<p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">父亲节-2</b></p><p><br></p><p><b>视频:清华英语,粉猪</b></p><p><b>音频:清华英语,汉语第一册《虫虫飞》,婷婷唱古诗(复习)</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Make a dinosaur soap for your dad</b></p> <p><b>肥皂的由来</b></p> <p><b>STEP</b></p><p>Step 1: Organise<b> ['ɔ:gənaɪz]筹备</b>all the ingredients and equipment.</p><p>step 2 :cut the soap base.</p><p>Step 3:Melt the soap in the bowl that full of hot water until it is runny like a liquid.</p><p>Step 4: Mix in colour and fragrant [ˈfreɪɡrənt]oil精油</p><p>Step 5:Pour into soap mould模型.</p><p>Step 6:Spray the soap with alcohol <b>[ˈælkəhɔːl]酒精</b>to remove bubbles.</p><p>Step 7:Place in the refrigerator <b>[rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtər]</b>, after 1 hour soap should be ready.</p><p>Step 8: When the soap is set, gently push it out of mould</p><p>Step 9:Wrap in plastic to preserve it</p><p>Step10:When ready give it to your friends!</p> <b><font color="#ed2308">Soap facts for kids</font></b><br><b>Soap is a chemical compound resulting from the reaction of an alkali (commonly sodium or potassium hydroxide) with a fatty acid. When mixed with water during bathing or washing, they help people and clothes get clean by lowering the chance of dirt and oil to get to the skin or fabric. Soaps are made from animal fats or vegetable oils. There are two basic steps in making soap. They are called Saponification and Salting-out of soap.</b><br>Soap cleans very well in soft water. It is not toxic to water life. It can be broken down by bacteria. However, it is slightly soluble in water, so it is not often used in washing machines. It does not work well in hard water. It cannot be used in strongly acidic solutions. Hand soaps are only acidic enough to remove unwanted skin oils. For other forms of oil, Dishwashing soap is acidic enough to remove almost all forms of oil without damaging other petrolium products such as Plastic. It does not damage skin either. Soap are the metallic salts of long chain fatty acids.<br>Many soap experts say that soap can be made in many ways. Humanity has used soap-like things for at least 4000 years. The earliest recorded evidence of the making of soap-like materials dates back to around 2800 BC in Ancient Babylon. A recipe for soap having water, alkali and cassia oil was written on a Babylonian clay tablet around 2200 BC.<br>The Ebers papyrus (Egypt, 1550 BC) suggests that ancient Egyptians bathed commonly and had animal and vegetable oils with alkaline salts to make a soap-like substance. Egyptian documents say that a soap-like substance was used in the preparation of wool for weaving.<br> <p>做完恐龙肥皂,要自己洗衣服,虽然玩水的动机很明显,但是这个意识值得鼓励!</p> <h1><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Make a cake for your father</b></h1><p>炒冷饭,把上周的蛋糕素材继续拿来用。</p> <b><font color="#ed2308">Tools introduce</font></b> <div><b>1、rolling pin (擀面杖)</b></div><div>Many types of ROLLING PINS are used in the bakeshop for rolling out doughs.[doʊz]<br>擀面杖有很多种,主要用来擀各种面皮。<br><b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></div> <div><b>2、rubber spatula(橡胶刮板)[ˈrʌbər ˈspætʃələ]</b></div><div>RUBBER SPATULAS are used to scrape [skreɪp]刮掉mixtures from bowls and into baking pans or other containers, to push foods through sieves, to fold ingredients together, and to spread batters and fillings into even layers.<br>橡胶刮板通常用来将混合好的面糊从一个容器倒入另外一个容器里,可以刮到容器的圆弧处没有死角,或者在过筛的时候用来帮助按压食材,或者用来翻拌原料,还可以用来将面糊和馅料刮平整。<b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></div> <b>3、sieve (筛子)[sɪvz]</b><br>SIEVE is used for sifting flour and other dry ingredients.[ɪnˈgridiənts]原料<br>用来过筛面粉和干性原料。 <div><b>4、whisk(打蛋器)</b></div><div>WHISKS are used for whipping foams, such as whipped cream and egg foams. Also called whips.<br>打蛋器用来打泡沫,例如打发奶油和蛋液。也叫whip。<b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></div> <b>5、pastry[ˈpeɪstri] bags (裱花袋)</b><br>A cone-shaped cloth or plastic bag with an open end that can be fitted with metal or plastic tubes or tips of various shapes and sizes. Used for shaping and decorating with items such as cream and doughs.<br>裱花袋是西点制作的工具之一,制作曲奇,蛋糕裱花等等都会用到。蛋糕房拿来做蛋糕上面的装饰花用的一种袋子,多用塑料、棉质、硅胶制作。形状像三角形的一种袋子,前面的尖上剪掉一个口,然后把裱花嘴装上,再装进去鲜奶油或者面糊,就可以裱花、挤曲奇了。<br> <b>6、piping [ˈpaɪpɪŋ]tips (裱花嘴)</b><br>TIPS may have round, oval, star, or other-shaped openings. The differences in shape and diameter[daɪˈæmɪtər] permit the pastry chef to apply a wide range of both simple and complex décor to cakes and pastries.<br>裱花嘴有很多种形状,有圆形,椭圆形,星形还有其他的形状,不同的形状和直径可以使奶油或者曲奇挤出不同的形状。 <b>7、turntable (转台)</b><br>A round, flat disk that swivels[ˈswɪvlz] freely on a pedestal [ˈpedɪstl]底座base. Used for holding cakes for decorating.<br>转台是由基座和一个上面能转动的圆形平面组成,用来装裱蛋糕。裱花的时候,将蛋糕放在转台上面,边转动边操作即可。 <b>8、tongs [tɑːŋz](夹子)</b><br>Act as an extension of your thumb and forefinger to lift, turn and transfer hot food or other subjects.相当于拇指和食指的延伸,用来夹起和转移热的食物等物品。 <b>9、digital scales (电子称)[ˈdɪdʒɪtl skeɪlz] </b><br><div>DIGITAL SCALES have a platform set on an electronic base with a digital display. Scales capable [ˈkeɪpəbl]of measuring very small amounts typically have a smaller total capacity. Scales capable of weighing large amounts (more than 4 lb/1.81 kg) are less sensitive when measuring small amounts. To tare a digital scale, you press a to reset the scale to zero. Most digital scales can switch between metric and U.S. standard weight systems.</div><div>电子称有一个放物品的平台,还有显示电子数字的显示屏幕。可以称重很小量的物体。去皮称重可以按reset键归零。大部分电子称都可以切换公制和美制单位。<br><b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></div> <b>10、measuring cups and spoon (量杯量勺)</b><br>In the bakeshop, they are used to measure small amounts of certain dry ingredients, such as salt, spices, and baking soda.<br>在烘焙间,他们通常被用来称量少量的干性原料,比如盐,香料和发酵粉。 <b>11、 parchment [ˈpɑːrtʃmənt]paper (烤盘纸)</b><br>Also called baking paper or silicone paper. Treated nonstick sheets of paper, sized to fit standard sheet pans. When used to line pans, they eliminate the need for greasing the pans. Also used to make piping cones for decorative work.<br>一种不沾的纸,铺在烤盘上,可以不用刷油了。也可以用来卷成圆锥形用来做装饰工具。 <b><font color="#ed2308">procedure to make a cake</font></b> <b>prepare the ingredients and tools</b><br><b>Ingredients</b><br>do you know what we need to bake a cake?<br>we need 40g flour、40g milk、40g sugar、40g vegetable oils、lemon juice and four eggs.<br>Here are what we needed the Ingrediants to make a cake. <b>Tools</b><br>6 inch cake pan, spatula, one big bowls for egg white and one bowl for egg york, food scale, a small bowl use for measurement in food scale, a mixer (电动打蛋器) and a whisk(手动打蛋器). <b>1.混合牛奶和植物油</b><br>M:First we will use digital scales to Weigh to 40g flour、40g milk、40g sugar and 40g vegetable oils.<br>B:Can I mix ingredients together now?我现在能混合原料了吗? <br>M: Yes, that's the next step. <br>Put the milk、and vegetable oils in a bowl.<br>Whisk the ingredients for about 30 seconds. <b>2.打蛋清</b><br>M:The next part is tricky.接下来的环节是个技术活。 <br>Are you ready?你准备好了吗?<br>B:I think so.宝宝:准备好了。 <br>M: We'll need to separate the egg yolk, the yellow part from the egg whites, the clear part.<br>咱们要把蛋黄,黄色的部分,从蛋清,透明的部分里分离开。 <br>B: How do we do that?宝宝:咱们怎么做呢? <br>M:Grab two bowls and I'll show you.<br>妈妈:拿过来两个碗,我来教你。 <br>First, you partially crack the egg over a bowl.首先,在碗上把鸡蛋磕开个缝儿。<br>Once most of the clear stuff has drained into the bowl,you move the yolk back and forth between the two egg shell halves,until most of the clear stuff is in the bowl.<br>等大部分透明的都流到碗里了你在两半儿蛋壳之间来回来去晃蛋黄,直到大部分透明的都流到碗里。<br>B: What do you do with the yolk?宝宝:蛋黄怎么处理呢? <br>M: Put it in a second bowl.妈妈:把它放到第二个碗里。<br>We'll need it later.咱们一会儿会用到它。<br>Do that to four more eggs,and then we'll mix up the egg whites.<br>照这样再弄四个鸡蛋,然后咱们把蛋清混合在一起。 <br>B: This is the fun part.宝宝:这个真有意思。 <br>M:Put lemon juice into egg whites . Start beating the egg whites and keep beating them until they're frothy and bubbly.<br>妈妈:加入柠檬汁开始打鸡蛋清,一直打到它们起沫和起泡为止。<br>B: Do I keep mixing?宝宝:我要一直搅拌吗? <br>M: Yep. I'll add 1/3 cup of sugar.妈妈:对。我来加1/3杯的糖。 <br>Keep beating that mixture for another minute.把这些混合物再搅拌一分钟。<br>B: What's next?宝宝:然后呢?<br>M: Add another 1/3cup of sugar.妈妈:加入1/3杯的糖。 <br>Beat that for two minutes.打两分钟。<br>M: Add last 1/3cup of sugar.妈妈:加入最后的1/3杯的糖。 <br>Beat that for two minutes.打两分钟。<br>M:It's starting to look like cake batter.<br>妈妈:它开始有点蛋糕糊的样子了。<br> <p><b>3.混合蛋黄和面粉</b></p><p>Whisk the yolk and ingredients for two minutes.</p><p>B: What do we do with the flour?宝宝:那蛋糕粉有什么用呢? </p><p>M: Get a sieve (筛子)[sɪvz]</p><p>SIEVE is used for sifting flour and other dry ingredients.[ɪnˈgridiənts]原料</p><p>用来过筛面粉和干性原料。</p><p>and we'll carefully add the flour mixture to the egg mixture.</p><p>咱们慢慢地把蛋糕粉混合物加到鸡蛋混合物里。</p><p>Use hand mixer to beat the wet ingredients into dry ingredients.</p><p>Keep mixing until the batter is smooth and pale yellow.</p> <p><b>4.混合蛋黄和蛋白 </b></p><p>spoon part of stiff egg white mixture into the bowl with the batter base.</p><p>Hold a spatula to fold the batter base up and over the whites.</p><p>keep folding the egg whites into the base in batches.成批地</p> <b>5.烤蛋糕(Baking the chiffon cake)</b><br>Spread the batter into pan.<br>preheated oven for 10 mins.<br>put the pan into the preheated oven.<br>Bake the chiffon cake for almost 1 hour. <b>6.冷却(Remove the cake from oven. cool the cake upside down for 1 hour)</b><br>接着将蛋糕糊放入烤箱,为了保证蛋糕不开裂、不蹋腰<br>采用先低温后高温的烘焙方式,先用上下火120度烤,35分钟后转150度15分钟,直到蛋糕烤熟 <p>小黄同学做蛋糕的手艺越来越好了,估计以后我们家蛋糕都不用买了!</p> <p><b>父亲节奖杯</b></p> <p>发现最近娃很喜欢写自己的名字,但为啥是从右到左写呢</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">父女时光</b></p><p>最近买了一本乐器绘本,moon很喜欢,于是小黄同学又把他的电子琴拿出来了,希望不要三天打鱼两天晒网。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">阅读时光</b></p>