

<p>1.❤️Listening:</p><p>清华幼儿英语0b 情景故事,儿歌</p><p>清华幼儿汉语1</p><p>2.💛Reading:</p><p>如图</p><p>3.💚Video:</p><p>清华幼儿英语0b u10—11</p><p>4.💙游戏:</p><p>👩</p> <p>Game 2: Moving Slowly</p><p>“Tortoises are famous for moving slowly.”</p><p>1. 家长展示头饰,让宝贝自己选择当乌龟还是蜗牛</p><p>P: Look, turtle and snail. Whom do you want to be? K: Turtle. P: OK, you are a turtle. Wear this(给宝贝带头饰).</p><p>2. 让宝贝选择自己想要的壳</p><p>P: There are several shells. Which one do you like? K: This one. P: OK, this is your shell.</p><p>P&amp;K: “This is the turtle...”(边唱边戴) P: I'm a snail.</p><p>3. 家长拿出几个玩偶,告诉宝贝任务是一起运送玩偶 P: Look, there are some animals. Let's carry them to the bin/bucket/basket.</p><p>4. 家长往宝贝后背上放一个玩偶,叮嘱宝贝要慢</p><p>P: I put a duck on your back. Remember, don't drop it. So you should crawl slowly just like a turtle. Like this.</p><p>6. 开始运送玩偶, 边唱儿歌边慢慢爬</p><p>P: OK, we are ready now. Let's go. “This is the turtle...”</p><p>安全送到/中间掉了</p><p>P: Slowly, slowly. Put it into the bin. You did a great job!/ It doesn't matter. Try again/ Oh, it hurts...(家长扮演小动物表演哭,演擦伤,治疗伤口)</p><p><br></p><p>家里没有小的玩偶了,用的史迪仔比背还大,风一样的男子让他慢慢来还不适应,每次都只想跑</p> <p><br></p><p>Game 3: Take a Walk</p><p>1. 家长扮演蜗牛(用的这个玩具箱子的盖子当壳),在雨中的叶子(绿色的单子) 上散步(蹲着走)</p><p>P: Hello! I’m a snail. I’m a snail. I have a shell. I have a pretty shell.</p><p>I can hide in my shell. Look, I can be-bop, be-bop. Hide my head well. Oh! It's raining outside. (自己拿喷壶喷点水)I like rain.</p><p>I want to take a walk/stroll on the leaf.</p><p>“This is the snail. Hide in a shell. /Take a walk/Walk on the leaf. Be-bop, be-bop, be-bop, be-bop. Hide the head well.”</p><p>2. 家长让宝贝当蜗牛</p><p>P: Do you want to be a snail? Taking a walk on the leaf? K: Yes. P: You are a snail now.</p><p>P &amp; K: “This is the snail. Hide in a shell. / Take a walk/Walk on the leaf. Be-bop, be-bop, be-bop, be-bop. Hide the head well.”</p><p>3. 每当唱到hide the head well 的时候,家长拿气锤 砸向宝贝(或者敲他前面的地面), 宝贝本能地把头缩到盆里</p><p>P: Hide the head well! The shell protects your head. Come out. I won't hit you now. P &amp; K: “This is the snail. Taking a walk/Walking on the grass.</p><p>Be-bop, be-bop, be-bop, be-bop. Hide the head well.”</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Tip:可互换角色,Now, I will take a walk. You grab the hammer.没有气锤,用靠垫代替</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>Game 4: The Crocodile is Coming</p><p>1. 家长和宝贝当乌龟在水里游泳(纱巾当壳)</p><p>P: I'm a turtle.</p><p>K: I'm a turtle too. P: We are turtles.</p><p>There is a river. Let's swim. Follow me.</p><p>P &amp; K: “This is the turtle. Hide in a shell./Swim in the river. Be-bop, be-bop, be-bop, be-bop. Hide the head well.” (边唱边游到另外一个屋子里)</p><p>2. 家长提前在地上摆好食物道具</p><p>P: Wow, fish and algae (the plants that grow in water). I like eating them. Let's take them to home.(开始捡)</p><p>P &amp; K: “This is the turtle. Hide in a shell...” (边捡边唱)</p><p>3. 家长变身鳄鱼,要吃宝贝,宝贝将纱巾翻到头上,蹲下藏好</p><p>P: Look, I'm a crocodile now. I'm a crocodile(做手势).</p><p>I want to eat you! Hide your head well. “This is the turtle. Hide in a shell...” (家长边唱儿歌边绕着宝贝走 )</p><p>4. 鳄鱼假装睡觉,宝贝再次出来捡食物</p><p>P: I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I'll take a nap. “Little croc...”(打呼噜)</p><p>(小声提醒宝贝Little turtle, you can come out and pick up the food.) K: “This is the turtle. Hide in a shell...”</p><p>5. 鳄鱼醒来,要吃海龟</p><p>P: Turtle. I'll eat you! Hide your head well. “This is the turtle. Hide in a shell...” (围绕宝贝唱歌)It's “hard” (可以敲两下).The shell protects you. </p><p>6. 宝贝最后把食物都捡起来了,游回了家(另外一个房间)</p><p>P: Swim to your home now and eat your fish and algae. K: Yummy!</p> <p>Game 5: Paper Bowl Turtle</p><p>Materials:Green paper, Large paper bowl, Paint Crayons, String Paint brush White glue Scissors Pencil</p><p>1. 给宝贝看看这个成品图片 P: Look, what's this? K: Turtle.</p><p>P: Do you want to make this turtle? K: Yes.</p><p>2. 在纸上画海龟的身体</p><p>P: First, let's trace(描绘) the outline(轮廓) of a paper bowl's rim (边沿)on the paper. Do you want to try it? Grab the pencil.</p><p>3. 画头和四肢 P: Draw a turtle's head (on top of the circle), a tail (at the bottom), and (two pairs of ) legs (along the sides)./Can you draw a head here?</p><p>4. 剪下海龟 P: Cut out the turtle outline.</p><p>5. 钻孔 P: Punch a small hole (from the rim of the paper bowl).</p><p>6. 给龟壳涂色</p><p>P: Now, let's paint the turtle's shell. You can choose the color of your turtle's shell.</p><p>总有个不按常理出牌的小孩,本来想用个绳子牵着可以遛乌龟的,结果非不要绳子,中间用盖子当身体的本来做的很立体的turtle,还没来的及拍照就被他扯掉了😓</p>









