<p>理解性阅读:牛津3四本,4一本;海尼曼中四本;</p><p>绘本:Papa,please get a moon for me!</p><p>Video:Peppa Pig</p><p>Audio:看/读/玩什么就听什么</p><p>汉语:第三册第2-5单元</p><p>中文绘本:3本</p> <b>FT-Go fishing</b> <p><b>1️⃣What we need</b></p> <p>钓鱼竿 fishing rod [rɑd] fishing pole</p><p>鱼饵 bait [beit]</p><p>鱼钩 hook [hʊk]</p><p>渔网 fishing net</p> <p><b>2️⃣Buy some bait</b></p> <p>Let's go fishing. 我们去钓鱼吧!</p><p>Do you like fishing?</p><p>When can we go fishing?/Where can we go fishing?</p><p>Then how about going fishing?</p><p>I can go fishing. /I go fishing every weekend</p><p>Well, can you come fishing with me tomorrow?</p><p>I like fishing with my friends.</p><p>So I can go fishing with Dad today . I will go fishing with my father.</p><p>I loved to go fishing with my dad.</p><p>Oh, yes! I cannot wait to go fishing, again!</p><p>You can go fishing there. </p><p>Take your fishing poles. Try not to <b>tangle up</b> the lines.</p><p>带上你的鱼竿。尽量不要把线缠住了</p><p>We need some worms.</p><p>我们需要一些虫子</p><p>Maybe we should go to the bait and tackle store to buy some.</p><p>也许我们要去⻥鱼饵和钓具商店买一些。</p> <p><b>3️⃣Find out what kind of fish are common in nearby fishing spots.</b></p> <p>家附近主要就是池塘,池塘里主要有:草鱼,鲫鱼,鲶鱼。What does fish eat?昂刺鱼,鲫鱼,吃蚯蚓;黑鱼吃青蛙;</p> <p>Freshwater Bait</p><p>Good natural freshwater fishing baits include worms, leeches, minnows, crayfish, crickets and grasshoppers. Freshwater bottom-feeders like catfish and carp are also attracted to cut fishing baits (cut-up bait fish) and prepared baits called dough balls.</p> <b>What lives in a pond?</b><div><b><br></b></div><br> <p><b>3️⃣Select a Fishing Spot</b></p> Where can we go fishing?<div>We can go to the river/pond/lake/ocean.<br> Let’s go to the river which is near our house</div><div>I find a great place to fish.<br>我找到一个钓鱼的好地方。<br></div> <p><b>4️⃣Fishing steps</b></p> <p>Great!<b>Let’s put bait on the hook for the fish to bite.</b></p><p>太好了!我们把鱼饵放在⻥鱼钩上给⻥鱼咬。</p><p>Be careful or you might stick yourself.</p><p>小心点,不然你会勾着自己的。I am afraid you might get hurt. Let Daddy help you!</p> <b>Toss the hook into the pond .</b><br>把鱼钩扔进池塘。<br>When the fish bites the bait, It gets stuck on the hook!<br>当鱼咬饵时,它就卡在钩上了。<br> <br><b>Then the most important is waiting and staring the float. </b><div>When a fish nibbles the hook, the float bobs.</div><div>I can’t catch any fish. 我一条⻥鱼也抓不不到。<br>Please be patient while fishing.<br>钓鱼时要有耐⼼心。<br>Sit down over here and keep silent. or you'll scare the fish away.<br>坐在这儿,别出声否则你会把鱼吓跑的。<br><br></div> <b>At last you should lit up the fishing pole as quickly as you can. </b><div>My hook is caught on something.<br></div><div>我的钩在什么东西上了。<br>Maybe the fish is pulling on the line.<br>也许是鱼在拉线。<br>It's wiggling around and blending your poles.<br>它到处摆动着,把你的鱼竿都弯了<br></div> <p>Hooray. We have caught a fish. Let’s enjoy our fish dinner.</p><p>太好了,我们抓到鱼了。让我们来享用晚餐吧。</p> <p><b>5️⃣Lifecycle of a fish</b></p>