【端午节】万乐思学V-Learn小西妈双语工程1910期125号Celine打卡 D57


<p>2020.6.25 Dragon boat festival</p><p><br></p><p>音频:1B情景故事,Peppa pig S1, 本月古诗听单</p><p>视频:Peppa pig,清汉第四册-端午节,端午相关视频</p><p>古诗:李白《古朗月行》,罗隐《蜂》</p><p>中文阅读:清汉第四册,笑背唐诗,神奇校车</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><i>Celebrating the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival with Kids</i></b></p><p>The <b>Chinese Dragon Boat Festival</b> is a holiday celebrated in China <b>on the 5th day of the 5th month </b>in the <b>Chinese Lunar Calendar</b>! This year it falls on Jun 25th. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated to <b>commemorate Qu Yuan</b>, the great ideologist/ˌaɪdɪ'ɑlədʒɪst/思想家, diplomat and reformer in ancient China. His influence has left its mark on many generations in China and beyond.</p><p>The festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat, racing to reach the finish. This year you can participate too! You can make your own dragon boats out of paper, as you learn more about this traditional holiday that has been celebrated over 2,000 years.</p><p><br></p><p>端午节是中国农历五月初五的一个节日。今年是6月25日。端午节是为了纪念中国古代伟大的思想家、外交家和改革家屈原。他的影响给中国和世界上许多代人留下了印记。端午节的庆祝活动是龙舟比赛的形状为龙。比赛的队伍随着鼓点划着他们的船前进,比赛到达终点。今年你也可以参加, 做一个属于你自己的龙舟吧!</p><p><br></p><p><u>Supplies:</u></p><p>Sheet of sturdy cardstock (12×12)</p><p>Dragon head printable</p><p>6 straws</p><p>Scrap paper for <b>paddles桨叶,船桨</b></p><p>Tape</p><p>Markers or crayons</p><p>Glue stick</p><p>Hole punch打孔机</p> <p><u>Instructions:</u></p><p>Step 1: Grab your 12×12 square of cardstock.</p><p>Step 2: Fold the cardstock in half so that fold is on the bottom.</p><p>Step 3: Fold it in half again, then open back up to form a <b>crease</b>/kriːs/<b>折痕</b> in the middle.</p><p>Step 4: Fold the bottom corners in.</p><p>Step 5: Fold the first layer of top corners in.</p><p>Step 6: Turn it over.</p><p>Step 7: Fold the top corners down.</p><p>Step 8: Fold the flap down.</p><p>Step 9: Turn it over and fold the other flap down. Secure flaps with glue stick.</p> <p>Now you have a finished boat that you can decorate!</p> <p>The boats typically are decorated to look like dragon scales. This can be done with any art medium you would like such as crayons, markers or paint. I used a round stencil brush and craft paint.</p> <p>Cut out two dragon heads (you can find a free printable dragon head here) and color them exactly the same. They will be mirror images of each other on the boat. Glue them to the tip of both sides of the boat.</p> <p>Using a hole punch, punch 3 holes into each side of the boat. Insert straws into the holes. I trimmed mine down to fit.</p> <p>Cut out paddles out of scrap paper and tape these to the straws.</p> <p>Once all of the oars/paddles have been added, your boat will now stand on it’s own!</p> <p>打印🐲头忘了调整左右方向,涂好色傻了,还好机智,就做个独特两头的龙舟吧🤪</p> <p><b>端午美食:</b></p><p>宝贝一早很想吃红糖糍粑,于是乎,端午糍粑出炉…好吃的糍粑前面几步都很完美,偏偏最后一步顾着拍了张照片,稍不留神有点烤糊了,好气哦🙇🏻‍♀️</p> <p>复习:</p><p>找出了小时候买的英语词汇大全,正好拿来复习最近学习的内容,很棒的书。</p> <p>古诗学习:</p><p>好喜欢婷婷念古诗里婷婷姐姐给《古朗月行》这首诗的配乐,母女俩一听便欲罢不能的无限循环起来。虽然这首诗16句真的很长,充满了有趣的神话故事,李白不愧是最爱讲故事的诗仙!</p>









