Progress <p>年龄:3岁2个月</p><p>目前进度:</p><p>清华幼儿英语-3a Unit 2</p><p>清华幼儿汉语-汉语第一册</p> Listening <p>汉语第一册</p><p>Peppa Pig S02</p> Reading Video <p>Peppa Pig</p> Activities <p><b>Activity 1: Learning Center-3a Unit 2</b></p><p>Look at the picture, what can you see? I can see a cat, dog, mouse, flower and ladybugs. What's on the rope? Right, it's the little mouse. He is hanging on the rope. Who is holding the rope? Yes, the cat and the dog are holding the rope. They are playing tug of war. They are trying to win the mouse</p><p>What are the flowers and the ladybugs doing? Yes, they are cheering for them</p><p>Who do you think will win? I think the cat will win</p><p>Can you read the words under the picture for me? Point at each word as you read it ok?</p><p>Ok lets go to the next page. What do you see in the first picture? A turnip, yes</p><p>What color is it? Yes, it is red. Is it big or small? Yes, it's a big turnip</p><p>Can you tell me another word for big?</p><p>Large/massive</p><p>What happens in the second picture? Grandpa came to the turnip, thats right</p><p>What does he try to do? He tries to pull the turnip up from the ground</p><p>He pulls and pulls and pulls. But the turnip Is too big. He couldn't pull it up.</p><p>Next page</p><p>What happens next? Yes Grandma came to the turnip.</p><p>What does Grandpa say? He says, Grandma, come and help me!</p><p>What does Grandma do then? She helps Grandpa pull the turnip.</p><p>But, did they pull the turnip up? No! They pulled and pulled but still couldn't pull it up.</p><p>They need more help. Who do they ask to help them? Yes they ask Grandson to help them.</p><p>Who is pulling the turnip now? Grandpa, Grandma and Grandson.</p><p>But did they pull the Turnip up? No, they pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up</p><p>Ok next page, page 9</p><p>Who came next? Doggy came next.</p><p>What did he do? He helped them pull the turnip.</p><p>Did the turnip come up? No the turnip is too big</p><p>Who helped them next? Kitty helped them.</p><p>Who is pulling the turnip now? Grandpa, Grandma, Grandson, Doggy and Kitty are pulling the turnip.</p><p>What do you think happens next? Do they get it up? Yes, they get the turnip up from the ground.</p><p>Look at page 10</p><p>Have they got the turnip up? No the turnip is still in the ground.</p><p>Who comes next? Mouse comes to help them.</p><p>Who is pulling the turnip now? Grandpa, Grandma, Grandson, Doggy, Kitty and Mouse are pulling the turnip now.</p><p>Then what happens? Do they pull the turnip up?</p><p>Yes they pull the turnip up! They did it</p> <p>下一单元的也会唱的差不多了</p> <p><b>Activity 2: Little Critter and the Great Big Turnip</b></p><p>Daddy: Ok, I’m Little Critter. I will call Little Sister. Are you ready?</p><p>Zoey: Yeah.</p><p>Daddy: Wow, a big giant turnip. I want to pull it out. Little Critter pulled and pulled, but he could’t pull the turnip out. Little Sister…</p><p>Zoey: I’m coming.</p><p>Daddy: Can you help me pull the turnip? </p><p>Zoey: Yeah.</p><p>Daddy: Come help me. Ok, are you ready?</p><p>Zoey: Yeah. Pull, pull, pull the turnip. Pull with all your might. Harder, harder, don’t let it go. Hold on very tight. </p><p>Daddy: We couldn’t pull the turnip. What can we do?</p><p>Zoey: We can all the dog.</p><p>Daddy: Ok, you go and call the dog.</p><p>……</p> <p><b>Activity 3: 早读晚诵/中文Learning Center</b></p>