b>4.collection.</b> the rain wets the soil. some water filter to create ground water and some water forms the rivers that end up in the ocean and seas. the cycle starts again。</p> <p><b>water circulation 水循环</b></p><p>地球上不同的地方上的水,通过吸收太阳的能量,改变状态到地球上另外一个地方。例如地面的水分被太阳蒸发成为空气中的水蒸气。水在地球的状态包括固态、液态和气态。而地球中的水多数存在于大气层、地面、地底、湖泊、河流及海洋中。水会通过一些物理作用,例如:蒸发、降水、渗透、表面的流动和地底流动等,由一个地方移动到另一个地方。如水由河川流动至海洋。</p><p>水循环是多环节的自然过程,全球性的水循环涉及蒸发、大气水分输送、地表水和地下水循环以及多种形式的水量贮蓄降水、蒸发和径流是水循环过程的三个最主要环节,这三者构成的水循环途径决定着全球的水量平衡,也决定着一个地区的水资源总量。</p><p>蒸发是水循环中最重要的环节之一。由蒸发产生的水汽进入大气并随大气活动而运动。大气中的水汽主要来自海洋,一部分还来自大陆表面的蒸散发。大气层中水汽的循环是蒸发-凝结-降水-蒸发的周而复始的过程。海洋上空的水汽可被输送到陆地上空凝结降水,称为外来水汽降水;大陆上空的水汽直接凝结降水,称内部水汽降水。一地总降水量与外来水汽降水量的比值称该地的水分循环系数。全球的大气水分交换的周期为10天。在水循环中水汽输送是最活跃的环节之一。</p> <p>中英对比的情况下,重新学习了对三种类型的降雨原因。</p><p>关于冷锋和暖锋,老母亲边看百科边努力回忆中学地理知识,问娃能看懂吗,人家自己看的认真以至于听不见我说话,好吧,您继续……</p> <p><b>Reading</b>:</p>